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Which countries match the GDP and population of America's states?


Sep 29, 2010
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United States
I found these two charts interesting.

from: Comparing US states with countries: US equivalents | The Economist

US equivalents
Jan 13th 2011, 10:05 by The Economist online

Which countries match the GDP and population of America's states?

It has long been true that California on its own would rank as one of the biggest economies of the world. These days, it would rank eighth, falling between Italy and Brazil on a nominal exchange-rate basis. But how do other American states compare with other countries? Taking the nearest equivalent country from 2009 data reveals some surprises. Who would have thought that, despite years of auto-industry hardship, the economy of Michigan is still the same size as Taiwan's?
The real treasures of the USA are its people and its systems of governance. I would put my undying faith in these two to triumph over any short term adversities, doom and gloom be damned! :D
this situation will not last long. the average IQ of the US was already low before and it is rapidly declining along with education spending. With a smaller pool of high IQ and highly educated people, its current position is sure to decline. Also note the percentage of GDP that consists of services, including derivatives and other things that are virtual money.
I read a Census that said, there as much honor students living in India than the whole population of the U.S, I also read they have more kids with higher IQ's than the whole U.S population. But then again, we have the most diverse country on Earth, having people from every background contributing to every Socio/Economic fields. That's why we are where we are..

-Don't hate appreciate. Also I'm from California our GDP by itself if it were it's own country would be 1.8 trillion dollars we would right behind Italy I believe. Texas is 1.2 Trillion dollars coming right after California, then its NewYork with 1.1 Trillion dollars.

this situation will not last long. the average IQ of the US was already low before and it is rapidly declining along with education spending. With a smaller pool of high IQ and highly educated people, its current position is sure to decline. Also note the percentage of GDP that consists of services, including derivatives and other things that are virtual money.

IQ has been rapidly declining.
HAHAHA What an idiot!!
Well it annoys me sometimes that how can any freakin country be this good.

Hats of to US :cheers:

Don't worry time will come when our Punjab's economy will be bigger than the whole US :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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