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@DESERT FIGHTER (since you are Baloch) @Mirzali Khan (since you grew up in northern Balochistan)

I saw some hardcore Muslims saying that people of interior Sindh and Balochistan are not proper Muslim and need Islamization

I know interior Sindh cause of Sufism, faqeeri, murido and all but what's up with Balochistan?

Aren't they mostly deobandi Sunni Muslim?
I know Punjabi, pakhtun, Sindhi culture to some extent but IDK much about Baloch
On one hand it's supposed to be a deeply conservative culture

But liyari is anything but conservative on the other hand baloch tribes of SP are very conservative
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@DESERT FIGHTER (since you are Baloch) @Mirzali Khan (since you grew up in northern Balochistan)

I saw some hardcore Muslims saying that people of interior Sindh and Balochistan are not proper Muslim and need Islamization

I know interior Sindh cause of Sufism, faqeeri, murido and all but what's up with Balochistan?

Aren't they mostly deobandi Sunni Muslim?
I know Punjabi, pakhtun, Sindhi culture to some extent but IDK much about Baloch
On one hand it's supposed to be a deeply conservative culture

But liyari is anything but conservative on the other hand baloch tribes of SP are very conservative

There's many layers to why Islamists/Salafists say this. One is that Baloch people aren't receptive to Islamist politics. Many of the Baloch political leaders post-1947 were heavily involved in an ethno-centric view of how they would present their politics to their people and to others. Many Islamists from trash political parties like JUIF would essentially "seethe" that the rest of Balochistan wouldn't accept their politics so you see some of their supporters make comments like that.

Also the presence of a religious minority called "Zikris". I won't go too far into what they believe , but it goes against the Islamic orthodoxy.

Another is the way army fanboys would term Baloch insurgents. Some would straight up call BLA rebels as "murtadeen", giving a religious veneer to the insurgency. Meanwhile, the insurgency, despite its multiple and ongoing phases, never had a religious tone to it.

I remember me and you talked about this some time ago and you brought up a good point about how sardar vs islamism has essentially divided Pakistan into a North/South political divide. KPK and Punjab have had heavy Islamist political presence while Sindh and Balochistan had feudalism control its political scene and it kept out a lot of Islamism in the province.

Also, I don't mean to offend anyone here if they read this I am only stating my observations, but a lot of Sindhi and Baloch diaspora women tend to be left-leaning and more feminist. Other groups of Pakistani diaspora especially the ones who are either conservative or religious look down on feminism and current left-wing politics in general. Many baloch influencers in the US and UK espouse feminist values and ideals while also being a practicing Muslim. As a result, some people see that and immediately scream "munafiq" or say it doesn't make them a "proper" Muslim despite being practicing.

I personally know a Baloch woman and she maintains proper Islamic attire, but posts a lot about feminist politics and discourse and issues on her Instagram page. She also posts Islamic reminders on her page.

What a lot of people don't realize is that politics doesn't equal lifestyle. Most Baloch have a conservative culture with heavy emphasis on honor and many are practicing Muslims, but a lot of their mainstream politics is left leaning and revolves around Marxist and feminist ideas.
There's many layers to why Islamists/Salafists say this. One is that Baloch people aren't receptive to Islamist politics. Many of the Baloch political leaders post-1947 were heavily involved in an ethno-centric view of how they would present their politics to their people and to others.
Ethno centrism alone means nothing as most of the Muslim world is already ethno centrist (only 2,3 big multi ethnic states, Pakistan, Indonesia and maybe Iran(but they're a thoroughly Persian centric state or atleast historically always were)?)
So I don't think ethno centrism alone gives em a bad rep in islamist eyes...
Many Islamists from trash political parties like JUIF would essentially "seethe" that the rest of Balochistan wouldn't accept their politics so you see some of their supporters make comments like that.
Wish JI dominated the islamist scene in Pakistan - Jui-F, tlp are too low IQ
Also the presence of a religious minority called "Zikris". I won't go too far into what they believe , but it goes against the Islamic orthodoxy.
Are they a powerful relgious group in Baloch society?

Ahmedis were and covertly continue to be a powerful group but they were pro-sunni.islamist (probably not now)

Another is the way army fanboys would term Baloch insurgents. Some would straight up call BLA rebels as "murtadeen", giving a religious veneer to the insurgency. Meanwhile, the insurgency, despite its multiple and ongoing phases, never had a religious tone to it.
Proper islamists don't like Pak army for obvious reasons so
Like a proper, proper islamist was calling em kacha Muslim/half Muslim

Sindhi and old school Punjab was into questionable stuff from a theological pov so I understand that but I never got the islamist's dislike for Baloch

I remember me and you talked about this some time ago and you brought up a good point about how sardar vs islamism has essentially divided Pakistan into a North/South political divide. KPK and Punjab have had heavy Islamist political presence while Sindh and Balochistan had feudalism control its political scene and it kept out a lot of Islamism in the province.
@Sayfullah do you agree with our assessment, as your folks are from interior Sindh?
Feudal politics stopped islamist from playing a more important role in Sindh
Also, I don't mean to offend anyone here if they read this I am only stating my observations, but a lot of Sindhi and Baloch diaspora women tend to be left-leaning and more feminist.

Other groups of Pakistani diaspora especially the ones who are either conservative or religious look down on feminism and current left-wing politics in general. Many baloch influencers in the US and UK espouse feminist values and ideals while also being a practicing Muslim. As a result, some people see that and immediately scream "munafiq" or say it doesn't make them a "proper" Muslim despite being practicing.

I personally know a Baloch woman and she maintains proper Islamic attire, but posts a lot about feminist politics and discourse and issues on her Instagram page. She also posts Islamic reminders on her page.

What a lot of people don't realize is that politics doesn't equal lifestyle. Most Baloch have a conservative culture with heavy emphasis on honor and many are practicing Muslims, but a lot of their mainstream politics is left leaning and revolves around Marxist and feminist ideas.
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@Sayfullah do you agree with our assessment, as your folks are from interior Sindh?
Feudal politics stopped islamist from playing a more important role in Sindh
Depends tbh.
Sindhi people are more liberal in general.
As per what I seen, Sindh is mostly Sufi. Panjab and KPK have a lot of Deobandis and Ahle Hadith, and even the Sufis from there are more conservative (Idk if that’s the right word but you probably understand what I mean) kinda like the Deobandis or Ahle Hadith.
But there’s many Islamic Sindhis like what people would call “Islamists” but I’m pretty sure they’re mostly towards the north of Sindh like Larkana.
Eastern Sindh is a lot of minority religions too like Christian’s and Hindus and some areas it’s them as majority or a significant minority.
@Maula Jatt is correct Sindh is mostly Sufi pits and faqeers etc. The area I’m from in Sindh is stronghold of Pir Pagaro and PMLN(F). They’re Sufis and the same people who were Hur mujahideen before.
TLP is rapidly growing in power in Sindh tho. Waderas and politicians in Sindh always used ethnic card to keep people from Sindh fighting each other and kept the people uneducated.
So far waderas have been able to stop religious Muslims from playing an important role but that’s changing fast. The rise of TLP in Sindh and the rise of Ahle Hadith in Sindh will pose a significant challenge for waderas.

Also these are from what I’ve seen. I could be wrong.
FYI guys apparently he had a kashmiri grandma (or atleast some Kashmiri was saying that so idk)
We can partly claim him 😁 /s
Kashmir is ❤️

Great wrestler with kashmiri roots

Up and coming UK fighters with background from AJk
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There should be a proper faceoff, Pak-Pnjabi sherni vs Indian Gurjar tigress

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