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Is bihari a caste? I mean i am not sure he belongs from bihari caste. I saw his interview he said his father migrated from India but i forgot the city or maybe he never mentioned the city. No you could be right about him. I dont have exact idea myself.

@django its weird i was thinking about knowing more about mehr sher and today u shared her photos

Very nice and decent lady masha Allah from looks. She has a very positive vibe about her unlike the bitchy feel some girls exude. Shes the kind of girl you wouldnt mind spending your life with.

@django i have a question its for anyone who would like to answer, what would you prefer out of thes etwo or which one will you guve preference to.

1. A partner with great looks only.

2. A partner who is not very great looking but is very good natured, good at heart and super fun company that you would be addicted to spending time with.
The Biharis ( listen (help·info)) is a demonym given to the inhabitants of the Indian state of Bihar. Bihari people can be separated into three main ethnic groups, Bhojpuris, Maithils and Magahis.[1]

Also, Biharis can be found throughout North India, West Bengal, Assam, Maharashtra, and in the neighbouring countries of Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh. During the Partition of India in 1947, many Bihari Muslims migrated to East Bengal (later East Pakistan and subsequently Bangladesh).[2][3] Bihari people are also well represented in the Muhajir people of Pakistan (formerly West Pakistan) because of Partition,[4] as well as the recent relocation of some Bihari refugees from Bangladesh to Pakistan.[5]
Oh thats sad. You broke up or divorced twice? Nonetheless sad. You are a sweet person i wonder what caused the break up. I hope its not your cause of your habit to check models pics LMAO just kidding plz dont mind. But yes i know the friendship and compassion part is important. Its not too hard to find pretty faces but one with brains, intelligence , having an own opinion on matters and above all an understanding and compassionate personality are the best positives.
Divorced twice, it's all behind me now.Kudos bhai and thanks for kind words
Yep he called me bhai etc so much when I first got to this forum and I was really pretty friendly/curious about BD still (from their perspective etc). I had some genuine good conversation with him at that early point....not knowing whats lurking behind that veil.

Then things basically have polarised/devolved to where they are now, in large part because of this POS and his immediate lackey/posse team. When they are there, sycophancy, hypocrisy and victim complex... contrasting with the fake ego and BD STRONK is never far behind.....and then everyone else is blamed or is "false flag"....never them. Just sickening, because BD amply deserves lot better folk representing it here (ppl like I know in real life)....and I lost a few good BD friends/neutrals as well because of it (friendly fire/cross fire etc)....and the subforum/forum suffers/deteriorates more when they leave as well. I also blame myself for allowing things to happen on my part instead of cutting the losses and moved on. Hindsight is 20/20 though.

In essence it is their atrocious state of internal political drama/frustrations playing out here....its very easy to do to gain short term "feelz" but they completely missed long term effect of it......they just want to keep propping up that eroding sandcastle next to the crashing waves....instead of admitting defeat and simply build sustainably further up the beach.

@Joe Shearer @Avicenna

Yep I am very picky where I deploy my energy now over there. Has to be very good return on investment so to speak for me to bother now....mostly to try engage a few promising holdouts.

In a phrase, fragile egos.
Divorced twice, it's all behind me now.Kudos bhai and thanks for kind words
Oh i hope that hasnt dwindled in your faith in relationships.

Guys has anyone used Google Hangouts chat app? Is it good? How is the audio /video chat quality? Is it slow or gets hanged etc during use? Anyone?

I mean like can i use it for daily use?
From now on, I aint the marrying kind;).Kudos yaar

TBH bro I prefer live action:p:.Kudos
So u will never marry again? So what wud u do if u want to bang someone?

Lolz no i wanted to talk to some friends as their whatsapp call doesnt work. Nothing else lolz.
From now on, I aint the marrying kind;).Kudos yaar

Marry again without any fear or worry! 3rd time maybe lucky!

On a different note, could be stuck in Edinburgh as it's red weather alert. Enjoyed the walk in snow yesterday and today but don't want to be stuck here over the weekend.
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