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We don't have tactical nuclear weapons but short range nuclear missiles, Pak P.M



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Sep 13, 2017
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Pak PM's threat to India: We have short-range nuclear weapons
Pakistan's declaration comes amid North Korea's escalating threats of nuclear warfare, which has been condemned by leaders across the world

New York: Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Wednesday said that the country has access to short-range nuclear weapons and will use it to counter the Indian Army.

“We have developed short-range nuclear weapons as a counter to the Cold Start doctrine that India has developed. Again, those are in the same command-and-control authority that controls the other strategic weapons," he said at the Council on Foreign Relations, a top American think-tank.

Abbasi's declaration comes amid North Korea's escalating threats of nuclear warfare, which has been condemned by leaders across the world.
Expressing doubts over Pakistan's ability to handle nuclear weapons, the council moderator David Sanger said, “There's no nuclear arsenal in the world that is growing faster. And there's no nuclear arsenal in the world, other than North Korea's, that tends to worry American more, because they worry about the safety of the arsenal. They worry about the command and control of the arsenal."

But Abbasi claimed that Pakistan's nuclear arsenals are safe and secure.

"We have a very robust and secure command-and-control system over our strategic nuclear assets. Time has proved that it's a process that is very secure. It's a process that has complete civilian oversight through the NCA," he said.

He further added that the command-and-control systems are as secure as anybody else's in the world.

"The last 20 years are testament to that," Abbasi said in response to another question.

"So let there be no doubt that any extremist element or somebody like that can gain control of fissile material or a nuclear weapon. There is just no possibility of that. And it's time-tested, and it's a very secure system that has been put in place," he said.

"Pakistan is a responsible global citizen, and we've shown a responsibility on the ground with this huge war on terror that we've been fighting for the last 15 years," Abbasi said.

"We do have nuclear capability. There's no doubt about that. And we know how to handle nuclear waste. We had a nuclear program in the early '60s, one of the first countries in Asia to have a nuclear program. So if we've managed it for over 50-odd years, I think we can continue to manage it," he said.

’پاکستان کے پاس ٹیکٹیکل جوہری ہتھیار نہیں، کم فاصلے تک مار کرنے والے جوہری ہتھیار ہیں‘

پاکستان کے وزیر اعظم شاہد خاقان عباسی نے کہا ہے کہ ان کے ملک کے پاس محاذِ جنگ پر استعمال ہونے والے جوہری ہتھیار نہیں بلکہ کم فاصلے تک مار کرنے والے جوہری ہتھیار ہیں۔

امریکی اخبار نیویارک ٹائمز کو دیے گئے ایک انٹرویو میں وزیراعظم عباسی نے کہا کہ 'پاکستان کے پاس ٹیکٹیکل جوہری ہتھیار نہیں ہیں۔‘

پاکستانی میزائل بھارت کے لیے 'مخصوص'

'کولڈ سٹارٹ کا جواب چھوٹے مگر موثر جوہری ہتھیار'

جوہری ہتھیار بنانے کا عمل جاری رکھنے کا عزم

ان کا یہ بھی کہنا تھا کہ پاکستان کے پاس کم فاصلے تک مار کرنے والے جوہری ہتھیار ہیں جو میدانِ جنگ میں استعمال کے لیے نہیں بنائے گئے ہیں۔

شاہد خاقان عباسی نے کہا کہ یہ جوہری ہتھیار بھی اسی طریقے سے محفوظ کیے گئے ہیں جس کے تحت پاکستان کا باقی جوہری اسلحہ محفوظ بنایا گیا ہے۔

ٹیکٹیکل جوہری ہتھیار ایسا جوہری اسلحہ ہوتا ہے جو محاذِ جنگ پر دشمن فوج کے خلاف استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے اور اس میں زمین سے فضا یا فضا سے فضا میں مار کرنے والے میزائل، جوہری مواد سے لیس گولہ بارود، بارودی سرنگیں اور جوہری وار ہیڈ والے تارپیڈوز وغیرہ شامل ہیں۔

