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West Bengal won't depend on Bangladesh for Hilsha fish anymore.

I ain't twisting anything. You think Indian fishermen who illegally enter in our territory for fish won't come because it's Hilsha season? Two months ban for our fishermen is perfect opportunity for them. Who said Hilsha is only found in the river??!! That basically lives in sea, only comes to river to lay eggs. Why do you think there's two month ban on fishing in the sea? You totally forgot this fact. And think matters to fishermen whether they gets the tasty one or not? All size of Hilsha get sold, even the small one called Jatka Ilish. Ilish travel to BD far from sea, their fat gets burned during that swim. Who said Ilish in the sea doesn't taste good? Huge chunk of Ilish are caught in the sea.
You sure you are a Bangladeshi? You know very little about the habits of hilsa and the bans imposed. Bans on fishing are not only imposed on sea in Bangladesh. As the fish return via the rivers, bans have to be imposed in the rivers, thats why you see places like Chandpur and Laxmipur come under the fishing ban.

Secondly, if we are talking of young hilsa, they are found all over BoB in areas bordering India and BD. Those are not prized varieties, everyone wants a piece of Padma hilsa on their plate.

Now unless Indian fishermen have devised a magical way to fish on your Padma and Meghna rivers i don't think they will have access to it. Only way is if your fishermen catches them in your rivers, sell them to your traders(dalals) at cheap prices who then illegally export them to various parts of India to earn profits.
Water flows under the effect of gravity, conventional wisdom says that polluted water of India's rivers will flow down to your country and accumulate in your food chain!

Don't know about the WB Babus but your ilish phees seems to have developed a newfound interest to frequent the waters of our Brahmaputra. And we didn't need to do anything at all to achieve that effect. Lucky us!

If it goes into your water then catch and eat them. Fair game. I dislike this Rona dhona about this damn fish.
If it goes into your water then catch and eat them. Fair game. I dislike this Rona dhona about this damn fish.
Me too, brother. Nice to know that you are a Sylheti, all this fuss about this ilish phees makes no sense to us, right?
An active life can mitigate the consumption of large amounts of red meat but the saturated fats will still be harmful.
Red meat in small quantities like 1-2 times a week is OK but it should not be the primary source of protein.
Yes if you use too much oil in fish and vegetable dishes that is not good either.
Balance and variety is the best lifestyle choice.

Bro, fish curry and white rice can not be good for you either.

Bd population getting smaller and weaker is because eating too much small and dry fish with rice. I hate the smell of this disgusting food.

You and I both know for fact that Bdian growing up in meat eating countries are wider, taller and lighters. Can you deny my claim? Be honest!!!

Me too, brother. Nice to know that you are a Sylheti, all this fuss about this ilish phees makes no sense to us, right?

I’m from the hilly region of Jalalabad. I don’t care about fish. My favorite is bird meat.
Bd population getting smaller and weaker is because eating too much small and dry fish with rice. I hate the smell of this disgusting food.
You are also to be blamed, the Sylhetis have picked up bad habits from the other Bengalis. Why else would you eat that hutki shira? But more or less, your cuisine is similar to the NE cuisine.
You are also to be blamed, the Sylhetis have picked up bad habits from the other Bengalis. Why else would you eat that hutki shira? But more or less, your cuisine is similar to the NE cuisine.

Well, what can I say. We Jalalabadi voted to be part of Pakistan. If we knew the outcome of 71, perhaps, we would have thought otherwise.

We are for the Islam. We don’t care about Bangla cultures or traditions.
Bro, fish curry and white rice can not be good for you either.

Bd population getting smaller and weaker is because eating too much small and dry fish with rice. I hate the smell of this disgusting food.

You and I both know for fact that Bdian growing up in meat eating countries are wider, taller and lighters. Can you deny my claim? Be honest!!!

Depends what kind of fish and if the rice is long grained or not.
Body does not care where the proteins come from and so irrelevant on the source.
I think Sylhetis is in West are lighter just due to the climate and nothing to do with diet.
Well, what can I say. We Jalalabadi voted to be part of Pakistan. If we knew the outcome of 71, perhaps, we would have thought otherwise.

