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Which Fighter Jet You Would Like To See in BAF Fleet Su-30 MK2/Saab Gripen/J10 B !

I am talking general population average....there are of course going to be outliers in any population (and I know some of the BD outliers personally who are some of the nicest and smartest people I know).

I'll tag you when I make a nice juicy post at some point when I am bothered enough about it again...showing the full spectrum of what I mean (IQ studies, income increase rate in 3rd party countries, science output, patent output etc)

You justify your trolling by saying its a reply to those with unrealistic views of themselves and essentially bengali fan boys with delusions of grandeur. That i get.

However, upon reading your most recent posts, you sir are a joke.
Already a lot of RnD going on in BD, for Saline resistant variety of crops. Our Agro scientists are very positive for a near term solution according to some reports.
Developing an agriculture susceptible to salinity is a good thing. But, 'efficiency of the land' is what we need in the coming years. We can convert the inefficient lands near the coast line to many industrial belts. This is how production/acre of land will increase in monetary terms. People who are at present at a loss over salinity of land in their vicinity can become industrial labor in the future.
Pakistan asked about possibilities to buy Gripen in July 2004 during the president Musharrafs visit, but were told to forget it. Defensive weapons like EriEye were OK so Pakistan acquired four.


Gripen performance is what PAF has as an eluding target for the JF-17
but with Gripen E the separation is widening.

Exactly what it said.
Pakistan has asked, and got rejected (in 2004),
and there is a possible sale to Indonesia.
Some get approval, some don't.
Democracy in Bangla Desh is clearly going in the wrong direction, but
if it is enough to trigger restrictions is beyond my judgement.

Well it was nothing but rumors that Pakistan ask Gripen but the real things was that Pakistan was offered J10 from China which was way head of Gripen and Pakistan rejected that offer


Please note that it is the comparison based on JAS current 2016 status
I am talking general population average....there are of course going to be outliers in any population (and I know some of the BD outliers personally who are some of the nicest and smartest people I know).

I'll tag you when I make a nice juicy post at some point when I am bothered enough about it again...showing the full spectrum of what I mean (IQ studies, income increase rate in 3rd party countries, science output, patent output etc)
I will have to agree with you. The education system is fucked basically. I have already shared my experience
i would like to see su-30/35 with mix of mig 35... complementing it... i would like to see the f-7 either moved to ground attack sqd or retired... and form the entire assualt sqd with russian aircraft mostly.... wouldn't mind if we get a1 or 2 chinese j-10 sqd either.

Yes I agree. The F-7 should be retired gradually or kept for solely training purposes but not till we have filled the ranks with more aircrafts. They are doing a fine job atm.

As for fighters, I assume it will be Russian SUs because we did not have a very healthy experience with Migs initially. Not denying the fact that they are great birds but why not diversify the portfolio a bit. SUs are proven platforms and we might get good prices.
Well it was nothing but rumors that Pakistan ask Gripen but the real things was that Pakistan was offered J10 from China which was way head of Gripen and Pakistan rejected that offer


Please note that it is the comparison based on JAS current 2016 status
When the President of Pakistan is spreading the rumour in direct contact with the Swedish
Government, it may have some substance...

Sour Grapes...

Gripen seems better than the J-10 in most specs...
And a lot of Gripen E features are not even compared.
When the President of Pakistan is spreading the rumour in direct contact with the Swedish
Government, it may have some substance...

Sour Grapes...

Gripen seems better than the J-10 in most specs...
And a lot of Gripen E features are not even compared.

Gripen acatully missing balls behind it. Nobody buys game changing weapons from anybody without balls.
Gripen acatully missing balls behind it. Nobody buys game changing weapons from anybody without balls.

Does this explain why Bangla Desh never sold any game changing weapons ever?
Unlike Bangla Desh, Swedish Industry is capable of designing top quality
stuff for both civilian and military use.

Sweden ranks #12 in World Wide Arms exports even though many of the top
weapon purchasers are not allowed to buy.
Yes I agree. The F-7 should be retired gradually or kept for solely training purposes but not till we have filled the ranks with more aircrafts. They are doing a fine job atm.

