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what will be pakistan's answer to rafale

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well Indian can't even copy .........

Indian tried to copy AK-47 and came up with INSAS and failed so your joke army is looking for foreign assault rifles
Indian tried to copy mirage, and came up with the never finished 3rd gen up-grade LCA that only the paints are indeginous
Indian tried to copy Lerpord II and came up with the 'white elephent' and endedd up buying T-90s
Indian tried to copy 5.56mm and 5.54mm rounds, but your primitive industry failed miserably so had to buy from others

so it sums-up India is $ucking at manufacturing and R&D

Indian bragged about their space capability, but in reality they are only good at sending few kilos student 'summer projects' with foreign direct imported parts
Indian bragged about their rocket, but in reality the best Chrismas fireworks in human history were provided by them
Indian bragged their russian made fleet, but in reality their 1000+ life crashing 'test' is second to none
Indian bragged xx% scientists from NASA or whatever foreign institutions are Indian, but in reality WIPO defines India as first stage primitive society in same category as sub-sahara african countries
and finally Indian are always bragging about its a democracy, but in reality their country is divided by their family names, and those high caste people treat low caste people as some sort of objects, and the worst part is the government is letting millions childern starve to death while spending like crazy to fill their high ego
Leave him alone Mr he is bashing against china because he knows that india is a super pow:hitwall::lol:
Pls stop that bias right there ?
Buying weapons is solely a matter of armed forces & their think tanks ?
In 90s bb govt ordered F*16s which we got in shape of rotted wheat ?
You think it was bb , who knew about F*16s ?
Sorry the crouption happens to be everywhere some where less & some where huge ?
Yes our politicians are croupt to the their cores but then few kick back getters in our armed forces also used to be found , here & then ?
We should be against all of such nonsense ?
& shouldn't point our finger only at one direction ?
Western equipment & their quality came as shocking slap , to soilders like me in kargill , when that super duper F* 16s weren't able to defend us ?
Thus proving the foolness persists among our armed forces & their high command ?

If one sided battles like operation desert Strom is in your counting then count SU-34 bieng used in sirya by Russians ?
Isn't that make it , battle tested ?

Buy raffales & beg Russia for the rest of Indian airforce armed with , SUs ,MIGS ?
BJP sarkar never knew , about military equipment , thus George fernandis types make money from the cofins of the dead Indian soilders in kargill ?
Its was the dumbest strategic decesion of the modi sarkar that pissing off Russia the main arms supplier of India ?
By getting raffaels from France ?
They could have done that , by placing minimum numbers , but after getting in huge numbers they won't have any penny left for shopping in russia ?
Russia will play its card when your deal will be done ?
Guess , what ?
SU*35s to Pakistan ?lolzz

Have you seen procurement procedure first hand at MinDef?? Have you worked in DGDP or DGMP?? Do you know how decision maker think?? If you don't then keep your mouth shut about those issues.
Stealing will be always known as stealing .You cant say that is a borrowing .
If copying others without any shame is criteria for IQ ,sorry we dont have that much IQ .

We took a lots of efforts ,publicly announced success and failure of our projects.
We were the first one from Asia and first in attempt that completed an interplantery Mars mission successfully .
We will always have that high moral ground .Chinese can cry about that .

How do you know that it is still remain exactly as before the war ?

Different paces by sacrificing quality .Sorry we dont interested .

Shenyang J 11 is in there .

It is a truth .It was a logical question .If burning the money was the aim to support Russia then why couldnt you support much needed Mig series .

Begging ??
That rich comes from a Pakistani
AFAIK we bought weapons buy giving hard cash to both Russia and West .
We didnt ask for soft loans :D
What is these politics doing here ?
Oh yes .An internet warrior from Pakistan teaching us the diplomacy
Who are you to decide our money bag depth ?
RBI chief .India will buy from US,Russia,France wherever we want .None of your business .
Su 35 to Pakistan .
A nation that couldnt even meet its ends is hoping for Su 35 :D Again that rich coming from a Pakistani.
Once the money you gave in exchange of the goods of your need thst bussines is over ?
Then if you need more , you need to ask , or request & if both aernt not working ?
you need to beg with all of your dam floating seas of green $$$ ?

actually , itS up to the supplier that , he may listen your request , your bussiness proposals ,or your call of mercy , begging to help you out ?

