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West Bengal won't depend on Bangladesh for Hilsha fish anymore.

So, demolish Farakka and wait for Hilsha to swim west to Allahabad. You have put a gigantic dam to punish us f
We don't need to demolish the barrage, Farraka is here to stay. Fish passes(Farraka Navigation Lock-improved version) will be created to help the migration of hilsa upstream.



India to open Farakka for hilsa

From June this year, hilsa from Bangladesh will be able to swim along the Ganges river all the way up to Allahabad in India following a decision to open the sluice gate at Farakka Barrage a little higher for four hours every day, Indian officials said.

Indian authorities have decided to open the navigation lock at Farakka in order to preserve the biodiversity of the Ganges. The lock had for long stalled the movement of hilsa from salty waters of downstream Bangladesh to sweeter water in the upstream, particularly during the spawning season.

The navigation lock has now been re-designed in order to facilitate the easy migration of hilsa shoal during the mating season in monsoon.

This is being done as part of efforts to preserve the biodiversity of the Ganges, India's Water Resources Minister Nitin Gadkari said on Friday.

“The gates will be kept open between 1:00am and 5:00am every day because that is the time when hilsa fishes move,” said Inland Waterway Authority of India Vice Chairman Pravir Pandey.....
But, do whatever you like but our fishermen will catch the Hilsha in our river before it swims to your dirty water. We have made efforts for three decades to raise the production of Hilsha and spent hundreds of millions of dollars on this project. Now, the west Bengal Ghatias are here to steal them.
Water flows under the effect of gravity, conventional wisdom says that polluted water of India's rivers will flow down to your country and accumulate in your food chain!

Don't know about the WB Babus but your ilish phees seems to have developed a newfound interest to frequent the waters of our Brahmaputra. And we didn't need to do anything at all to achieve that effect. Lucky us!
What's the average volume? Is it enough for all other provinces besides Assam? The report is 9 month old though. It looks like you are benefiting from our two months ban, so why not keep your greedy fishermen out of our sea territory so you don't have to crave for it (Not referring to the recent 500 Indian fishermen seize). :azn::whistle::P

BS suggestion. Never gonna happen. I thought BNP-Jamati people hate India, why sudden friendly gesture? :what:More cow means more smuggling through border and more dead bodies from BSF. I personally hate that fish, the smell makes me vomit but the egg is fucking delicious. Nope, not letting it go anywhere. Cow meat is bad for heart.

Who say it was due to friendly gesture?? I’m not against trade with India rather strongly oppose cultural integration. Let’s us sell the fish to them and import meat from other countries.

We have to go back to Kebab culture as we are getting wealthy. Bhaktiyaar Khaliji was a meat eater. Get the hint.
What's the average volume? Is it enough for all other provinces besides Assam? The report is 9 month old though. It looks like you are benefiting from our two months ban,
Hilsa was always found in the waters of our rivers in a variable amount but the numbers started increasing steadily for the last 7 years. This has nothing to do with your fish ban and the increasing yield is despite any attempt to conserve the fish in Assam as we are generally not a fan of this fish. Good news for the Bengalis in Assam though. One thing's for sure though, shops here are filled with hilsa all the time be it our Brahmaputra variety or your Bangladeshi Padma one.
so why not keep your greedy fishermen out of our sea territory so you don't have to crave for it (Not referring to the recent 500 Indian fishermen seize)
That was a lie propagated by folks with vested interests who don't want cordial Ind-BD ties. Go through my answer on the thread created for it.

Our fishermen don't have to steal your hilsa, that job is done by your hilsa traders who send the fish across to India. The Bongals in India are quite a fan of your Padma hilsa.

Bhaktiyaar Khaliji
I see a bhakt in your Khilji..:p::rofl:
Who say it was due to friendly gesture?? I’m not against trade with India rather strongly oppose cultural integration. Let’s us sell the fish to them and import meat from other countries.

We have to go back to Kebab culture as we are getting wealthy. Bhaktiyaar Khaliji was a meat eater. Get the hint.

No red meat is not good for you.
People should consume lentils, chicken, fish and prawns for protein needs.
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No read meat is not good for you.
People should consume lentils, chicken, fish and prawns for protein needs.
Actually that is debatable but for the modern day desk job enthusiasts with a sedentary lifestyle, red meat is slow poison! Hill tribes in NE mainly sustain on beef and pork and they are some of the fittest you will come across. The farmers in my place eat fatty pork on a regular basis yet they are lean. As long as everything fits in one's macronutrient profile according to the RDA they should be fine.

