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What Pakistan needs is social reform. What's prerequisite of Social Reform? A strong leadership.

Can Parliament System generates a strong leadership? Not likely. Even the west lack strong leadership in their government, the current system is decaying.

Military government is better on strong leadership, but I knew most Pakistanis pro Parliament System so much, it's something sacred.

So, what's the solution? Fabianism? Fabianism has it's limit, and I think iwe are seeing Fabianism's limit in South Asia.

India is doing different approach. Their Parliament System is greatly diminished by RSS and BJP. Legal System diminished, military system under BJP controlled. Good or not? Good for India, bad for Pakistan.

I don't see real reform happening, China's investment or loan has it's own limit. What's most important is active Pakistan real potential, which need Social Reform.

Ok, so what's the story in China, who did the social reform? The western media portrayed Evil-Chairman Mao.

When you do Social Reform, the more radical, the more controversial. Unavoidable.

Deng actually reversed some Mao's Social Reform achievement. Deng's historical position is much lower in my opinion. His success base on the diplomacy of Chairman Mao.

Who will be Pakistan reformer?

Pakistan will Reform Pakistan.

The ONLY way forward for Pakistan is Performance Based Democracy added by Technology ... i.e. Artificial Intelligence and Independent Rules Engines... ONLY PakState is capable of doing it as ALL Political Parties are nothing but a racket... CriminalEnterprise.

Pakistan can neither go the Iranian way nor the Chinese.... Pakistan can Only Go Pakistan's way.

We cann't Copy/Paste a System which we Did NOT have any part in developing... Copy/Paste job based on the Colonial Bureaucracy and Judiciary and deep rooted Feudalism has held Pakistan in back.

Pakistan in on its path to a StrongSystem... road is not short... but this Blackmail Based 'Democracy' is neither fruitful for the PakState nor PakPeople.

You shall be surprised to know that We Paks have given a lot of Thought to the HOW part...as both Copy/Paste 'Democracy' and MilitaryDictatorship has FAILED!

No easy answers... Pakistan can only Enter Industrialism when we do it with Performance Based Democracy based Our Own Unique Conditions and Needs...

LiberalDemocracy is a racket for Financialisation of Everything.... More on this in another thread.

Neither Mullahismo Nor Liberalisamo/Conservatismo....

Pakistan will Reform Pakistan.

The ONLY way forward for Pakistan is Performance Based Democracy added by Technology ... i.e. Artificial Intelligence and Independent Rules Engines... ONLY PakState is capable of doing it as ALL Political Parties are nothing but a racket... CriminalEnterprise.

Pakistan can neither go the Iranian way nor the Chinese.... Pakistan can Only Go Pakistan's way.

We cann't Copy/Paste a System which we Did NOT have any part in developing... Copy/Paste job based on the Colonial Bureaucracy and Judiciary and deep rooted Feudalism has held Pakistan in back.

Pakistan in on its path to a StrongSystem... road is not short... but this Blackmail Based 'Democracy' is neither fruitful for the PakState nor PakPeople.

You shall be surprised to know that We Paks have given a lot of Thought to the HOW part...as both Copy/Paste 'Democracy' and MilitaryDictatorship has FAILED!

No easy answers... Pakistan can only Enter Industrialism when we do it with Performance Based Democracy based Our Own Unique Conditions and Needs...

LiberalDemocracy is a racket for Financialisation of Everything.... More on this in another thread.

Neither Mullahismo Nor Liberalisamo/Conservatismo....

Liberal Democracy is just tools of capitalism. A illusion of MASS RULE.

Of the People, By the People, For the People will never succeed under Liberal Democracy.

Liberal Democracy is Designed by Capitalists, Of the Capitalists, By the Capitalists, For the Capitalists.

China doesn't have one man one vote election. But China does have election within the political system, especially the elites. China political system works like big enterprise, base on accountability and performance, it's PKI driven.

Pakistan can never copy other system, social soil is different. But should be able to absorb other system's merit.

Good or bad, the Iranians system has a Core, which is Ulama guarded by IRGC.

