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Was Charles Darwin a Racist ?

Wow , the "very basic" of scientific methodology is "reason" and "evidence" if there is "lack of evidence" the theory goes bust !--

Since Darwin offers no "scientific proof" or "reason" of his belief of "a genetically inferior race" which will be exterminated that what it means is that this belief is not based on scientific knowledge in the first place but on personal hatred and blind bigotry.


Darwin simply PROPOSED evolution. Genetics confirmed it buddy, NOT Darwin.
That's not true. Sexual orientation is clearly a polygenic trait, one that is too controversial to receive any funding for further investigation, but you should know that geneticists have changed and 'reverted' orientation in fruit flies. That is to say, we can make flies gay and then straight again.

Now who gives a damn about flies? about 4% of our genes were discovered using this model organism that is separated from humans by hundreds of millions of years of evolution. If nothing else, it simply points to a biological basis for sexual orientation, just like there is a biological basis for behaviors such as alcoholism etc. Think of it as a susceptibility, not black and white or true and false.

Question is many peoples can be gays and staright in case of bisexual..many peoples were gay at one stage and became straight after some years or vice versa. why?
My question is that why human has not evolved into another species
@ Metro
theory of evolution is being taught in Pakistan.
No he is not a racist. Scientific analysis doesn't take your morals into consideration or try to be politically correct. It is blunt and honest.

Evolution isn't even a debatable topic at this point. You either believe it or stay arrogant.

so i'm arrogant because i don't believe in Darwins theory??

It isn't a red or blue color argument. You have one side with no evidence and many things that have been proven false and another side with evidence but to the theists it is never enough. Except they have nothing to offer besides "faith". If religion ran contradictory to the theory of gravity i bet you would have the same people saying there is a lack of evidence.

But no he is not racist.

so what your saying is that Hitler was right when he sad that the Aryan race was the perfect Race while non-Aryan people were Sub-Humans? hmmmmm......................
Homosexual behaviours is very rare in animals

Can you be homosexual if you try? If its in your nature to be homosexual then you should have easily move from being straight to homosexual

Exactly my point, no one can be homosexual by trying, you either born homosexual or your not.
Wow , the "very basic" of scientific methodology is "reason" and "evidence" if there is "lack of evidence" the theory goes bust !--

Since Darwin offers no "scientific proof" or "reason" of his belief of "a genetically inferior race" which will be exterminated that what it means is that this belief is not based on scientific knowledge in the first place but on personal hatred and blind bigotry.

1.) All organisms differ in traits such as size and behavior.

2.) No two individuals are exactly alike.

3.) There was a gradual change in each species.

4.) Fossils were different from the living animals. However, these fossils had many similarities to modern forms of life.

5.) Species on the Galapagos Islands resembled species on the mainland but they were different in certain characteristics.

6.) Some organisms became isolated on many islands and evolved to adept to their surroundings.

7.) Most organisms produce more offspring that can survive.

We have fossil stromatolites billions of years old, proving the oceans teemed with simple single celled organisms for eons before the first multicellular marine organisms came into existence some 650 million years ago. We know jawless fish predate jawed fish, and sarcopterygian lungfish predate the fishapod Tiktaalik. Tiktaalik predates the earliest devonian amphibians, which had to await the colonization of land by early flora and insects for their to be new niches for them to exploit.

All of this fossil evidence points to a gradual evolution of the species, just as Charles Darwin described. Since the publication of his theory we have developed whole new lines of evidence in support of evolution, such as genetics and cladistics. We have observed speciation and evolution occur in the wild, and artificially in laboratories at rates higher than would be required to explain the diversity of life we now find.

There are also numerous studies of genetics lending support to Darwin's theory. Pseudogenes and viral DNA insertions are indicative of common ancestry. Humans of 23 pairs of chromosomes, whereas other old world primates have 24 pairs. We have identified the pair of chromosomes that fused to reduce our number. These fused chromosomes even possess remnants of the telomeres--DNA sequences marking the ends of a chromosome--embedded where the original pairs joined. You could hardly hope for more compelling evidence for common ancestry between humans and simians, but there is much more evidence besides.

Genetics backing it ^^^

So what do you have to offer ?
Exactly my point, no one can be homosexual by trying, you either born homosexual or your not.

What you would say about bisexual peoples? What about those who change their sex fantasies from gays to straight for fun ? How do you know that someone is born gay or he choose to be gay?

You can create your fantasies in your mind and you can change them. sex is all in mind
Question is many peoples can be gays and staright in case of bisexual..many peoples were gay at one stage and became straight after some years or vice versa. why?