Fish can be unhealthy too, Bengalis here use too much oil in their fish and meat recipes, their veg dishes also are topped with a thick layer of oil. That can't be good, right?
Poaching by Indians encroaching in to foreign waters is nothing new, All it's maritime neighbors have massive issue's across the coasts.. Indians have over fished and decimated their waters and are now poaching in large scale with illegal methods like bottom trawling and dynamite fishing, Devastating breeding grounds ans destroying eco systems.. Sri Lankans have been dealing with this crime for decades now, They confiscate the boats and release the poachers after a few months but this does'nt seem to deter these poachers.. I can post hundreds of valid sources regarding this issue time permits

That was a lie propagated by folks with vested interests who don't want cordial Ind-BD ties. Go through my answer on the thread created for it.

Our fishermen don't have to steal your hilsa, that job is done by your hilsa traders who send the fish across to India. The Bongals in India are quite a fan of your Padma hilsa.

@Axomiya_lora cut the BS dude. Your fishermen lurking in neighboring sea territory is nothing new, somewhere it's even worse. I already said that similar case keep happening except that recent 500 fishermen seize. This has nothing to do with both country's relationship. If you can't swallow your pride and admit what your countrymen are doing then it's your problem. The reason is already explained in this video.

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Actually that is debatable but for the modern day desk job enthusiasts with a sedentary lifestyle, red meat is slow poison! Hill tribes in NE mainly sustain on beef and pork and they are some of the fittest you will come across. The farmers in my place eat fatty pork on a regular basis yet they are lean. As long as everything fits in one's macronutrient profile according to the RDA they should be fine.

Fish can be unhealthy too, Bengalis here use too much oil in their fish and meat recipes, their veg dishes also are topped with a thick layer of oil. That can't be good, right?

An active life can mitigate the consumption of large amounts of red meat but the saturated fats will still be harmful.
Red meat in small quantities like 1-2 times a week is OK but it should not be the primary source of protein.
Yes if you use too much oil in fish and vegetable dishes that is not good either.
Balance and variety is the best lifestyle choice.
Your fishermen lurking in neighboring sea territory is nothing new, somewhere it's even worse. I already said that similar case keep happening
Why are you twisting facts, my response was to your accusation that our fishermen steal your hilsa. Now tell us where are the best quality hilsa found in Bangladesh, is it in the open seas or in your rivers deep inside Bangladeshi territory like Chandpur in the confluence of your Meghna and Padma. It's impossible for them to reach your rivers in those areas without being detected. Hilsa gets like fatty smooth taste as it migrates through your rivers from the sea, this process of migration causes lipolysis of their stored fats imparting the unique taste to the fish. Why would our fishermen waste their time for the tasteless sea hilsa when your traders are sending the fresh big sized catches from your rivers over to India!!
We know, you people have nightmares whenever we mention his name. B̶h̶a̶k̶t̶i̶y̶a̶a̶r̶ is coming for you. Run,,
Bakhtiyar, that's all i wanted you to know! Now since you have started delving into history let me tell you that it was King Prithu of the Kamarupa kingdom of Assam that inflicted a crushing defeat on your Khilji and his dreams ended there. That trend continued thereafter with the likes of Lasit Borphukon.
No read meat is not good for you.
People should consume lentils, chicken, fish and prawns for protein needs.

Get out. You are highly disappointment. You are not Syloti for sure. Are you Hindu by chance?

Meat takes longer time to digest and meat protein is the best to build strong muscles. Obviously, you have to burn it out. Don’t just eat meat and sit. You can not eat like a tiger and live like a goat.
Get out. You are highly disappointment. You are not Syloti for sure. Are you Hindu by chance?

Meat takes longer time to digest and meat protein is the best to build strong muscles. Obviously, you have to burn it out. Don’t just eat meat and sit. You can not eat like a tiger and live like a goat.

Sylheti Muslim all the way. Lol @ me being a Hindu.

Like I already said, red meat in small quantities is ok. It should be part of a balanced diet. Even an active lifestyle cannot mitigate the effects of the saturated fats in red meat.
Bakhtiyar, that's all i wanted you to know! Now since you have started delving into history let me tell you that it was King Prithu of the Kamarupa kingdom of Assam that inflicted a crushing defeat on your Khilji and his dreams ended there. That trend continued thereafter with the likes of Lasit Borphukon.

Thanks for the correction. Never heard of him. Excuse my ignorance.
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