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We need to treat the cause

A woman can never be wrong...

Unfortunately the roots are so deep that it'd take years to eradicate them.. as it took endless efforts of our own people to grow the tree fueled by anti-Pakistan elements. Anyhow Allah behtar kary Ameen
InshAllah.........I think this is a last grasp act of desperation of these groups as they and their handlers know that they are on their last legs, Balochistan has seen progress, Zarb e Azam has decimated the core of TTP, with even more intensification of military and intelligence operations, i suspect we will see some long standing calm,,,well here is me hoping as I have the outmost confidence in our army, faith unity and discipline-men at their best (knowadays women too) ;):agree:.Kudos
I am sure our radical Mullahs which we emboldened over the years has nothing to do with promotion of extremism its all CIA,s fault

I am sure our radical Mullahs which we emboldened over the years has nothing to do with promotion of extremism its all CIA,s fault

Mullah's used by CIA and our Establishment, for their interest, we used Mullahs in 80's for American interests and we start killing them in 20's for American Interest in Afghanistan.

and we are getting returns, what we cultivated .
Years back I had visited Sehawan Sharif during a festival. There was no act of immorality or anti-social activity that was not going on. I believe govt authorities were reluctant to take any corrective action because of the pressure of various vested interests. This is a serious social ill that the global Muslim community must address.
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