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Was Charles Darwin a Racist ?

Yet people with God execute them for their different sexual preferences, right?
Dude your knowledge about God is very limited. Your one action don't decide hell or heaven for you. As far homosexuality concern i personally think its a choice..just a fantasy in your mind and peopels have ability to change their fantasies. Homosexuality is not something you are born with :)
If the darwin's theory was right , why baboons have stopped becoming humans through the evolutionary process according to the theoretical evolutionary biology ?

You have not understood his theory if you present this question. Read this.

Species close to the last common ancestor of gorillas, chimpanzees and humans may be represented by Nakalipithecus fossils found in Kenya and Ouranopithecus found in Greece. Molecular evidence suggests that between 8 and 4 million years ago, first the gorillas, and then the chimpanzees (genus Pan) split off from the line leading to the humans; human DNA is approximately 98.4% identical to that of chimpanzees when comparing single nucleotide polymorphisms (see human evolutionary genetics).

and this

Neanderthal is an extinct member of the Homo genus known from Pleistocene specimens found in Europe and parts of western and central Asia. Neanderthals are classified either as a subspecies (or race) of modern humans (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) or as a separate human species (Homo neanderthalensis).

From the above you can see that Neanderthals are a extinct subspecies of homo sapiens. These evolved in their own way. There are other subspecies of humans as well these are not the only ones.

Then we look at homo sapiens

Humans, known taxonomically as Homo sapiens are the only living species in the Homo genus of bipedal primates in Hominidae, the great ape family. Anatomically modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago, reaching full behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago.

You can see here from the above that it is not a basic monkey>human process. Different speices will evolve in different ways. There were other species of Homo sapiens as well which were evolving and became extinct and of primates that are evolving and some also become extinct. Every single primate on the planet doesn't just evovle into the current being of human beings. They all evolve in their different ways and can branch off.

This is the topic though which was is Darwin a racist which i highly doubt he is.

I have trouble understanding though what you mean by humans that stopped evolving ? This is not a 10 year process that you can see with your eyes. It can take hundreds of thousands to millions of years for viewable changes to happen. Though it has been documentation in a shorter span with certain types of animals. Going to a history museum would give you a better understanding of this.
Its yet another topic and very interesting indeed , 14 billion years of evolution resulted in physical alterations of the species according to the theory -- what the hell is so wrong now that its only happening to stop deceases and create biological countermeasures and not physical attributes ?

It's more like 6 billion...

Also, don't you think you've answered your own question? 6 billion >>>>>> ~50,000 years. The last common ancestor between humans and the great apes existed about 7 million years ago, even still, 7 million >>>>>>>> 50,000 years.

Yes, but I think that there are not many 'Creationists' left today. Some, especially those who feel that 'Creationism' is more consistent with their professions may actually be 'Evolutionists' in private. Anyway the theory of 'Creation' has no credibility today even in the Vatican.
Your question was whether Darwin was a racist. The most common reply here is 'why does that matter'? Rather than replying, you are resorting to personal insults.

That's not very nice :no:

i suggest your read DaRkWaVe's off topic post, instead of replying to Aeronaut she went off topic talking about blasphemy law and other rants that had nothing to do with thread topic!
Dude your knowledge about God is very limited. Your one action don't decide hell or heaven for you. As far homosexuality concern i personally think its a choice..just a fantasy in your mind and peopels have ability to change their fantasies. Homosexuality is not something you are born with :)

Do you know there are homosexuals in other species as well?
It's more like 6 billion...

Also, don't you think you've answered your own question? 6 billion >>>>>> ~50,000 years. The last common ancestor between humans and the great apes existed about 7 million years ago, even still, 7 million >>>>>>>> 50,000 years.

Yes, we are not the end of the line by any means. Wait for another couple of million tears, we will see distinct evolutionary attributes. Maybe, humans will be able to survive in higher CO2 environment then. Whether they will still call themselves as homo sapiens is another matter.
I said science is making advances which may give us answer. I dont know whether we have answer yet.
Beliving a God which created first life is entirely different from beliving in a personal God which judges people.
What do you mean when you say God judge peoples? We all judge peoples based on their good and bad actions. Judgement is very important for correction of our behaviours
Even without definite answer about origin, there is no definite way to tell it is done by God. Believing a personal God is another Giant leap from that God.
As i said saying GOD created life need faith, belief. I have many logical reasons to believe that God created life. I don't have scientific proof but i have got many reasons to justify my belief. Its not just blind faith. Something can exist even before science discovered or observed it. Many laws were existed in science even before they were discovered or observed.
No he is not a racist. Scientific analysis doesn't take your morals into consideration or try to be politically correct. It is blunt and honest.

Evolution isn't even a debatable topic at this point. You either believe it or stay arrogant. It isn't a red or blue color argument. You have one side with no evidence and many things that have been proven false and another side with evidence but to the theists it is never enough. Except they have nothing to offer besides "faith". If religion ran contradictory to the theory of gravity i bet you would have the same people saying there is a lack of evidence.

But no he is not racist.

Wow , the "very basic" of scientific methodology is "reason" and "evidence" if there is "lack of evidence" the theory goes bust !--

Since Darwin offers no "scientific proof" or "reason" of his belief of "a genetically inferior race" which will be exterminated that what it means is that this belief is not based on scientific knowledge in the first place but on personal hatred and blind bigotry.
Dude your knowledge about God is very limited. Your one action don't decide hell or heaven for you. As far homosexuality concern i personally think its a choice..just a fantasy in your mind and peopels have ability to change their fantasies. Homosexuality is not something you are born with :)

That's not true. Sexual orientation is clearly a polygenic trait, one that is too controversial to receive any funding for further investigation, but you should know that geneticists have changed and 'reverted' orientation in fruit flies. That is to say, we can make flies gay and then straight again.

Now who gives a damn about flies? about 4% of our genes were discovered using this model organism that is separated from humans by hundreds of millions of years of evolution. If nothing else, it simply points to a biological basis for sexual orientation, just like there is a biological basis for behaviors such as alcoholism etc. Think of it as a susceptibility, not black and white or true and false.
Do you know there are homosexuals in other species as well?

Homosexual behaviours is very rare in animals

Can you be homosexual if you try? If its in your nature to be homosexual then you should have easily move from being straight to homosexual
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