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Why are you here on PDF ? Indian Members.

necrophilia loving.. shitty forum too.

Again I will say your ABUSES have no EFFECT on BR

It is like spitting at the sky

BR is a club of close minded bigots.

No they are NOT bigots ; but yes they DO NOT tolerate Pakistani members for long

IF Pakistanis start messing up with them they are instantly thrown out
Again I will say your ABUSES have no EFFECT on BR

It is like spitting at the sky

No .. its like spitting on you.

As for no effect.. :lol: There is a good reason why indian forums are like haunted houses... nobody posts there... apart from potty mouthed indian trolls

even the mods of indiandefenceforum are the members of this forum. @Skull and Bones and @SpArK :rofl:

Penty of maggots from those forums also post here..
No .. its like spitting on you.

As for no effect.. :lol: There is a good reason why indian forums are like haunted houses... nobody posts there... apart from potty mouthed indian trolls

I dont care what you have to say to me or BR

You are welcome to read their posts ( at BR )

Did they SPIT on your application to join 8-)
You seem to be terribly angry and upset
i seriously dont need to join a gov controlled and funded sources.....no thank you i had my fair share of the indian forums and the treatment they give.

BTW i used to be a member there but i left the forum the day i saw them comparing teja with F22 back in 2009/2010:rofl:

such is the standard of that forum.
Dang...Maybe I should join and show them the errors of their ways.
There is a good reason why indian forums are like haunted houses... nobody posts there... apart from potty mouthed indian trolls

BR is purely a Technical Forum

And most Indian Defence enthusiasts are HERE :pdf: ;
so naturally Indian forums have much less visitors

Dang...Maybe I should join and show them the errors of their ways.

Please do so ; you will be a very welcome addition

That Pakistani member is LYING through his teeth
I dont care what you have to say to me or BR

You are welcome to read their posts ( at BR )

Did they SPIT on your application to join 8-)
You seem to be terribly angry and upset

No.. why would i even join shit holes? as for spittin.. na.. thats what we do on "you" guys... n you lick it ( your unhealthy obsessions n numbers on PDF are a solid proof of that).
No.. why would i even join shit holes? as for spittin.. na.. thats what we do on "you" guys... n you lick it ( your unhealthy obsessions n numbers on PDF are a solid proof of that).

First of all your application got rejected and hence it is a case of sour grapes

Secondly AS THIS thread shows that WE Indians have many different reasons
to be here

Thirdly we are a USEFUL LOT for PDF
We bring in more revenue and a better ALEXA Rating
First of all your application got rejected and hence it is a case of sour grapes

:rofl: lame fkin come back..:lol:

Secondly AS THIS thread shows that WE Indians have many different reasons
to be here


1)Unhealthy obsession with Pak
2)Inferiority complex
Thirdly we are a USEFUL LOT for PDF
We bring in more revenue and a better ALEXA Rating

So you are coming here in packs coz you want to help Pak defence forum financially? :rofl:
Bharat Rakshak? seriously:rofl:

Its the most laughable forum on the internet.
Actually no brother, it's pretty good. Sure, it has a pro India tilt. Like this has a pro Pakistan tilt. But difference is trolling is strictly banned in BR. They don't intend to be very popular either. They don't have chit chat threads, sections etc either. It's very niche, and might I say - very serious.
Still wish there was more defense and less politics,...
Politics and defense are like right and left arms, or right and left legs, or right and left ears. People like you and I are actually rarities in the general population. Most have experience in civilian politics while military members, active duty and retired, have experience in both sides and as such, there will be more activities about politics than there are about military issues, even on a military oriented forum. Politics produces people like you and I and other (former) military members here.

This forum not only survives but thrives because of the active political discussions, heated or even insulting, and the admin staff have largely a hands-off policy. I was with the Iranians for a while but the admin staff there allowed their hatred for Americans to taint their management of the forum. I had my posts altered and even deleted just because I dared to challenge Iranian claims. My friends observed and today, irandefence is a zombie of a forum. The place is populated by the same people merely repeating what each other say. Who wants to join and give alternative perspectives, especially an American perspective, when he know his comments will be deleted because a member of the admin staff went rogue ?

When CDF was created, everyone bleated the same mantra as to how it was going to be THE place for Chinese military related issues ? Now CDF is dead. Nothing but database error. Who wants to join when he knows his perspective, especially an American perspective, will be drowned by mental 12yr olds overflowed with nationalism ? As for sinusdefence, it is barely hanging on. Just like CDF, it is composed of the same people repeating the same things to each other. If it was not for the few Americans there, sinusdefence would be like CDF.

What PDF need is better policing of the many 12 yr olds that are here. It is not that difficult to spot them. You can tell who is serious just by his comments about any subject. Before expulsion, take the kid behind the virtual closed doors and give him a private counseling session. In my (less politically correct) time, it was called 'wall to wall' counseling and it was real.
You are giving more credit than what is due. It is 99.9% that are here to spew their immense hatred towards Pakistan and hellbent on taking revenge of 900 years Muslim rule in Indian subcontinent.

LMAO Have you noticed lately that most of them are here to convince us that we're somehow supposed to be Indians and part of India? Hate to burst their bubble, but we're not. We're Pakistanis. Say it to them, it hurts them.
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