If you think russia,S existence on earth is just because selling arms to India ?
my friend pls stop watchin " slum dog millionaire" on DD tv chanel 4 so many times .lolzz

your dam airforce is on russian tech , & you are pissssing them , ofF with large quantity of raffeals.
They are going to break you down into pices .

Have you seen procurement procedure first hand at MinDef?? Have you worked in DGDP or DGMP?? Do you know how decision maker think?? If you don't then keep your mouth shut about those issues.

sure you know well , what kind of bombing can be done , on troops fighting on hilltops from mirage 2000's in the night ?
& our dam F*16s can't stop those ,IAF fighter jets ?
can you imagine , if the IAF some day come to bomb those so called DGDP offices in pakistan & your logics can't stop them ?
decesions not made in offices or so called DGDPs in pakistan , instead few power full group does it ?
Just to get their kick backs transferd into their hidden accounts .
I have passed all that , & stop teaching me what is what , I have served in pak army , & served it well.
Instead of few self declared geniuses like you , who keeping this nation being fooled , decades after decades ?
just to sort out their dam kick backs ?
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sure you know well , what kind of bombing can be done , on troops fighting on hilltops from mirage 2000's in the night ?
& our dam F*16s can't stop those ,IAF fighter jets ?
can you imagine , if the IAF some day come to bomb those so called DGDP offices in pakistan & your logics can't stop them ?
decesions not made in offices or so called DGDPs in pakistan , instead few power full group does it ?
Just to get their kick backs transferd into their hidden accounts .
I have passed all that , & stop teaching me what is what , I have served in pak army , & served it well.
Instead of few self declared geniuse

So basically you know nothing about fighter jets but somehow feel entitled to pass sweeping statements about them.

As far why F-16s did not intervene when Mirage-2000s were bombing, well my friend that's what happens when a General makes a stupid plan. When he fails to read the situation, does not include Air Force in the planning and chooses to go for adventure when the country is sanctioned to teeth and entire world's opinion is against the ill-planned adventure. I'm sure F-16s could intervene by crossing into LoC thus triggering a full scale war. Was it feasible?

I have all the respect and gratitude for the brave men who took on this dangerous mission. But I have absolutely no respect for the self centered unprofessional generals who planned this and sent hundereds of troops to their death. Those who knew nothing about enemy's Air Force and thought they will be just fine without an air cover. What hurts me more is that they don't learn from their mistakes either. They did it in operation Gibraltar, in Longewala offensive and as I can see, you are doing it again here! So let's cut the crap here and learn how modern wars are planned and fought. Here is a link. Please read and try to learn something. A wise man tries to learn if he doesn't know something. Don't you think that we owe it to our fallen soldiers that we at least learn from our mistakes?

Of Courser no one can say anything about it .Because it is a French stuff and they knows its datas .
But real time war experience is a golden chance and they have that golden chance .,

We used Mirages against Pakistan in Kargil .Performance was very impressive that single handedly change the tides of war .
That French experience gave them the next golden chance of Rafale.What about Chinese fighters?

And did these performance specifications change after a certain conflict compared to what they were before? As stated before, these testaments of being "combat tested" has little bearing on an aircraft's capabilities, most of which would have been tested and verified during flight testing and evaluation.

Of Courser it affects quality .
Chinese are not superhumans :D

Not exactly. Different nations/corporations move at varying speeds mainly due to how they manage their supply chain, their R&D, and work ethics in general. That is why the European powers overtook the Chinese in firearms technology, in the 19th century, even though the Chinese had far more experience building them.

You said it and also agreed with it .Su 35 is still better than anything in that Chinese inventory .

Claiming these things are often a lot easier than backing them up. ;)
we look down useless Hindus!!!





A chinese looking down on someone ???? are you bro,are you guys allowed to do something on your own.:rofl:
So basically you know nothing about fighter jets but somehow feel entitled to pass sweeping statements about them.

As far why F-16s did not intervene when Mirage-2000s were bombing, well my friend that's what happens when a General makes a stupid plan. When he fails to read the situation, does not include Air Force in the planning and chooses to go for adventure when the country is sanctioned to teeth and entire world's opinion is against the ill-planned adventure. I'm sure F-16s could intervene by crossing into LoC thus triggering a full scale war. Was it feasible?