Like I said, sexuality isn't just black and white. Think of it as a 10 point scale with 10 being straight and 1 being gay, folks can fall all over the scale. While there is a clear consensus that sexuality is a biological trait, it will NEVER be investigated in people (at least in the states) so don't expect any journal articles any time soon.

Also, nobody is discounting the impact of one's environment. For example if you are genetically susceptible to alcoholism and live with a bunch of drunks, chances are you'll become a drunk. In a similar fashion, social/cultural/religious pressure has an impact on an individual and the choices they make in life. Bear in mind, when I say choice I mean lifestyle, a person can be secretly gay and still live a straight lifestyle.
For all of the Darwinists:

Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust
by Jerry Bergman

Leading Nazis, and early 1900 influential German biologists, revealed in their writings that Darwin’s theory and publications had a major influence upon Nazi race policies. Hitler believed that the human gene pool could be improved by using selective breeding similar to how farmers breed superior cattle strains. In the formulation of their racial policies, Hitler’s government relied heavily upon Darwinism, especially the elaborations by Spencer and Haeckel. As a result, a central policy of Hitler’s administration was the development and implementation of policies designed to protect the ‘superior race’. This required at the very least preventing the ‘inferior races’ from mixing with those judged superior, in order to reduce contamination of the latter’s gene pool. The ‘superior race’ belief was based on the theory of group inequality within each species, a major presumption and requirement of Darwin’s original ‘survival of the fittest’ theory. This philosophy culminated in the ‘final solution’, the extermination of approximately six million Jews and four million other people who belonged to what German scientists judged as ‘inferior races’.- Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust -

Hitler used Evolutionary Theory to Justify the Holocaust


In Mein Kampf, Hitler used the German word for evolution (Entwicklung) many times, citing "lower human types." He criticized the Jews for bringing "Negroes into the Rhineland" with the aim of "ruining the white race by the necessarily resulting ization." He spoke of "Monstrosities halfway between man and ape" and lamented the fact of Christians going to "Central Africa" to set up "Negro missions," resulting in the turning of "healthy . . . human beings into a rotten brood of s." In his chapter entitled "Nation and Race," he said, "The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness. Only the born weakling can view this as cruel, but he, after all, is only a weak and limited man; for if this law did not prevail, any conceivable higher development (Hoherentwicklung) of organic living beings would be unthinkable." A few pages later, he said, "Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."59 Hitler's Holocaust Inspired by Darwinism
To Evolutionist and believers of Darwin's theory of Evolution, is this true:

Black people 'less intelligent' scientist claims - Times Online

Stanford Study: Blacks Still Seen As Less Evolved

Fury at DNA pioneer's theory: Africans are less intelligent than Westerners - Science, News - The Independent

If this isn't racist then what is this??? Just want to know your opinion. Thanks

For all of the Darwinists:

Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust
by Jerry Bergman

Leading Nazis, and early 1900 influential German biologists, revealed in their writings that Darwin’s theory and publications had a major influence upon Nazi race policies. Hitler believed that the human gene pool could be improved by using selective breeding similar to how farmers breed superior cattle strains. In the formulation of their racial policies, Hitler’s government relied heavily upon Darwinism, especially the elaborations by Spencer and Haeckel. As a result, a central policy of Hitler’s administration was the development and implementation of policies designed to protect the ‘superior race’. This required at the very least preventing the ‘inferior races’ from mixing with those judged superior, in order to reduce contamination of the latter’s gene pool. The ‘superior race’ belief was based on the theory of group inequality within each species, a major presumption and requirement of Darwin’s original ‘survival of the fittest’ theory. This philosophy culminated in the ‘final solution’, the extermination of approximately six million Jews and four million other people who belonged to what German scientists judged as ‘inferior races’.- Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust -


Hitler used Evolutionary Theory to Justify the Holocaust


In Mein Kampf, Hitler used the German word for evolution (Entwicklung) many times, citing "lower human types." He criticized the Jews for bringing "Negroes into the Rhineland" with the aim of "ruining the white race by the necessarily resulting ization." He spoke of "Monstrosities halfway between man and ape" and lamented the fact of Christians going to "Central Africa" to set up "Negro missions," resulting in the turning of "healthy . . . human beings into a rotten brood of s." In his chapter entitled "Nation and Race," he said, "The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness. Only the born weakling can view this as cruel, but he, after all, is only a weak and limited man; for if this law did not prevail, any conceivable higher development (Hoherentwicklung) of organic living beings would be unthinkable." A few pages later, he said, "Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."59 Hitler's Holocaust Inspired by Darwinism


Seems like nobody wants to reply to my above posts!
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