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'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than America's

Classic bitter second gen muslim immigrant.

That's like saying pakistan = collection of massive caves where women get decapitated for going to schools and blowing up is something that's "desired and to strive for."

Get a job, stop being a terrorist loser and make something out of your life instead of being a miserable clown. Alternatively you can head back to pakistan if you haven't already.
You hit the nail on the head!:rofl:
The birth rate amongst Americans (Whites) is low because of the degenerate culture promoted by the Zionist owned media which discourages family values/traditions and promotes extreme feminism, homosexuality, lesbianism, and sexually depraved behavior.

Women are discouraged from having and raising children. The portrayal of giving birth to and rearing children as something "oppressive" and "restricting" has instilled a mindset within the average American (White) female that having Children = bad, while on the other hand a life of having multiple jobs, indulging in obscene and promiscuous sexual acts involving multiple partners, getting drunk at clubs and parties, etc is depicted as something to "desire" and strive for.

Which has lead to many social problems, including high abortion rate amongst White Americans, drug/substance abuse, besides a low birth rate.

Don't watch too much ****... bad for your brain. :lol:
I'm not afraid to admit I spent half my teenage years watching **** and I turned out just fine.:lol:
you are a very sad excuse for a human. You most likely must be a fat bald headed middle aged white man chugging down bottle after bottle of beer staying up all night wanking off to some **** cuz you can't get none in real life cuz all of your white girls love them some dark meat.

British Women flock to Africa and the Caribbean for Sex Tourism-The Caribbean Current

get ready whitey, your country's about to be full of bastardized half negroids :lol: In the mean time you and your kind can keep wanking off.
@Aeronaut Sir, is this the kind of "quality" thread and discussion we are striving for on PDF? Please clarify.
I think you should follow your own advice, considering that you are a bharati from the land of kamasutra where filthy acts of bestiality are proudly depicted on the walls of your ancestral temples and other "sacred" architecture.

kamasutra temple in india - Google Search

Those pictures don't justify the beauty of the architecture of these temples.

What is not to like about these world famous temples? It is a UN world heritage site which was spared from marauding muslim invaders because of its remoteness. It just depicts sensuous sexual acts. Beats any porno movie...:woot:

I don't know what was the reason behind building these temples but it just shows that 1000 years ago some of our ancestors were sexually promiscuous and were followers of some ancient tantric sects.


Those pictures don't justify the beauty of the architecture of these temples.

What is not to like about these world famous temples? It is a UN world heritage site which was spared from marauding muslim invaders because of its remoteness. It just depicts sensuous sexual acts. Beats any porno movie...:woot:

I don't know what was the reason behind building these temples but it just shows that 1000 years ago some of our ancestors were sexually promiscuous and were followers of some ancient tantric sects.

you think having sex with a horse is "beauty"??


you think having sex with a horse is "beauty"??



Why point to one sculpture just to demean beauty of the rest?? For about 1000 years these temples were hidden and were forgotten. It was british after hearing from local folks rediscovered them in thick jungle. I am assuming because of the explicit nature of the sexual acts depicted, people shunned these temples as their sensibilities changed.

We are not initiated to their tantric sects and practices, so it is better not to comment. I am not advocating bestiality but it was depicted- so take it for what it is worth.
you are a very sad excuse for a human. You most likely must be a fat bald headed middle aged white man chugging down bottle after bottle of beer staying up all night wanking off to some **** cuz you can't get none in real life cuz all of your white girls love them some dark meat.

British Women flock to Africa and the Caribbean for Sex Tourism-The Caribbean Current

get ready whitey, your country's about to be full of bastardized half negroids :lol: In the mean time you and your kind can keep wanking off.
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