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Which Fighter Jet You Would Like To See in BAF Fleet Su-30 MK2/Saab Gripen/J10 B !

ofc.... 16 su-30 are like 32 mig 35s/.....

j-11 is a flawed fighter imo... it's airframe, in a bid to make it suitable for carrying more payload and better radar has been completely spoiled....

Gripen has successfully engaged F-15, F-16 & F/A-18 during Red Flag.
Results vs F-22s is not official as far as I know except for one comment
from a Swedish Air Force pilot - "The F-22 work as intended..."
When the President of Pakistan is spreading the rumour in direct contact with the Swedish
Government, it may have some substance...

Sour Grapes...

Gripen seems better than the J-10 in most specs...
And a lot of Gripen E features are not even compared.

Check again you are comparing J10 old basic specification and latest addition of these bird is still big question mark for example J10 have AESA radar and in that comparison it is not their so does Chinese VLRAAM missiles and many more new unknown toys
Gripen has successfully engaged F-15, F-16 & F/A-18 during Red Flag.
Results vs F-22s is not official as far as I know except for one comment
from a Swedish Air Force pilot - "The F-22 work as intended..."
so basically ..... f-15 is obsolote or inferior to gripen? as you're saying...
it's one thing to be a fanboy... other thing to be deluded with fanatism
J-10B hands down. It's just a matter of time till China leapfrogs the World in fighter jet tech.
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so basically ..... f-15 is obsolote or inferior to gripen? as you're saying...
it's one thing to be a fanboy... other thing to be deluded with fanatism


Defence blogger and Gripen pilot Carl Bergqvist was in 2010 tasked with flying a US general in the backseat of a Gripen D and was asked by the general what he thought of the Gripen.

Bergqvist says that he has never lost a dogfight against a US-build fighter jet.

When asked if it is too bold a statement to make, Bergqvist says “Yes! But it is also very true.”

Bergqvist says he has practised against all of the American fighters except F-22.

In BVR opposing pilots find that they are detected before they detect the Gripen.

Defence blogger and Gripen pilot Carl Bergqvist was in 2010 tasked with flying a US general in the backseat of a Gripen D and was asked by the general what he thought of the Gripen.

Bergqvist says that he has never lost a dogfight against a US-build fighter jet.

When asked if it is too bold a statement to make, Bergqvist says “Yes! But it is also very true.”

Bergqvist says he has practised against all of the American fighters except F-22.

In BVR opposing pilots find that they are detected before they detect the Gripen.
ever tought maybe it's the pilot skills and not necessarily solely based on the plane...

sukhois dominated typhoons and f-15/16/18s when in excercise with india... yet US later defeated those very aircrafts with superior tech...

let's not forget it's not completely swedish either... hence comes with strings attached even if we get them from sweden.... US would tie us down with its sets of agreements...
ever tought maybe it's the pilot skills and not necessarily solely based on the plane...

sukhois dominated typhoons and f-15/16/18s when in excercise with india... yet US later defeated those very aircrafts with superior tech...

let's not forget it's not completely swedish either... hence comes with strings attached even if we get them from sweden.... US would tie us down with its sets of agreements...

Pilots trying out Gripen note that the Man Machine Interface makes them
much more effective than that of their normal ride.
Who will win a real fight is determined by a lot of parameters,
but such results show that fighting Gripen is not a walk in the park.
Exactly what it said.
Pakistan has asked, and got rejected (in 2004),
and there is a possible sale to Indonesia.
Some get approval, some don't.
Democracy in Bangla Desh is clearly going in the wrong direction, but
if it is enough to trigger restrictions is beyond my judgement.

Well, Thailand is not a Democracy. And it never has been.

i would like to see su-30/35 with mix of mig 35... complementing it... i would like to see the f-7 either moved to ground attack sqd or retired... and form the entire assualt sqd with russian aircraft mostly.... wouldn't mind if we get a1 or 2 chinese j-10 sqd either.

Operating too many types of aircraft is a bad idea. Should be limited to two platforms.

Yes I agree. The F-7 should be retired gradually or kept for solely training purposes but not till we have filled the ranks with more aircrafts. They are doing a fine job atm.

As for fighters, I assume it will be Russian SUs because we did not have a very healthy experience with Migs initially. Not denying the fact that they are great birds but why not diversify the portfolio a bit. SUs are proven platforms and we might get good prices.