As for fighters, I assume it will be Russian SUs because we did not have a very healthy experience with Migs initially. Not denying the fact that they are great birds but why not diversify the portfolio a bit. SUs are proven platforms and we might get good prices.
Only if we plan to buy in numbers. Not a meagre 8!
Russia if willing to sale to people who wants to buy in bulk. They sell to small markets too but the interest is non existent.

Does this explain why Bangla Desh never sold any game changing weapons ever?
Unlike Bangla Desh, Swedish Industry is capable of designing top quality
stuff for both civilian and military use.

Sweden ranks #12 in World Wide Arms exports even though many of the top
weapon purchasers are not allowed to buy.
We don't sell what we make ATM. But Swedish weapons like the gripen needs to be proven. Otherwise i still put it along aircrafts like bd-17...

Swedish tanks though... I am really dissapointed Sweden stopped its own development in favor of leopard. The last Swedish tank was just marvelous.
Only if we plan to buy in numbers. Not a meagre 8!
Russia if willing to sale to people who wants to buy in bulk. They sell to small markets too but the interest is non existent.

Ya well, I am not sure if we are willing to buy in bulk. May be 8. My point is, I would take 16 SUs (any version) over 8 Mig 35s anyday.
Only if we plan to buy in numbers. Not a meagre 8!
Russia if willing to sale to people who wants to buy in bulk. They sell to small markets too but the interest is non existent.

We don't sell what we make ATM. But Swedish weapons like the gripen needs to be proven. Otherwise i still put it along aircrafts like bd-17...

Swedish tanks though... I am really dissapointed Sweden stopped its own development in favor of leopard. The last Swedish tank was just marvelous.

Gripen has been in service for along time, with very few accidents.
Gripen consistently does good in exercises like Red Flag.
Users are happy with the performance, and it scored 4:0 vs Chinese J-11 with the Thai Air Force
in a recent exercise.
It participated successfully in a reconnaissance role over Libya.
(Not allowed to do any other type of operations by the Swedish Government)
Exactly what kind of problems would suddenly appear?

The US Navy rented a Swedish submarine to get a real opponent for submarine hunting.
AT-4s and Excalibur GPS rounds are standard issue in the US Army.
Haubits 77 got rave reviews by the Indian Army.
I think we know our stuff.
Gripen has been in service for along time, with very few accidents.
Gripen consistently does good in exercises like Red Flag.
Users are happy with the performance, and it scored 4:0 vs Chinese J-11 with the Thai Air Force
in a recent exercise.
It participated successfully in a reconnaissance role over Libya.
(Not allowed to do any other type of operations by the Swedish Government)
Exactly what kind of problems would suddenly appear?

The US Navy rented a Swedish submarine to get a real opponent for submarine hunting.
AT-4s and Excalibur GPS rounds are standard issue in the US Army.
Haubits 77 got rave reviews by the Indian Army.
I think we know our stuff.

Then why dont you have a single customer yet? it is the best fighter in the world.
Ya well, I am not sure if we are willing to buy in bulk. May be 8. My point is, I would take 16 SUs (any version) over 8 Mig 35s anyday.
ofc.... 16 su-30 are like 32 mig 35s/.....

Gripen has been in service for along time, with very few accidents.
Gripen consistently does good in exercises like Red Flag.
Users are happy with the performance, and it scored 4:0 vs Chinese J-11 with the Thai Air Force
in a recent exercise.
It participated successfully in a reconnaissance role over Libya.
(Not allowed to do any other type of operations by the Swedish Government)
Exactly what kind of problems would suddenly appear?

The US Navy rented a Swedish submarine to get a real opponent for submarine hunting.
AT-4s and Excalibur GPS rounds are standard issue in the US Army.
Haubits 77 got rave reviews by the Indian Army.
I think we know our stuff.
j-11 is a flawed fighter imo... it's airframe, in a bid to make it suitable for carrying more payload and better radar has been completely spoiled....
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