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Church apologises to Charles Darwin over theory of evolution

Well if you do not believe in God i am asking you again howcome you can blam Him for disasters.

By your logic you should be blaming Human for all the disasters.

Where I have blamed God ? I have only questioned your statement that you and me are not descendants of Apes where as you have not provided any proof of God.


Ps : While Mr Pankaj may not be my PA I am curious why you avoid mine or his questions ?
Where I have blamed God ? I have only questioned your statement that you and me are not descendants of Apes where as you have not provided any proof of God.


Ps : While Mr Pankaj may not be my PA I am curious why you avoid mine or his questions ?

lolzzz well you need to read your posts dear, you did blamed God for killings, disasters and you also said why God do not kill only the bad ones.

If you do not believe in God you should not be blaming or expecting Him for somthing.

and BTW i did not say that you are not descendants of monkyes, i was talking about myself and my countrymen rather people of my faith.
We do not believe in being descendants of monkyes.

As far as proving God well those who believe in monkyes being their forfathers have also not proved their claim.
mere theories that failed to prove the origion of Monkyes.
I am not sure
I am agnostic

:) ok dear then i have no more question to ask you.

Its everyone's personal choice to believe in God or not.

If people not believing in God or faith, mock those who do then we have the equal right to ask them please do not impose farce theories on us too.
lolzzz well you need to read your posts dear, you did blamed God for killings, disasters and you also said why God do not kill only the bad ones.

If you do not believe in God you should not be blaming or expecting Him for somthing.

and BTW i did not say that you are not descendants of monkyes, i was talking about myself and my countrymen rather people of my faith.
We do not believe in being descendants of monkyes.

As far as proving God well those who believe in monkyes being their forfathers have also not proved their claim.
mere theories that failed to prove the origion of Monkyes.

Dear Jana,

While u are lady of intellect in most areas please read Darwins theory before debating it. There is enough physical evidence to support it whereas there is no evidence till date to support religion. when i say that i mean all religions. If you believe in God good for you but which God would be so foolish enough to let mere mortals interpret his message ? for eg create untouchability or the blood lust which exist between Shias and sunnis.

Dear Jana,

While u are lady of intellect in most areas please read Darwins theory before debating it. There is enough physical evidence to support it whereas there is no evidence till date to support religion. when i say that i mean all religions. If you believe in God good for you but which God would be so foolish enough to let mere mortals interpret his message ? for eg create untouchability or the blood lust which exist between Shias and sunnis.


:) i dont need to read Darwins theory once again dear. I did when i was in school.

Still we are taught this theory in our schools rather there is seprate whole chapter damn it such a long chapter in our biology books here in Pakistan.

Those proof can not be called 100% authentic to accept that we are monkyes.
anyway qudrati its your personal choice.

AS far as blaming God for man-made stupidities well dear i do not agree with you.

God has sent us with brains to think over things and actions, if we behave like animals its not His fault.

AS far as phenomenon of why God do not stop Human from major bad deeds well my dear i dont know what Hindus, Christians, Jews or Budhists believe in or say about this.
But an individual and being Muslim i believe this world has been made to test human and its a struggle between right and wrong, good and bad, evil and the truth.

If there is only good in the world on can not diffrentiate between forces of dark and forces of light.

If there are no natural disasters men will never learn to use his brain for taking measures against these disasters.

PS BTW im not a lady of intellect i am just a simple lady trying to learn from experience of members here on the forum.
Why do you feel so negative about medical science. After all medical science has solved so many problems in the world.


Imho the Bible is quite clear on the issue:

"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them".
Genesis 1:27
New American Standard Bible

Unless we believe that God himself is a monkey there's no significant biblical refferal to believe that He used evolution's path to create man from monkey or any other lower being.

We have the second part of the sixth day's work, the creation of man, which we are in a special manner concerned to take notice of. Observe, that man was made last of all the creatures, which was both an honour and a favour to him: an honour, for the creation was to advance from that which was less perfect, to that which was more so and a favour, for it was not fit he should be lodged in the palace designed for him, till it was completely fitted and furnished for his reception.

So in this case you have to make a choice, i.e. believe that God created man and deny evolution or vice versa. This does not necessarily mean that you have to disapprove science, there are many fields where science is in harmony with the teachings of the Bible.