اس کے برعکس سٹریٹیجک جوہری اسلحے کو خاص منصوبہ بندی کے تحت ایسے اہداف کو نشانہ بنانے کے لیے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے جو محاذ جنگ سے دور مگر سٹریٹیجک اہمیت کے حامل ہوں۔ یہ اسلحہ عموماً بڑے پیمانے پر تباہی پھیلاتا ہے۔

نیویارک ٹائمز نے لکھا ہے کہ وزیر اعظم پاکستان کا ٹیکیٹکل جوہری اسلحہ نہ رکھنے کا بیان امریکی انٹیلیجنس کی معلومات کے مطابق نہیں ہے۔

اخبار کا مزید کہنا ہے کہ امریکہ کے سابق صدر اوباما کے دوسرے دورِ اقتدار میں امریکہ نے اس وقت کے وزیر اعظم میاں نواز شریف کے ساتھ مذاکرات میں انھیں اس بات پر قائل کرنے کی کوشش کی تھیی کہ پاکستان محاذِ جنگ پر استعمال ہونے والے جوہری ہتھیار نصب نہ کرے۔

دنیا اپنی ناکامیوں کا ذمہ دار ہمیں نہ ٹھہرائے: جنرل باجوہ

’پاکستان افغانستان کے ساتھ سرحد کی مشترکہ نگرانی پر رضامند‘

تصویر کے کاپی رائٹ AFP
خیال رہے کہ ستمبر 2015 میں پاکستان کی نیوکلیئر کمانڈ اینڈ کنٹرول اتھارٹی نے پہلی مرتبہ کہا تھا کہ خطے میں روایتی ہتھیاروں کے عدم توازن کے باعث زیادہ موثر چھوٹے ایٹمی ہتھیار بنانے کا سلسلہ جاری رکھا جائے گا۔

پاکستان کی اس نئی پالیسی کو 'فل سپیکٹرم ڈیٹرنس کیپیبلیٹی' کا نام دیا گیا تھا۔

شدت پسندوں کے ’محفوظ‘ ٹھکانے
وزیر اعظم پاکستان شاہد خاقان عباسی کا یہ بھی کہنا تھا کہ پاکستانی فوج سے افغان سرحد کے قریب سے شدت پسندوں کے تمام محفوظ ٹھکانوں کو ختم کر دیا ہے۔

انھوں نے کہا 'ہم نے علاقے پر دوبارہ کنٹرول حاصل کر لیا ہے۔ اب وہاں کوئی محفوظ پناہ گاہیں نہیں ہیں۔ کوئی بھی نہیں۔'

’خراب تعلقات کے ذمہ دار پاکستان اور افغانستان دونوں ہیں‘

’پاک افغان اختلافات کم کرانے کی کوشش کریں گے‘

شاہد خاقان عباسی نے کہا کہ امریکہ پاکستان کی ان کوششوں کو نہیں سراہتا جن کے باعث پاکستانی فوج نے طالبان کے محفوظ ٹھکانوں کو ختم کیا۔

'پاکستان میں عام تاثر ہے کہ امریکہ پاکستان کی قربانیوں کو نہیں سراہتا اور آج ہم پر الزام عائد کیا جا رہا ہے۔ ہم دہشت گردی کے خلاف جنگ میں فعال پارٹنر ہیں اور اس سے کم نہیں۔'

The only reason Pakistan has nukes is due to the arms race initiated by India. We were forced to build those weapons as a deterrent against the fascists in India.

The world should respect Pakistan for keeping the tabs on India otherwise it is just a human tragedy in waiting.

Pakistan has a no tolerance policy against extremism and the patronage it receives across our eastern borders.
Very mature statements. For the first time Pakistan has officially clarified that Nasr has the same command-and-control authority that controls the other strategic weapons, so there should be no concern of potential misuse of authority. This is very important to acknowledge as far as safety and security of nuclear weapons at lower levels is concerned.

Not endorsing any political party here, but it goes to show that only well-educated people can have the composure to represent Pakistan on an international stage.
Very mature statements. For the first time Pakistan has officially clarified that Nasr has the same command-and-control authority that controls the other strategic weapons, so there should be no concern of potential misuse of authority. This is very important to acknowledge as far as safety and security of nuclear weapons at lower levels is concerned.

