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@Musings @Verve @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @vi-va @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
@N.Siddiqui @Pandora @ps3linux @PakFactor @DESERT FIGHTER @Areesh @Yankee-stani


A lament of a writing
... but credit where is due!!!

The good Indian writer has the Courage to See things as they are... call it Sanity or Rationality... Interesting piece... thought you guys might be interested in it...

Below is the concluding part (Author's own words... emphasis mine):

"Moreover, the Chinese economy both on a gross and a per capita basis is five times that of India. India is to China what Mexico is to the US. This is a reality Indians adamantly ignore, for they have come to see themselves at the cutting edge of growth and technology – all vicariously, for half of India’s citizens still poop in the open."
PS Sounds like you are having a relaxing and positive time...........:pakistan:
Yes.Honestly the warmth, love and hospitality that I got in my village was amazing. There is a strong sense of ancestry and blood relationship. Nothing overcomes it. Time, geography or my eclectic views. At end of day I was taken in as one of them. A descendant of my grandad. There is a chap there who has kept a six generation a copy of which he is going to give me. Our oldest listed is a Janis Khan. To me this is my Pakistan. Blood, land and history.

I am in super chill mode. I thought I had it good in UK. Here I am attended to everything. My only gripe is electricity cuts out sometimes which knocks out the AC.

On another note while driving through the rural villages adjacent to River Jhelum where Alexander and Porous fought I keep seeing incredibly beautiful women that would fit in Greece or Italy. Noticed even blue/green eyes. While this is common in north west of Pakistan but surprised that this strain shows up so deep in Punjab. Being rural they can't be from exogenous source. I don't go into the "Greek origin" either. But certainly some conquering army got trapped and lost in this \area.

What is so catching is the stunning aquiline features, high cheekbones, blue/green eyes and heavily tanned olive skin dressed in conservative Shalwar Kameez working in the fields. Many of guys are also imposing, tall, erect walking with swag in bleached white Shalwar Kameez i what are non descript tiny villages between the potohar plateau and River Jhelum on the other side. Just gives charm to the whole Porous versus Alexander saga that tore through here all those millennia ago.

I will be posting more detailed thoughts on Pakistan when I get back.

Ps. Thus far I have seen very little extreme poverty. Poor yes. Very few beggars. Probably about four times in three weeks. Worse I saw was a few make shift tents near Rawalpindi GT road who I was told were Christians who move around doing menial work.
@Musings @Verve @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @vi-va @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
@N.Siddiqui @Pandora @ps3linux @PakFactor @DESERT FIGHTER @Areesh @Yankee-stani


A lament of a writing
... but credit where is due!!!

The good Indian writer has the Courage to See things as they are... call it Sanity or Rationality... Interesting piece... thought you guys might be interested in it...

Below is the concluding part (Author's own words... emphasis mine):

"Moreover, the Chinese economy both on a gross and a per capita basis is five times that of India. India is to China what Mexico is to the US. This is a reality Indians adamantly ignore, for they have come to see themselves at the cutting edge of growth and technology – all vicariously, for half of India’s citizens still poop in the open."
Writer comprehends what India is down to a tee.
Yes.Honestly the warmth, love and hospitality that I got in my village was amazing. There is a strong sense of ancestry and blood relationship. Nothing overcomes it. Time, geography or my eclectic views. At end of day I was taken in as one of them. A descendant of my grandad. There is a chap there who has kept a six generation a copy of which he is going to give me. Our oldest listed is a Janis Khan. To me this is my Pakistan. Blood, land and history.

I am in super chill mode. I thought I had it good in UK. Here I am attended to everything. My only gripe is electricity cuts out sometimes which knocks out the AC.

On another note while driving through the rural villages adjacent to River Jhelum where Alexander and Porous fought I keep seeing incredibly beautiful women that would fit in Greece or Italy. Noticed even blue/green eyes. While this is common in north west of Pakistan but surprised that this strain shows up so deep in Punjab. Being rural they can't be from exogenous source. I don't go into the "Greek origin" either. But certainly some conquering army got trapped and lost in this \area.

