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Which Fighter Jet You Would Like To See in BAF Fleet Su-30 MK2/Saab Gripen/J10 B !

Sweden is Sweden mainly because of the quality its human capital which ofcourse is a unique fruit of its culture No book or lesson can teach how to see things with someone else's eye.
Having 75 years of experience building fighters helps for sure.
replaced Mig-21 with J-10b.
buy 8 mig-35 to suppliment 8 old mig 29 = 1.1 deployment bring the total number 16.
su 30mk2 for naval air arm.
Man I think we have money problem and it is HUGE...

Having 75 years of experience building fighters helps for sure.
Hey Bro, how much Gripen E will cost? Anyway, I know we cant afford Gripen E, even if we can Sweden will not sell it to us. Just curious...
Man I think we have money problem and it is HUGE...

Hey Bro, how much Gripen E will cost? Anyway, I know we cant afford Gripen E, even if we can Sweden will not sell it to us. Just curious...

IIRC correctly, the quote to Denmark was $64M a piece for 58 aircrafts.
Included a maintenance contract for 20 years.
Have no clue if BD would get approval. Indonesia would, Pakistan would not.
I don't think Bangladesh lacks the human capital. Go to any US research facility, tech R&D, top notch Graduate school; you'll find folks from Good old Bangladesh. When drone was not mainstream, a Bangladesh borne professor in Texas developed prototypes of unmanned helicopters. What we lack are the infrastructure and experience of actually doing it in Bangladesh. Yes, time is needed. But, we have to set the start point first.
Just to supplement-
A tool is of no use until it is actually used.

IIRC correctly, the quote to Denmark was $64M a piece for 58 aircrafts.
Included a maintenance contract for 20 years.
Have no clue if BD would get approval. Indonesia would, Pakistan would not.
Even if BD gets approval, BD govt would itself not approve such deal as it got US marked GE engine and British systems; given the current geo politics.
IIRC correctly, the quote to Denmark was $64M a piece for 58 aircrafts.
Included a maintenance contract for 20 years.
Have no clue if BD would get approval. Indonesia would, Pakistan would not.
64mil USD a piece! Thats a very costly aircraft man!

And, we know we may not get the Swedish Government approval...
Even if BD gets approval, BD govt would itself not approve such deal as it got US marked GE engine and British systems; given the current geo politics.

If we present a case for justifying purchase of such advanced weaponry, I don't think American weapons should pose any major issue. This isn't the 80's and 90's anymore. British systems shouldn't be any issue. They have supplied our navy with ships before.

64mil USD a piece! Thats a very costly aircraft man!

That is quite reasonable actually. An F-15 can go up $100 million a piece.
IIRC correctly, the quote to Denmark was $64M a piece for 58 aircrafts.
Included a maintenance contract for 20 years.
Have no clue if BD would get approval. Indonesia would, Pakistan would not.

Why are you trolling here? India wasn't mentioned once in the entire thread, why do you have to come here to troll if you don't have anything of value to contribute.
hmm...I was just giving my honest opinion :( OK sorry won't happen again :-)
IIRC correctly, the quote to Denmark was $64M a piece for 58 aircrafts.
Included a maintenance contract for 20 years.
Have no clue if BD would get approval. Indonesia would, Pakistan would not.

Simple economics.

I doubt Pakistanwould ever buy or consider buying it.Like it or not Gripen brings nothing over JF.

Except sanctions, considering the number of countries involved, US engines and so on.
Gee Phil, I don't know. You know, recently they ordered a batch of Yak-130's. Before, they were MiG-29's (okay, fine). Then NORA B-52's. Then JF-17's (though we don't use them). Then MBT-2000's. Does anybody here notice a peculiar pattern? I don't know if they are trying to match up against us even though our military isn't country-specific. But if so, it certainly doesn't show much creativity among their commanders.

I have a hunch their Junta's major source of income is getting percentages from buying weapons (never to be used) by convincing their mostly gullible population that the Bangladeshi threat exists, i.e. fear-mongering.

The Junta has to get bribed regularly, easy way of milking money from the economy. Especially in absence of dissent.

Let most of the purchased weapons rot and polish up a few and parade them through the streets once a year.

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