Not endorsing any political party here, but it goes to show that only well-educated people can have the composure to represent Pakistan on an international stage.
Few Days Back i Said Even Some of the members were Complaining about His Corruption , But This Guy in Few Weeks has been more active than the last 2 Govs Combined in Local and International Media and his Statements are much more mature and Pro Pakistani rather than supporting his party of blaming armed forces like majority of other politicians.
Pakistan Do need Spokesperson for the international media ,
Corruption is country business and its citizens should work hard against this decease , but blaming Military and Civis on the international stage only gives bad name of the Country and they become easy target to point.
the part of the problem is that in Pakistan an educated person have to rely on some rich, corrupt businessman to get the top of the political elite and while doing that "the person" also gets tainted.
Not sure why our Head of state is addressing the #DOTARD , when we know #DOTARDS can't think rationally

From Pakistan side we need not to be worried about #DOTARD but focus on our traditional positive cultural exchange with rest of world

#DOTARD will always think like a #DOTARD
1. Tactical is a matter of doctrinal, not yield or range; the US B61 can be programmed with a yield from 0.3-340 kilotons (which is more powerful than what north korea tested "17 times stronger than hiroshima" = 255 kilotons) but the B61 was envisioned to be used by aircraft against soviet tank thrusts through the fulda gap in germany.

2. The prime minister addressed the issue, and hopefully he leaves it at that if ask for any further clarifications. he is doing a good job on the issue, but past politicians didn't know how to only give what is needed to get the job done, the most basic frame work to reassure the world of pakistan's responsible attitude but leave the rest vague, so hey know it is a potent force and they should be left guessing i.e. the Israeli Strategic Amiguity Doctrine

3. Pakistan needs a PR reform; get some Pakistani (overseas or those with great local talent to rebuild the image of the nation as well as train the political class to think internationally and not think their domestic trick will work on the world stage); the military has been keeping up with it, the politicians need to follow suite.
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Oh yeah, a country with which India did not share its border until the annexation of Tibet and a country that enforced land disputes with India which was having a rather peaceful life with Tibet as its neighbor, was when seen to have gone nuclear, it was an absolute necessity for India to go on a pursuit.

Pakistan was and is a toothless Chinese tool to counter India. India does not have any greater ambitions, if it had, then Bangladesh would have been a part of India.

It is India's own failed foreign policy and childish attitude towards its territorial disputes which has the whole region on a brink of cold war.

Long term goals are important to us that's why we don't let small mishaps like Bongladesh come in our way for that.

A nation which cannot look past a couple of barren lands yet go utterly nuts over its caste system reality.
Oh yeah, a country with which India did not share its border until the annexation of Tibet and a country that enforced land disputes with India which was having a rather peaceful life with Tibet as its neighbor, was when seen to have gone nuclear, it was an absolute necessity for India to go on a pursuit.

You did share a border with:

East Pakistan,
Oh yeah, a country with which India did not share its border until the annexation of Tibet and a country that enforced land disputes with India which was having a rather peaceful life with Tibet as its neighbor, was when seen to have gone nuclear, it was an absolute necessity for India to go on a pursuit.

Pakistan was and is a toothless Chinese tool to counter India. India does not have any greater ambitions, if it had, then Bangladesh would have been a part of India.
well that is where you are wrong, greater ambition is not restricted to simply taking over the govt but is also counts taking over the govt by political means, that is what india did in Bangladesh, while where it suited it india, it even took the a country, there are several example since 1947 of that, which have now disapperaed and only present in history books

the 1971 event and aggression against a Pakistan without provocation or war is example that for ever has written the relation between Pakistan and india of mistrusted and enmity, even Kashmir problem if ever solved wont fix that
Indians wake up every day and call them selves champions of democracy and integrity but its a self fed lie that will not change facts and certainly not the ground reality or thinking of 200 million pakistanis

personally in my opinion after congress rejection of 1946 cabinet mission that lead to partition of Pakistan , this was the second biggest mistake of congress, otherwise you would have hoped for a better sub continent, and successful regional power in form of SAARC and probably a nuclear free Pakistan

pakistan pretends that indian nukes actually forced us to make nukes but i think it was the 1971 event
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