If religon could solve all then why is there so much strive in this world ?
Well thats a different story, one very well explained in several books of the Bible.
anyway qudrati its your personal choice.


Its not a matter of personal choice.

The burden of proof is clearly in favour of the theory of evolution, and therfore it is correct, and the religious explanation is wrong.
Imho the Bible is quite clear on the issue:

"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them".
Genesis 1:27
New American Standard Bible

Unless we believe that God himself is a monkey there's no significant biblical refferal to believe that He used evolution's path to create man from monkey or any other lower being.

We have the second part of the sixth day's work, the creation of man, which we are in a special manner concerned to take notice of. Observe, that man was made last of all the creatures, which was both an honour and a favour to him: an honour, for the creation was to advance from that which was less perfect, to that which was more so and a favour, for it was not fit he should be lodged in the palace designed for him, till it was completely fitted and furnished for his reception.

So in this case you have to make a choice, i.e. believe that God created man and deny evolution or vice versa. This does not necessarily mean that you have to disapprove science, there are many fields where science is in harmony with the teachings of the Bible.

Well thats a different story, one very well explained in several books of the Bible.

Dear Neo,

I agree to disagree. Nice one.

Have a Nice day.


Science failed to find the origion of the human simple as that.

Science can explain to some extent but it still failed to find where that matter came from which led to creation of human being and the world.

Secondly many things regarding world have been proven by science too.

BTW i dont have any problem if someone calls himself or herself as childern of the monkyes but please dont force us all to call ourselves monkyes.

Well even the science isn't clear about the origin, there are several theories and they're contradictory to eachother. Even modern scientists believe that Darwin's theory is outdated and dead and doesn't make sense.
His findings are based on some obsersations he made in Galapagos Islands and donot provide a full chain of evolution. There are holes in his theory...a lot of "if and then's"...nothing concrete. :coffee:
:) i dont need to read Darwins theory once again dear. I did when i was in school.

Still we are taught this theory in our schools rather there is seprate whole chapter damn it such a long chapter in our biology books here in Pakistan.

Those proof can not be called 100% authentic to accept that we are monkyes.
anyway qudrati its your personal choice.

AS far as blaming God for man-made stupidities well dear i do not agree with you.

God has sent us with brains to think over things and actions, if we behave like animals its not His fault.

AS far as phenomenon of why God do not stop Human from major bad deeds well my dear i dont know what Hindus, Christians, Jews or Budhists believe in or say about this.
But an individual and being Muslim i believe this world has been made to test human and its a struggle between right and wrong, good and bad, evil and the truth.

If there is only good in the world on can not diffrentiate between forces of dark and forces of light.

If there are no natural disasters men will never learn to use his brain for taking measures against these disasters.

PS BTW im not a lady of intellect i am just a simple lady trying to learn from experience of members here on the forum.

Dear Jana,

As with Neo I agree to disagree. I dont care if we came from a devine seed or from Monkeys as long as we donot behave like them.


Ps : The above maybe an insult to the sensible monkeys
Some valid and interesting questions have been raised here and I'm more than willing to answer them in the light of Biblical teachings.
Btw, I'm agnostic too but have excellent knowledge of all three Evangelical religions, i.e. Judaism (Thora), Chistianity (Psalms and the Evangelical Letters) and Islam (The Holy Qur'an).
Btw, I'm agnostic too but have excellent knowledge of all three Evangelical religions, i.e. Judaism (Thora), Chistianity (Psalms and the Evangelical Letters) and Islam (The Holy Qur'an).

Neo the preacher :enjoy:

Problem with religion is that its interpretations could be different, Similar in science if its not a established fact the their could be different theories.
Science is evolving religious interpretations do change.

But religion is not based on concrete fact its only based on faith.
Well even the science isn't clear about the origin, there are several theories and they're contradictory to eachother. Even modern scientists believe that Darwin's theory is outdated and dead and doesn't make sense.
His findings are based on some obsersations he made in Galapagos Islands and donot provide a full chain of evolution. There are holes in his theory...a lot of "if and then's"...nothing concrete. :coffee:

You're wrong there Neo. The theory of evolution is acknowledged as the most viable explanation for the origin of species by most if not all scientists, and definitely all scientists of repute.
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