What is so catching is the stunning aquiline features, high cheekbones, blue/green eyes and heavily tanned olive skin dressed in conservative Shalwar Kameez working in the fields. Many of guys are also imposing, tall, erect walking with swag in bleached white Shalwar Kameez i what are non descript tiny villages between the potohar plateau and River Jhelum on the other side. Just gives charm to the whole Porous versus Alexander saga that tore through here all those millennia ago.

I will be posting more detailed thoughts on Pakistan when I get back.

Ps. Thus far I have seen very little extreme poverty. Poor yes. Very few beggars. Probably about four times in three weeks. Worse I saw was a few make shift tents near Rawalpindi GT road who I was told were Christians who move around doing menial work.

Your observations mirror those of mine when I visited Pakistan last December. Yes, Mashallah there is an abundance of super attractive Pakistani girls and guys who closely resemble their counterparts in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. The level of extreme poverty has gone done massively since the 1980s and 1990s although casual/normal poverty still persists.

The feeling of connection and heritage one gets when we visit Pakistan can be positively overwhelming and hard to explain. Yes we have so much history, culture and heritage that it is important that we pass it down to our children, grandchildren and descendants.
On another note while driving through the rural villages adjacent to River Jhelum where Alexander and Porous fought I keep seeing incredibly beautiful women that would fit in Greece or Italy. Noticed even blue/green eyes. While this is common in north west of Pakistan but surprised that this strain shows up so deep in Punjab. Being rural they can't be from exogenous source. I don't go into the "Greek origin" either. But certainly some conquering army got trapped and lost in this \area.

What is so catching is the stunning aquiline features, high cheekbones, blue/green eyes and heavily tanned olive skin dressed in conservative Shalwar Kameez working in the fields. Many of guys are also imposing, tall, erect walking with swag in bleached white Shalwar Kameez i what are non descript tiny villages between the potohar plateau and River Jhelum on the other side. Just gives charm to the whole Porous versus Alexander saga that tore through here all those millennia ago.

Now you keep your eyes straight ahead, and never mind about wildlife and the flora and fauna.

there is an abundance of super attractive Pakistani girls and guys who closely resemble their counterparts in the Middle East and the Mediterranean.

Amazing! How lovely to be in such surroundings.



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@Musings @Verve @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @vi-va @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
@N.Siddiqui @Pandora @ps3linux @PakFactor @DESERT FIGHTER @Areesh @Yankee-stani


A lament of a writing
... but credit where is due!!!

The good Indian writer has the Courage to See things as they are... call it Sanity or Rationality... Interesting piece... thought you guys might be interested in it...

Below is the concluding part (Author's own words... emphasis mine):

"Moreover, the Chinese economy both on a gross and a per capita basis is five times that of India. India is to China what Mexico is to the US. This is a reality Indians adamantly ignore, for they have come to see themselves at the cutting edge of growth and technology – all vicariously, for half of India’s citizens still poop in the open."

"India has virtually no road connection with its neighbors, a product of an extremely paranoid and close-minded Indian ruling class. They are scared that someone might do better, and cross-border friendships and business relations might develop. These bureaucrats are not just corrupt but brimming with jealousy and sadism."

And Indian confirming exactly what we have been saying on PDF ...

Yes.Honestly the warmth, love and hospitality that I got in my village was amazing. There is a strong sense of ancestry and blood relationship. Nothing overcomes it. Time, geography or my eclectic views. At end of day I was taken in as one of them. A descendant of my grandad. There is a chap there who has kept a six generation a copy of which he is going to give me. Our oldest listed is a Janis Khan. To me this is my Pakistan. Blood, land and history.

I am in super chill mode. I thought I had it good in UK. Here I am attended to everything. My only gripe is electricity cuts out sometimes which knocks out the AC.

On another note while driving through the rural villages adjacent to River Jhelum where Alexander and Porous fought I keep seeing incredibly beautiful women that would fit in Greece or Italy. Noticed even blue/green eyes. While this is common in north west of Pakistan but surprised that this strain shows up so deep in Punjab. Being rural they can't be from exogenous source. I don't go into the "Greek origin" either. But certainly some conquering army got trapped and lost in this \area.

What is so catching is the stunning aquiline features, high cheekbones, blue/green eyes and heavily tanned olive skin dressed in conservative Shalwar Kameez working in the fields. Many of guys are also imposing, tall, erect walking with swag in bleached white Shalwar Kameez i what are non descript tiny villages between the potohar plateau and River Jhelum on the other side. Just gives charm to the whole Porous versus Alexander saga that tore through here all those millennia ago.