We are for the Islam. We don’t care about Bangla cultures or traditions.
Respect you for your views. In Assam, we are asking and encouraging the Sylhetis here to develop their Sylheti Nagori script that was hijacked by the Bengali one. Sylhet has had such a glorious culture of their own which unfortunately have been subsumed into the alien Bengali one. Maybe you can start something along similar lines in Bangladesh?
Depends what kind of fish and if the rice is long grained or not.
Body does not care where the proteins come from and so irrelevant on the source.
I think Sylhetis is in West are lighter just due to the climate and nothing to do with diet.

Meat protein is not same as grass protein. Plus, our prophet (s.a.w) told us to eat red meat. Now be a Jalalabadi and start eating meat like your forefathers. Don’t be wuss!! Lol

If you stay with me one week, you will be transformed into true Jalalabadi, however there is a one condition. You have to dislike La-Hasina,,,, :undecided:

You are hurling insult on a great fish; on which, by now, 112 posts have been made.:p::p::p:

People make fun of us because of these kam aqal characters. :disagree:
If you stay with me one week, you will be transformed into true Jalalabadi, however there is a one condition. You have to dislike La-Hasina,,,, :undecided:

So disliking Hasina is also the requirement to be a true jalalabadi ? :o:

Marhaba ! I am truely inspired 8-)
People make fun of us because of these kam aqal characters. :disagree:

Don't worry. I have seen many such ridiculous threads and posts, by Pakistanis, Indians, Iranians, Arabs and whatnot. It is an inadvertent consequence, when race, ethnicity, nationality, state and likes starts taking precedence over broader human ideals and ideologies.
Meat protein is not same as grass protein. Plus, our prophet (s.a.w) told us to eat red meat. Now be a Jalalabadi and start eating meat like your forefathers. Don’t be wuss!! Lol

If you stay with me one week, you will be transformed into true Jalalabadi, however there is a one condition. You have to dislike La-Hasina,,,, :undecided:

True and that is why I said variety and balance is required.
Red meat is a proven health danger if eaten too often.
I get most of my protein from lentils,eggs, milk, nutrition powder, fish, prawns, chicken and a little red meat(lamb).
You sure you are a Bangladeshi? You know very little about the habits of hilsa and the bans imposed. Bans on fishing are not only imposed on sea in Bangladesh. As the fish return via the rivers, bans have to be imposed in the rivers, thats why you see places like Chandpur and Laxmipur come under the fishing ban.

Secondly, if we are talking of young hilsa, they are found all over BoB in areas bordering India and BD. Those are not prized varieties, everyone wants a piece of Padma hilsa on their plate.

Now unless Indian fishermen have devised a magical way to fish on your Padma and Meghna rivers i don't think they will have access to it. Only way is if your fishermen catches them in your rivers, sell them to your traders(dalals) at cheap prices who then illegally export them to various parts of India to earn profits.

নাহ আমি বাংলাদেশী না, আমি এন্ড্রোমিডা গ্যালাক্সি থেকে আসা এলিয়েন। মায়রে শোনায় খালার কাহীনি। :lol: Don't try to divert the topic. No one is talking about the ban on river, i am aware about it very well. It's was about the ban in the sea and your illegal fishing. আর আগেও বলসি নদী-সাগরে শুধু জাটকাই পাওয়া যায় না, আর ঐ ভাল ইলিশও শুধু নদীতে পাওয়া যায় না। কে জানে এই আইডিয়া আপনি কই পাইছেন। পদ্মাতে ইলিশও এখন আগের মত ধরা পরে না। Check these video and note the price. আপনার সাথে প্যাচাল পাইড়া আর লাভ নাই। ইগোর কারনে নিজের দোষ স্বীকার করবেন না এইটা বুঝা হয়া গেছে। বাদ দেন।

Meat protein is not same as grass protein. Plus, our prophet (s.a.w) told us to eat red meat. Now be a Jalalabadi and start eating meat like your forefathers. Don’t be wuss!! Lol

If you stay with me one week, you will be transformed into true Jalalabadi, however there is a one condition. You have to dislike La-Hasina,,,, :undecided:

People make fun of us because of these kam aqal characters. :disagree:

You are true Sylheti. You are the face of Sylhetis. Bravo. :enjoy:
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