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Which Fighter Jet You Would Like To See in BAF Fleet Su-30 MK2/Saab Gripen/J10 B !

Opinions aside, I do not think that anyone had compared Bangladesh to Sweden's weapons manufacturing capability

Can of worms got opened by calling Gripen/Sweden as having "no balls" by your beloved iajdani.

I believe @TopCat main point was that nobody buys the Gripen since it isn't much of a 'game changer'.

It was a stupid, baseless point and the Gripen is easily a great aircraft.

Of-course, there are countries that use the Gripen.

And they got them for free since nobody bought it? Thats mighty generous of Sweden!

And there are countries that have rejected it in favor of other planes.

Has nothing to do with the "balls" of the aircraft system. Different requirements are best met by different aircraft in the world market and each client has the right to choose from the options.

The current government of Bangladesh do possess a lot of money (thanks to rigid tax returns). They can (if they want) easily buy the necessary Dollars or even Euros to buy any weapon system available to them. But, they aren't.

Again nothing to do with iajdani's statement. Don't know why he picks fights with regular passer-bys for no reason.

My post was more addressed to him. For BD defence purchases, nothing really major has been acquired in quantities of note, so lets wait and see how the future shapes up.
Can of worms got opened by calling Gripen/Sweden as having "no balls" by your beloved iajdani.

My beloved iajdani? :lol:

It was a stupid, baseless point and the Gripen is easily a great aircraft.

I did say here that it is a great plane. And may even be perfect for BD's requirements.

And they got them for free since nobody bought it? Thats mighty generous of Sweden!

I don't think I said they were free(?)

Has nothing to do with the "balls" of the aircraft system. Different requirements are best met by different aircraft in the world market and each client has the right to choose from the options.

Now isn't that obvious?

Again nothing to do with iajdani's statement. Don't know why he picks fights with regular passer-bys for no reason.

My post was more addressed to him. For BD defence purchases, nothing really major has been acquired in quantities of note, so lets wait and see how the future shapes up.

Technically, he is a troll.

Most of the older members here know this. Whatever happened to the saying 'don't feed the troll'? Doesn't quite help does it?
My beloved iajdani? :lol:

Well he is beloved to us all hehe ;)

Rest of your post, fair enough! Just pulling your leg a little bit. You know you are the only one here pretty much that takes it the right way :D
I still baffles me why they ordered F-7's in the 21st century.

Su-30's should fit the bill. But they are very big and very heavy. And that can be cumbersome. Another thing to keep in mind is the weapons Bangladesh will get. The BVR capable R-27's are mediocre relative to others.

Lol who knows. Ask our BAF heads. I can only presume it was a corruption-fuelled purchase to fill in some pockets.

Well, as we grow and spend more.. time calls for us to buy good stuffs. Big and heavy, true, but if we can maintain it and they defends our airspace, then why not. Lets start with mediocre weapons for now and once we have the experience required, can flash more money for better ones. I dont see that as a problem.
Lol who knows. Ask our BAF heads. I can only presume it was a corruption-fuelled purchase to fill in some pockets.

Well, as we grow and spend more.. time calls for us to buy good stuffs. Big and heavy, true, but if we can maintain it and they defends our airspace, then why not. Lets start with mediocre weapons for now and once we have the experience required, can flash more money for better ones. I dont see that as a problem.

There is no corruption in G to G purchase like aircraft. There are a lot of corruption in subsequent purchase like ammunition where you can pick supplier according to your wish.

People who does corruption are way smarter than you think and they usually avoid highly publicized purchase. In fact non publicized purchases are wayyyy bigger than these tiny publicized purchases.
Love thats the best you can do when India just launched 104 satellites at once.
If India is so technologically advanced then why it can't develop a decent fighter aircraft or even commercial aircraft? By developing these things India could save tens of billions of Dollar in coming years.What is the benefit of becoming a space power when you have to import plane to transport Indian within this planet or competing militarily with countries from where you are compelled to manage fighter plane?
If India is so technologically advanced then why it can't develop a decent fighter aircraft or even commercial aircraft? By developing these things India could save tens of billions of Dollar in coming years.What is the benefit of becoming a space power when you have to import plane to transport Indian within this planet or competing militarily with countries from where you are compelled to manage fighter plane?
They brag and brag but can't delivered.
If India is so technologically advanced then why it can't develop a decent fighter aircraft or even commercial aircraft? By developing these things India could save tens of billions of Dollar in coming years.What is the benefit of becoming a space power when you have to import plane to transport Indian within this planet or competing militarily with countries from where you are compelled to manage fighter plane?

Thanks for breaking the boycott! I feel so honoured I got to you finally! :D

Now my previous post got deleted (given I reported a response to it from one of your trolls). But it essentially said we are developing the technology chains you are mentioning here...and BD really shouldn't be one thats talking too much about this topic given its situation in the arena.
Thanks for breaking the boycott! I feel so honoured I got to you finally! :D

Now my previous post got deleted (given I reported a response to it from one of your trolls). But it essentially said we are developing the technology chains you are mentioning here...and BD really shouldn't be one thats talking too much about this topic given its situation in the arena.
I sincerely wish to see China and India breaking the western monopoly of aerospace technology.I hate it when western countries take hundreds of billions of dollars every years from Asia,Africa Latin America by selling civilian and military air crafts.It is one of their main pillar of world domination hence power imbalance in the world.China is advancing in this direction very quickly.I also wish the same for India.
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No we don't wish india anything, we feel nothing for them.

Why not. It is getting ready and withinn next 2 years it will be as good as anything and when MK2 will come, It will be a top class fighter with MMRCA capability. It will be offered to all friendly nations.
Indian made weapons are as good as trash
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