India is trying to find it's Core. BJP and RSS
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Peace and tranquillity for everyone

what kind of thread is this ? https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/kash...es-to-india-a-few-times.678755/#post-12591851 :omghaha:

don't have permission to post in that section.

with India and Pakistan, nobody wants go start a full scale war with the other, despite all the tension and some dramatic ugly events every now and then.

despite the online hatred, both sides have professional militaries, the rules of engagement are adhered to on the ground, in the air on on the seas at all times unless direct orders from higher ups. In "peacetime" as well as in a fully declared war.

hybrid and propaganda information and diplomatic wars is where we are at, both sides want to win by death by thousand cuts strategy :kiss3::laugh::butcher:
India is doing different approach. Their Parliament System is greatly diminished by RSS and BJP. Legal System diminished, military system under BJP controlled. Good or not? Good for India, bad for Pakistan.

Here we go again.

For 62 years, our parliamentary system was unaffected by the ideology of the RSS. The legal system functioned as it should, except for being handicapped by an enormous paucity of courts and judges, leading to frustrating delays in court proceedings. The military system had gone through a period of excessive political control and had suffered the setback of 1962.

That was when Chinese and Pakistani commentator alike poured a heavy deluge of scorn on these aspects of India. Nothing, according to these very wise men, was good about India.

Now we hear that the current approach is different, and that it has certain implications.

Did either Chinese or Pakistani smart citizens pause to think then that they actually had an India that wanted to work with China and Pakistan, and was rebuffed and humiliated in its efforts again and again? and that their breast-beating today seems like sanctimonious hypocrisy to the historically aware Indian citizen?
Here we go again.

For 62 years, our parliamentary system was unaffected by the ideology of the RSS. The legal system functioned as it should, except for being handicapped by an enormous paucity of courts and judges, leading to frustrating delays in court proceedings. The military system had gone through a period of excessive political control and had suffered the setback of 1962.

That was when Chinese and Pakistani commentator alike poured a heavy deluge of scorn on these aspects of India. Nothing, according to these very wise men, was good about India.

Now we hear that the current approach is different, and that it has certain implications.

Did either Chinese or Pakistani smart citizens pause to think then that they actually had an India that wanted to work with China and Pakistan, and was rebuffed and humiliated in its efforts again and again? and that their breast-beating today seems like sanctimonious hypocrisy to the historically aware Indian citizen?
India is doing different approach. Their Parliament System is greatly diminished by RSS and BJP. Legal System diminished, military system under BJP controlled. Good or not? Good for India, bad for Pakistan.
What I mean is clear. It's good for India.

You can't control 100% netcitizens. China government never criticize India for it's political system officially. Never.

India under British rule never signed border treaty with Qing dynasty. McMahon line is illegal, he is colonizer, two great civilizations don't need a colonizer to draw the border line.

Tibet including Aksaichin was always under Qing dynasty rule, that's fact. Dalai Lama and all his predecessors were all selected by Qing emperors, that's fact.

India under Nehru rejected Zhou Enlai's proposal, which was China keep Aksaichin while India keep Arunachal Pradesh. Same as today.

China is not the one who applied Forward Policy, that's the reason of the war. Forward Policy means war, that's fact.

India was a lame duck as a political entity. BJP and RSS is consolidating power, which power is more centralized. From political science perspective, it's right move.

But BJP and RSS should focus on domestic polities, avoid provoking China, that's not wise when you are doing big big reform.

The current India foreign policy needs a two front war military preparation, that's fact. But BJP/Modi didn't prepare for one front war yet. That's the problem.

Power politics must be realistic. Everyone has ambition, but only those get prepared can have a try.
India under British rule never signed border treaty with Qing dynasty. McMahon line is illegal, he is colonizer, two great civilizations don't need a colonizer to draw the border line.

Mistake #1. Look up the Treaty of Chushul.
Tibet including Aksaichin was always under Qing dynasty rule, that's fact. Dalai Lama and all his predecessors were all selected by Qing emperors, that's fact.

Mistake #2. Tibet was never traditionally under Chinese rule. At the time of the T'ang dynasty, it was besieging the Chinese capital. It was never under Chinese rule until the Dzungarians were overthrown and the suzerainty of Tibet taken over from them.
Tibet including Aksaichin was always under Qing dynasty rule, that's fact. Dalai Lama and all his predecessors were all selected by Qing emperors, that's fact.

Mistake #3. Aksai Chin was a border land neither dominated by Xinjiang nor by Xijang, to use your favoured names for East Turkestan and Tibet. Only caravans passed through. Two isolated spots that saw some semi-permanent inhabitation were the resting spots of Daulat Beg Oldi - lovely Tibetan name, that - and the Galwan River junction. Sometime when you are given your complimentary ride through conquered Ladakh, meet the Galwan family. They still live in Ladakh.
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