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Not sure I follow

"Song Hong" is most likely an active account (3rd one now) of a permabanned member ("lux de veritas" and his 2nd acct: yingluck)....there are case topic words that clearly show evidence leading that way posted by Mista and myself in that thread.

But I leave it to forum administration in the end to decide. Just thought I'd bring it to your attention.
"Song Hong" is most likely an active account (3rd one now) of a permabanned member ("lux de veritas" and his 2nd acct: yingluck)....there are case topic words that clearly show evidence leading that way posted by Mista and myself in that thread.

But I leave it to forum administration in the end to decide. Just thought I'd bring it to your attention.
Could your report - IP traces are a lil difficult within a country that only accesses the internet outside via VPNs.
The De-Coupling ... quietly, consistently... ongoing...

However, the Chinese MNCs do have liabilities... they need to redeem/settle them in $.

Gold easing out from $2000... perhaps, quick-profit-taking @ps3linux ?

My sense is that PBoC will move further with DigitalYuan in SEA EconomicSpace ... in order to make Yuan the trading-currency in SEA or WestAsia PBoC needs to do major swaps in the local currencies... this will create stability in the local markets as well!

Let us see what happens... too early to form a studied opinion... @vi-va

The De-Coupling ... quietly, consistently... ongoing...

However, the Chinese MNCs do have liabilities... they need to redeem/settle them in $.

Gold easing out from $2000... perhaps, quick-profit-taking @ps3linux ?

My sense is that PBoC will move further with DigitalYuan in SEA EconomicSpace ... in order to make Yuan the trading-currency in SEA or WestAsia PBoC needs to do major swaps in the local currencies... this will create stability in the local markets as well!

Let us see what happens... too early to form a studied opinion... @vi-va

China will invest, invest and invest. Opportunities for those need investment.
US bonds is more and more risky, and interest is so damn low. China won't wait until USD depreciate hugely.
AIIB, Silk Road Fund, China Development Bank will keep invest on emerging market. Those market will grow in next 30 years. While EU and US will only grow slowly because their monetary policy only create bubbles.

From export driven economy to domestic consumption and oversea investment.
China will invest, invest and invest. Opportunities for those need investment.
US bonds is more and more risky, and interest is so damn low. China won't wait until USD depreciate hugely.
AIIB, Silk Road Fund, China Development Bank will keep invest on emerging market. Those market will grow in next 30 years. While EU and US will only grow slowly because their monetary policy only create bubbles.

From export driven economy to domestic consumption and oversea investment.

I do agree with this evaluation. Yields are so low...even negative...

The problem for the EmergingEconomies is the $ peg..so autmatically their currencies get debased...hence, the wealth/well being of the people.

A stable Financial Architecture is needed that could help developing nations to increase their national wealth.

BRI is about creating new markets, move the lower end production out and move up to the Value Chain based on Technologically innovation/application... AI!

However, MMT has the world drowning in Fiat Debt... not that easy to break free!
The De-Coupling ... quietly, consistently... ongoing...

However, the Chinese MNCs do have liabilities... they need to redeem/settle them in $.

Gold easing out from $2000... perhaps, quick-profit-taking @ps3linux ?

My sense is that PBoC will move further with DigitalYuan in SEA EconomicSpace ... in order to make Yuan the trading-currency in SEA or WestAsia PBoC needs to do major swaps in the local currencies... this will create stability in the local markets as well!

Let us see what happens... too early to form a studied opinion... @vi-va


Just a thought, aren't we wasting our time in discussing something which most of the people reading will not even understand at basic level and what to talk about comprehension.:-)
Just a thought, aren't we wasting our time in discussing something which most of the people reading will not even understand at basic level and what to talk about comprehension.:-)

O yaar meray,

I am just worried about OurLand and the debasement of PKR with ensuing suffering on common Paks..

I agree with you that subject matter is of NO interest to the most of the population of PDF but at least you are there!

Anyhow, I shall from now on try to Structure it in relevant thread... and we can expand on it further there.

You take good care of yourself!

@masterchief_mirza @PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Verve @Mangus Ortus Novem @Dalit and the rest...

You guys going to the mosque tomorrow to read eid? Still not certain whether this social distancing and attending prayers is safe. Its not easy to social distance in mosques - even if you sit 2 metres apart. If you need to wash or go to the line to prayer you cannot but rub shoulders. Difficult one.

In Wales, jamaat is still not allowed in mosques so Eid namaz will be at home.
In Wales, jamaat is still not allowed in mosques so Eid namaz will be at home.

I think thats an excellent decision. Im thinking to do the same and then go down to the graveyard really early or late - because that will get busy too. They have set 4 different times to do eid prayers bro but i know our crowd - they will get excitable and struggle to "obey" these new laws....
@masterchief_mirza @PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Verve @Mangus Ortus Novem @Dalit and the rest...

You guys going to the mosque tomorrow to read eid? Still not certain whether this social distancing and attending prayers is safe. Its not easy to social distance in mosques - even if you sit 2 metres apart. If you need to wash or go to the line to prayer you cannot but rub shoulders. Difficult one.

Bro, don't go. Just do it at home. It's too risky.

In Dewsbury, 250 apna attended a funeral at a Mosque. The imam and several of the mourners tested positive for covid-19.

Visit family, but don't attend the Mosques. I'm doing it at home myself.
Just a thought, aren't we wasting our time in discussing something which most of the people reading will not even understand at basic level and what to talk about comprehension.:-)

Please make a proper thread on this, much easier to follow as this thread is all over.
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