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Which Fighter Jet You Would Like To See in BAF Fleet Su-30 MK2/Saab Gripen/J10 B !

Su 30 are master piece of engineering. Saab is very good at low operating cost, network centric warfare and electronics. J 10 is good for nothing except falling from sky. CHoice is of Bangladesh.
those are the indigenous engine versions...
In the long haul game, BD is underwater.

:pleasantry: Bangladesh debatably may or may not remain in present geographic location 100 years down the history lane, but The Copious Semen that Bangladeshi's have Pumped into the 7 Sisters Womb :victory1: will Give Birth to a Even Bigger and Improved 'United Federated Republic of BanglaDesh' in our Cuming Glorious Future...... :dance3::partay::dance3:

I think yesterday's thrashing wasn't enough.

You couldn't thrash a fly little kid. I just didn't want to spend way too much time on a scrub since BD subforum needs to be nurtured so there is some semblance of balance again.

Why do you think any post against me gets so many immediate thanks from the BeeDee club? Their asses are permanently sore from all the smacks they got from me :D

Oh well, I'll give you credit and guess you are referencing rising sea level due to global warming? Check the history of Bengal people. We are one of the most resilient nation on earth. We faced worse before and we'll overcome and thrive this time as well.

To survive you need friendly neighbours....so far you have done a bad job by antagonising both their border areas with your illegals.

As for your historic "resilience", that is another topic altogether....and one that is quite a sobering one indeed. No wonder everyone walks over you without a second thought.
I just didn't want to spend way too much time on a scrub since BD subforum

:cuckoo: What BULL are you trying to PULL o_O you're here in this sub-forum every minute you're awake :drag: heck even when your mom tries to find you to give you a plate of freshly fried Pakoras she doesn't even go to the basement of your house in search of you...She just logs into PDF and leave you a message to come up stares before they get cold! :jester:

:cuckoo: What BULL are you trying to PULL o_O you're here in this sub-forum every minute you're awake :drag: heck even when your mom tries to find you to give you a plate of freshly fried Pakoras she doesn't even go to the basement of your house in search of you...She just logs into PDF and leave you a message to come up stares before they get cold! :jester:


Glad you like to bring some humor at least to this subforum lol.

Continue on....its another typical joke thread anyway hehe.
I think I have proven beyond any doubt, India and Myanmar are hell holes where sane Bangladeshi don't go.

The problem is there are very few sane Bangladeshis. So the rest of your "argument" isn't worth reading. Glad you took time to type it up though....maybe use paragraphs for your echo chamber low IQ riffraff next time ok?

Now enjoy how BD people are making a name for themselves wherever they go:


Ahaha...no they dont. Bangladeshis are special low IQ types. The worst vermin found in the whole world. They can't even afford to buy the science papers that show how stupid they are from birth. Case closed.

Enjoy the eternal poverty rate and being treated like the trash you are scumbag while you think writing anything here in this echo chamber changes the reality.
alright madrassi
I bet this cad has a Bangladeshi boss who *** fucks him over time and again. The South Indian maggots have a tendency to get bitch slapped left and right by every other known race. A bunch of doormats. So, next best thing he can come up with is troll Bangladeshi forums. Sorry folks. We'll have to put up with this stinky body odor till he realizes what a cuck he is.

Bro, these madrassi trolls are like the hijras begging on the streets. The more you argue wth them, the more they will annoy you. Best to ignore them and keep the bad omen away.

@waz @Oscar @TaimiKhan
Did you ever witness such bloody racial hatred remarks? I bet you never.

May be you wants to say aeronautical engineers?

It's really funny to see these South Indians going racist when they are the victims of the worst racism all over the world, even in their own country! :rolleyes:
I think yesterday's thrashing wasn't enough. Oh well, I'll give you credit and guess you are referencing rising sea level due to global warming? Check the history of Bengal people. We are one of the most resilient nation on earth. We faced worse before and we'll overcome and thrive this time as well.
Sea level rise is actually a minor problem for a hyper-populous country like Bangladesh.We have 160 million people but only 580 km coastline.If every one of us just put a sandbag at the coast containing one cubic meter of earth,concrete etc. then we get 160 million cubic meter of materials.By this amount we can built a sea wall 10 meter high,27.5 meter wide and will cover entire length of 580 km coast. Make a four-lane marine drive way atop of it,and we will get a nice seawall cum marine driveway.So tell me how will sea defeat us 160 million people?

If entire Greenland ice sheet melt away it will rise sea level by 6 meter.Melting North polar ice will not raise sea level as it is already floating over sea.So even if entire Greenland ice sheet melt away still our hypothetical sea wall will be 4 meter high.Rising sea level is a threat for small island nation who have only few thousands inhabitants and very long coastline.So it would not be economical to put anything against sea and they may have to relocate in other countries.But for a hyper-populated country like Bangladesh? Sea have got no chance.Dutch reclaimed most of their country centuries ago with 2 million people and primitive technology.Most of their land is already below sea level.No part of Bangladesh is below sea level.Northern part of Bangladesh is 50-100 meter above sea level and southern part 1-10 meter.Chittagong hill tract and other mountainous area several hundred meter above sea level.So, no chance.:wave:
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Well, the calculation makes it look easy. Problem is, sea level rise also comes hand in hand with salt water intrusion of ground water aquifers. The rise is already making a large tract of land uncultivable because of salinity. For Bangladesh, food security is a topmost economic priority. Being the resilient country it is, people will change their livelihood, agriculture pattern. The technical term for that is, 'adaptation'. So, global warming is a concern that needs to be taken seriously but we'll come top of it In Shaa Allah.
Yes, salination is a big problem in coastal area.Salt water shrimp cultivation is making things worse.Bangladesh need to abandon this practice.We earn a few crore dollars from shrimp export,but paying a high environmental price for it.
Ahaha...no they dont. Bangladeshis are special low IQ types. The worst vermin found in the whole world. They can't even afford to buy the science papers that show how stupid they are from birth. Case closed.

Enjoy the eternal poverty rate and being treated like the trash you are scumbag while you think writing anything here in this echo chamber changes the reality.
lmao and yet bangladeshi dude managed to measure the width of a distant black hole with laser or something among other things they have been managed to do when given a oppurtunity
Already a lot of RnD going on in BD, for Saline resistant variety of crops. Our Agro scientists are very positive for a near term solution according to some reports.
lmao and yet bangladeshi dude managed to measure the width of a distant black hole with laser or something among other things they have been managed to do when given a oppurtunity

I am talking general population average....there are of course going to be outliers in any population (and I know some of the BD outliers personally who are some of the nicest and smartest people I know).

I'll tag you when I make a nice juicy post at some point when I am bothered enough about it again...showing the full spectrum of what I mean (IQ studies, income increase rate in 3rd party countries, science output, patent output etc)

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