I have all the respect and gratitude for the brave men who took on this dangerous mission. But I have absolutely no respect for the self centered unprofessional generals who planned this and sent hundereds of troops to their death. Those who knew nothing about enemy's Air Force and thought they will be just fine without an air cover. What hurts me more is that they don't learn from their mistakes either. They did it in operation Gibraltar, in Longewala offensive and as I can see, you are doing it again here! So let's cut the crap here and learn how modern wars are planned and fought. Here is a link. Please read and try to learn something. A wise man tries to learn if he doesn't know something. Don't you think that we owe it to our fallen soldiers that we at least learn from our mistakes?

Its was a stupid ,stupid civilian govt crying crocodile eye drops in the laps of bill Clinton , kargill was perfectly planned ,no matter how much they have bombed those hilltops , they couldn't get us out of those hill tops ?
It was that stupid civilian govt , which wanted humiliate the pak army by back stabing it at a crucial time ?
They just did that ?
It was the stupid civilian govt which ordered pak army to back down , while doing that pak army was attacked by IAF ?
We needed the PAF to watch our backs , as backing down was never in our plans ?
so dear ,
It takes a lot of ballzz to be in that great war rather proving you stupid points here on PDF ?
those shyt , show pieces were supposed to defend us , which they cant ' that is the reality ?
That's why , after that stupid civilian govt , first step taken by military govt is to devop our own F*17s & by the grace of god , today PAF is able to defend us at any given time or situation ?
But as our enemy is getting top tech gadgets to prepare itself for mother of wars against us ?
We need to match it , with at least our level best options available to us ?
Are few carefully considered options , which we can deploy with good planing ,to give matching reply to our enemy,s inductations.
Once the money you gave in exchange of the goods of your need thst bussines is over ?
Then if you need more , you need to ask , or request & if both aernt not working ?
you need to beg with all of your dam floating seas of green $$$ ?

actually , itS up to the supplier that , he may listen your request , your bussiness proposals ,or your call of mercy , begging to help you out ?

If you think russia,S existence on earth is just because selling arms to India ?
my friend pls stop watchin " slum dog millionaire" on DD tv chanel 4 so many times .lolzz

your dam airforce is on russian tech , & you are pissssing them , ofF with large quantity of raffeals.
They are going to break you down into pices .

sure you know well , what kind of bombing can be done , on troops fighting on hilltops from mirage 2000's in the night ?
& our dam F*16s can't stop those ,IAF fighter jets ?
can you imagine , if the IAF some day come to bomb those so called DGDP offices in pakistan & your logics can't stop them ?
decesions not made in offices or so called DGDPs in pakistan , instead few power full group does it ?
Just to get their kick backs transferd into their hidden accounts .
I have passed all that , & stop teaching me what is what , I have served in pak army , & served it well.
Instead of few self declared geniuses like you , who keeping this nation being fooled , decades after decades ?
just to sort out their dam kick backs ?

Your posts show you don't have any clue how capable our defences are, they may be weak as enemy is huge but make no mistake Pakistan can give befitting response to its enemy even with conventional weapons.

Working in PA don't make you a strategist and 95% soldiers don't know about procurement procedure, I know that because I have worked there.

Do you know what is one of the most important concern of PAF about Rafael induction?? That is, it will take role of Mig-27s, if you are knowledgeable person you should know what I m talking about. There is reason PAF n PA inducting SR & MR SAMS.
We need our own baby, PAF loves western tech. China is usually Pakistan's worst case scenario option. Right now Pakistan should get and learn as much western tech as possible. Western technology is available as long as Pakistan is willing to pay.
Do you know what is one of the most important concern of PAF about Rafael induction?? That is, it will take role of Mig-27s, if you are knowledgeable person you should know what I m talking about. There is reason PAF n PA inducting SR & MR SAMS.
Doubt that.
French will not allow them to go as far.
I believe in case of war, Su30MKI will full fill this role....... while Bisons, Mig29,M2K & Rafales will take on PAF in dog fights.......
We need our own baby, PAF loves western tech. China is usually Pakistan's worst case scenario option. Right now Pakistan should get and learn as much western tech as possible. Western technology is available as long as Pakistan is willing to pay.
Whatbis the estimated Cost of this project..And how much we have to pay for this project .....Any Idea???
Whatbis the estimated Cost of this project..And how much we have to pay for this project .....Any Idea???
The preliminary design work of TF-X fighter is estimated to cost about $500 million, with a first prototype planned for 2023.
Idk for sure,but if two partners, I guess half the cost.

Japanese spent $440 million for their stealth fighter.


JF-17 project cost was $500 million too, I don't see why would Pakistan not join Turkish stealth fighter project.
I don't think Turkey will build 5th Gen Fighters.
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