I still baffles me why they ordered F-7's in the 21st century.

Su-30's should fit the bill. But they are very big and very heavy. And that can be cumbersome. Another thing to keep in mind is the weapons Bangladesh will get. The BVR capable R-27's are mediocre relative to others.

Pilots trying out Gripen note that the Man Machine Interface makes them
much more effective than that of their normal ride.
Who will win a real fight is determined by a lot of parameters,
but such results show that fighting Gripen is not a walk in the park.

Gripen is a great plane with very neat features and access to the latest weapons. But, I prefer the Typhoon over it.

I doubt Bangladesh would be getting either even if we ignore the prices.
I would suggest a small number of used Gripens but I'm sure BAF wouldn't be getting AMRAAM from the US.

So it seems we are stuck with either Russian or Chinese platforms.

My money was on used Mig-29's but with this recent tender for new build medium range SAMS perhaps BAF will go for 8 shiny new Mig-35s.
Well, Thailand is not a Democracy. And it never has been.

Operating too many types of aircraft is a bad idea. Should be limited to two platforms.

I still baffles me why they ordered F-7's in the 21st century.

Su-30's should fit the bill. But they are very big and very heavy. And that can be cumbersome. Another thing to keep in mind is the weapons Bangladesh will get. The BVR capable R-27's are mediocre relative to others.

Gripen is a great plane with very neat features and access to the latest weapons. But, I prefer the Typhoon over it.

I doubt Bangladesh would be getting either even if we ignore the prices.
i have proposed a mix of su and mig... two platforms... having a less diverse fleet is essential in keeping maintenance cost etc down... you have to train airmen to maintain few kinds of aircrafts... have commonality with parts etc.... so either a all out chinese fleet or an all out russian fleet...
Does this explain why Bangla Desh never sold any game changing weapons ever?
Unlike Bangla Desh, Swedish Industry is capable of designing top quality
stuff for both civilian and military use.

Sweden ranks #12 in World Wide Arms exports even though many of the top
weapon purchasers are not allowed to buy.

They've never acquired anything game changing, much less sold.

What impressive weaponry can be made from underwear and undershirts (the highest technological achievement by BD)

Hope you understand why this subforum is a complete joke (and thus why I treat it that way) with people like the one you are responding to (someone who has admitted being a fat, lazy, "aviation" bureaucrat that actually thinks corruption is no big deal)

Then why dont you have a single customer yet? it is the best fighter in the world.

Eehm, Sweden, South Africa, Thailand, Brazil, Czech Republic, Hungary...

Hahaha, good now run away ugly biman troll iajdani (now topcat because of gulshan realisation). God it doesnt take much at all to expose just how ridiculously stupid you are.
Why not you sell Teja to Hassina ?

Why not. It is getting ready and withinn next 2 years it will be as good as anything and when MK2 will come, It will be a top class fighter with MMRCA capability. It will be offered to all friendly nations.
Su 30 are master piece of engineering. Saab is very good at low operating cost, network centric warfare and electronics. J 10 is good for nothing except falling from sky. CHoice is of Bangladesh.
Your opinion is as good as trash.

Why not. It is getting ready and withinn next 2 years it will be as good as anything and when MK2 will come, It will be a top class fighter with MMRCA capability. It will be offered to all friendly nations.
Lol.. what a joke. Tejas is a fighter even IAF hardly accept it and is the worst jet fighter in history. If free given to Somalia, they still don't want it. :lol:
They've never acquired anything game changing, much less sold.

What impressive weaponry can be made from underwear and undershirts (the highest technological achievement by BD)

Hope you understand why this subforum is a complete joke (and thus why I treat it that way) with people like the one you are responding to (someone who has admitted being a fat, lazy, "aviation" bureaucrat that actually thinks corruption is no big deal)

Opinions aside, I do not think that anyone had compared Bangladesh to Sweden's weapons manufacturing capability. They are world's apart on all metrics. No one's disputing that fact. I believe @TopCat main point was that nobody buys the Gripen since it isn't much of a 'game changer'. Of-course, there are countries that use the Gripen. And there are countries that have rejected it in favor of other planes.

But then again, they are opinions.

The current government of Bangladesh do possess a lot of money (thanks to rigid tax returns). They can (if they want) easily buy the necessary Dollars or even Euros to buy any weapon system available to them. But, they aren't.
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