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Church apologises to Charles Darwin over theory of evolution

Wrong, religion never claimed it, ignorant people did. tleast Bible or Holy Qur'an never did.


Flat Earth in the Bible

For instance, look at these Bible verses:

"The devil took him [Jesus] up into an exceedingly high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them."
- Matthew 4:8

Shown "all the kingdoms of the world" from an "exceedingly high mountain?"
I suppose so, if the mountain was "exceedingly high" and the earth was flat.
Moreover, verses in the Bible's book of Daniel presume a flat earth the same way that verses in Matthew do:

"I saw a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great.
The tree grew, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth."
- Daniel 4:10-11

Instead of an "exceedingly high" mountain from which "all the kingdoms of the earth" can be seen, Daniel pictures a tree "whose height was great," growing from the "midst" or center of the earth and "seen" to "the ends of all the earth."

Funny how such flagrantly flat-earth verses appear in both the Old and New Testaments, and both are based on the same simple idea that something "exceedingly high" or of "great height" could be seen by everyone on earth at once.
Again no Evengelical belief claims moon to be sacred. Please show me any link, you won't find it in the Bible.



Then why do people all over the world worship the moon or start their religious festivals with the sighting of the moon ?

I don't have a degree in biology but I do read and understand the basics.

I think we have an idiological issue here rather than a rational one.

The definition of faith doesn't leave any doubt or else faith is gone. Either you seek your answers in faith and stay humble or you go for science and deny God. There's no right or wrong, but its a matter of personal choice and comfort.

Even science relies on basic physics created and maintained by God.
Religion (Bible in this case) teaches that all humans are equal, they're like children to God.



Please tell this to the equally religious Shia Sunnis in Pakistan and Hindus and Muslims in India and the BNP in uk.


Religious devide is man made and against the teachings of all evangelical beliefs. Why generalise and blame God or religion for our mistakes?

Religious devide is man made and against the teachings of all evangelical beliefs. Why generalise and blame God or religion for our mistakes?

The problem is that there are a hundred different interpretations of religion and each one can claim divine inspiration (and as a result, refuse to provide a rational explanation for their beliefs, however ridiculous or dangerous they may be.).
Then why do people all over the world worship the moon or start their religious festivals with the sighting of the moon ?


cant say about others but Muslims do not worship moon or any wordly thing.

As far as moon sighting it is based on the count of the days on the basis of the movement of the earth.
Then why do people all over the world worship the moon or start their religious festivals with the sighting of the moon ?


cant say about others but Muslims do not worship moon or any wordly thing.

As far as moon sighting it is based on the count of the days on the basis of the movement of the earth.

The reason is because the current practices are a continuation of the earlier "pagan" practices of sun and moon worship. They changed the beliefs, but not the holy days.

Same thing applies to Christmas. The date on which Christmas is celebrated is actually a date of an ancient pagan festival which wasn't changed.
cant say about others but Muslims do not worship moon or any wordly thing.

As far as moon sighting it is based on the count of the days on the basis of the movement of the earth.

There are better ways to count the days thanks to the science but people dont break their fast untill they see the moon. Which is different for different people in different countries.

Flat Earth in the Bible

For instance, look at these Bible verses:

"The devil took him [Jesus] up into an exceedingly high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them."
- Matthew 4:8

Shown "all the kingdoms of the world" from an "exceedingly high mountain?"
I suppose so, if the mountain was "exceedingly high" and the earth was flat.
Interesting phrase but one that should not be taken litteraly, there's a lot of symbolic talk in the Bible. Keep in mind that according to the Bible Jezus and the Devil both belong to the highest and most powerful group of angels called Cherubs, they're not restricted to three demensinal vision of human eye.
"All the kingdoms of the world" refers to the world known to humans in Biblical time. The event you mentioned occurred in 33 AD, the world was smaller than the world we know today.

Moreover, verses in the Bible's book of Daniel presume a flat earth the same way that verses in Matthew do:

"I saw a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great.
The tree grew, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth."
- Daniel 4:10-11

Instead of an "exceedingly high" mountain from which "all the kingdoms of the earth" can be seen, Daniel pictures a tree "whose height was great," growing from the "midst" or center of the earth and "seen" to "the ends of all the earth."

Funny how such flagrantly flat-earth verses appear in both the Old and New Testaments, and both are based on the same simple idea that something "exceedingly high" or of "great height" could be seen by everyone on earth at once.

Daniel is one of the most difficult books in the Bible, its full of symbolics, prephecies, dreams and interpretations. To understand Daniel you need to compare it with the books of Isiah, Ezechiel (Old Testament) and The Revelations (New Testament). They're in perfect harmony supporting text with a timeline of 800 BC to 98 AD.

Daniel was referring to the End of Days...
Interesting phrase but one that should not be taken litteraly, there's a lot of symbolic talk in the Bible. Keep in mind that according to the Bible Jezus and the Devil both belong to the highest and most powerful group of angels called Cherubs, they're not restricted to three demensinal vision of human eye.
"All the kingdoms of the world" refers to the world known to humans in Biblical time. The event you mentioned occurred in 33 AD, the world was smaller than the world we know today.


See Neo now that science has proved the world is round all the religious scholars feel the need to defend how well their religion predicted it but a few 100 years ago you would called a heretic and burned or stoned to death by the same religious scholars.

Work of people, not God. Bible doesn't claim the world to be flat.

Then why do people all over the world worship the moon or start their religious festivals with the sighting of the moon ?


Moon is not worshipped in Christianity as Christians work with Georgian calender.

For Jews and Muslims however new moon is the beginning of a new month according to their lunar calender.

Its a celebration, not worship, there's a difference.
Then why do people all over the world worship the moon or start their religious festivals with the sighting of the moon ?


I am not sure but if I am not mistaken a muslim festival starts with the sighting of the moon and there is always a controversy on when it should be celebrated between the Saudis and the rest of the muslim world ?

There are better ways to count the days thanks to the science but people dont break their fast untill they see the moon. Which is different for different people in different countries.


AN, breaking of the fast has nothing to do with moon sighting.
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