I will be posting more detailed thoughts on Pakistan when I get back.

Ps. Thus far I have seen very little extreme poverty. Poor yes. Very few beggars. Probably about four times in three weeks. Worse I saw was a few make shift tents near Rawalpindi GT road who I was told were Christians who move around doing menial work.

Hopefully you will have a very much revised perspective after this trip ...
What use you Sanghi Indians have for a BBQ ....no natural meat juices, no steaks, no fatty cuts....why insult the word "BBQ". Everything nice and fun is always ruined by you Sanghis.

Beer, I get that much. Still will NEVER drink with one of your kind as most of you aren't able to handle alcohol. Trust me I have done that before, what a waste of time! A typical Sanghi Indian blabbers enough nonsense even without getting drunk. Imagine how bad it can be otherwise.

Do you use Paneer kababs or something in the grille?

Sanghi Indians make the worst drinking companions. BBQ - what a joke!
lol, among other things, used to run a pretty fun little grill here till a few months ago, with a special big and very good vegan selection too of course, my catholic by birth s.o. is our vegan chef and yoga person. i'm the carnivore, still a veggie 90+% of the times, she knows all these sanskrit mantras and their true meanings etc lol, im the irreverent borderline atheist one. i vote bjp, she cant stand politics, just doesn't care

point is, stop stereotyping people and being an unpleasant cvnt online. (i always make the distinction between online personas and the real person behind them) "shantanu_left" annoys me, you're full of it.. sanctimonious self righteous fuckin' hateful asshoe..

tone it down, man.. that way we can have a reasonable dialogue even if we totally disagree.. don't be like that eldamari or whatever troll who also flies the Singapore flags. That cunt doctors all his titles so there's not even a point going in to battle in those, coz its already a nuclear wasteland full of mutant trolls.

whatever happened to your code ?
lol, among other things, used to run a pretty fun little grill here till a few months ago, with a special big and very good vegan selection too of course, my catholic by birth s.o. is our vegan chef and yoga person. i'm the carnivore, still a veggie 90+% of the times, she knows all these sanskrit mantras and their true meanings etc lol, im the irreverent borderline atheist one. i vote bjp, she cant stand politics, just doesn't care

point is, stop stereotyping people and being an unpleasant cvnt online. (i always make the distinction between online personas and the real person behind them) "shantanu_left" annoys me, you're full of it.. sanctimonious self righteous fuckin' hateful asshoe..

tone it down, man.. that way we can have a reasonable dialogue even if we totally disagree.. don't be like that eldamari or whatever troll who also flies the Singapore flags. That cunt doctors all his titles so there's not even a point going in to battle in those, coz its already a nuclear wasteland full of mutant trolls.

whatever happened to your code ?

Treating him like a Pakistani , to either ignore or engage, depending on your mood and content being responded to, will be less aggravating. In my not remotely humble opinion.

Cheers, Doc
Treating him like a Pakistani , to either ignore or engage, depending on your mood and content being responded to, will be less aggravating. In my not remotely humble opinion.

Cheers, Doc
not convinced about that.

actually happen to know, intimately, some of these extreme ones..

"urban naxals" actually suits them pretty well

Arundhati Roy fans, starbucks socialists, khan market gang... but mostly, insufferable snobs of the most insanely pompous type, fakers.. khokla inside, super racist and full of hate (toward their own)

they'll be the first in line to make fun of a subziwala or someone.. **** these lefties.

thankfully, the overwhelming emerging trend is that people are rejecting this snobbery and making a return to the cultural roots (BJP voters, political people in general.. or not)

this pisses off guys like @jamahir the most, who likes to put his fangs on display when talking about karvachauth etc, and when it come to helping poor innocent street doggos (our best friends) :D

but jamahir bhai is still a decent fellow otherwise, a gentleman even. cant say as much for some of the others..

"code of conduct" waaley

conduct this:

Treating him like a Pakistani , to either ignore or engage, depending on your mood and content being responded to, will be less aggravating. In my not remotely humble opinion.

Cheers, Doc
vadiya thread tha :)

mast strokeplay dekhne ko mila


but vaccine waala ban ho gya bechara lol
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