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The EU holds the most gold 'officially' ... Turkiye also is buy gold through its CB.

The funny thing is that the EU policy has been to maintain 10% solid gold reserves in each of the CentralBanks... so indirectly, ECB ... you got the picture.

PhysicalGold and PhysicalSilver!!!

It would be Suicide...nay, NationalSuicide if Pak sells off its GoldMines .... but then...

You know....

Few thoughts disorganized.

Russains/Turkey and China were stockpiling gold they started it long time ago, what is the latest position no idea.

Ghaddari gifted Saindak to our Iron Brothers in exchange for $50 million plus some royalty. Tons of money exchanged hands, that time I was still in wall street and everyone knew ton loads of forex was channeled through BVI/Cayman. Thank goodness TIP was being given away free but one bureaucrat made sure it was never sold off.

Price of Gold although being rare is high, but the other reason is companies like Barrick control the production so that it remains rare. Estimated Seasand contains about $700 trillion worth of Gold, tomorrow we may see the tech.

Easier once human kind develop sublight engines and travel easily between solar system, there are ton loads of asteroids which are composed of heavier metals. We have not explored the moon so far. From what I have heard from few geologists internationally precious metals are usually common where there are fault lines. Someone needs to pick up map of Pakistan and find fault lines and tectonic plates.

Enough, random thoughts.
Few thoughts disorganized.

Russains/Turkey and China were stockpiling gold they started it long time ago, what is the latest position no idea.

Ghaddari gifted Saindak to our Iron Brothers in exchange for $50 million plus some royalty. Tons of money exchanged hands, that time I was still in wall street and everyone knew ton loads of forex was channeled through BVI/Cayman. Thank goodness TIP was being given away free but one bureaucrat made sure it was never sold off.

Price of Gold although being rare is high, but the other reason is companies like Barrick control the production so that it remains rare. Estimated Seasand contains about $700 trillion worth of Gold, tomorrow we may see the tech.

Easier once human kind develop sublight engines and travel easily between solar system, there are ton loads of asteroids which are composed of heavier metals. We have not explored the moon so far. From what I have heard from few geologists internationally precious metals are usually common where there are fault lines. Someone needs to pick up map of Pakistan and find fault lines and tectonic plates.

Enough, random thoughts.

Interesting what was your role in Wall Street? If you don’t mind sharing.
Interesting what was your role in Wall Street? If you don’t mind sharing.

Wee bit of this and wee bit of that.

There's a saying in wall street if you don't have a pair you become an analyst, but if you have you become a trader, but if you have multiple pairs you turn to client facing career.

So I was never an analyst, trader for a few months but most of my career it was client facing, in two of the largest investment banks (No 1 and No 3) across two continents Asia (not Pakistan) and North America, UK for a few months because our guy in-charge there screwed up FSA Audit so I was send to handle, the Audit once it was Okayed I went back.

Till one day I decided to give all of that up and join back my roots, contribute to the country for which my ancestors paid a very heavy price.
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I'm so sorry and heartbroken to hear this. My prayers and dua are with you and your family. The most important thing is that you and your family are fine and not harmed. Anyone who puts a knife to a small child should be publicly executed.

Definitely going to take extra precaution and safety measures bro.

Arrests made last night - going to be a good day!
EXCELLENT!!!!!!............Great News!...... .:yahoo:

They'll get what's coming to them. So happy that this has been followed through.

Found the car - with clothes they used and it wasn’t burnt out etc - plenty of DNA - can’t wait to look at them in court - should get 10-15 years. @masterchief_mirza
British Cat Tests Positive For COVID-19 In Latest Sign That Pets Can Carry Virus


I have yet to meet anyone that thinks Trump has done a good job - He will lose in November and the world hopefully will start having a bit of respect for the USA
From the Dawn of Mankind,

@Starlord , the thread has been closed, so let me leave you my larger take on the issue here:

The fundamental thing at stake often delves to the soul being a repository for the purpose/meaning of this life (which is the existence we have to postulate as real...given we know we are born and we die and everything else of us is based on that).

If there is no soul, there is no purpose to life/existence in the end as you simply occupy a tiny fraction of a second of its timeline....a small blip... and nothing of you ultimately matters in the end....for even human existence and the existence of the universe would be blips (in duration) in the relative sense too....given what infinity is.

The soul becomes a necessary thing to have.... to have an ultimate purpose and meaning in this sea of infinity.

Without recognition of the soul (by definition that infinite part of us that exists past finite corporeal existence), you ultimately will get to the nilhist sense and perspective at some point... which I personally abhor as it frequently and near inevitably erodes or even destroys the greater moral-hood and order needed for intelligent species to organise well and strive for grander purpose.

Thus even if I see the problems and imperfections in various religions (be they doctrines or practice....some intended, some unintended)...I see their grander purpose in the end...and I do value that....as I do believe in the soul. I am ultimately a spiritual person.
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