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Was Charles Darwin a Racist ?

You should ask him then( oh it is too late). It is a scientific claim HE made, and providing evidence is his job not mine.
If he did not,and not corroborated independently, then it is not a claim that has much value in science.

Stay out of this thread , youre a waste of time.
What does this has to do with the topic ?? -- do you know more work was done on the theory of evolution by a group of sceintists known as neo darwinists than the darwin himself ?

Fossil evidence doesn't prove the original theory of evolution by Charles darwin as in his time no such scientific technique existed.
Charles dawrin wasn't able to define "The cell" and its composition how can he "possibly" identify" the right answer to human beings creation ???

By the way -- lets stick to the original topic of "scientific evidence of darwin's racism" !

I don't get it, are you trying to dispute evolution (indirectly by extrapolating his theory on social darwinism) or simply looking for 'evidence' that Africans are less 'evolved' than the rest of us?
What does this has to do with the topic ?? -- do you know more work was done on the theory of evolution by a group of sceintists known as neo darwinists than the darwin himself ?

Fossil evidence doesn't prove the original theory of evolution by Charles darwin as in his time no such scientific technique existed.
Charles dawrin wasn't able to define "The cell" and its composition how can he "possibly" identify" the right answer to human beings creation ???

By the way -- lets stick to the original topic of "scientific evidence of darwin's racism" !

Fossiled evidence is the only evidence that is available ..

What evidence are u looking for CCTV footage of all evolving??

Regarding the topic

The Mis-portrayal of Darwin as a Racist

Thanks for linking me up to Wikipedia - its a great read and as i have said before that more work has been done on the theory of evolution by natural selection by a group of sceintists called the neo darwainists than the darwin himself which in its own is the proof of how "shaky" the theory is.

I am still waiting for my "specific" answer about the scientific explanation of darwin's racist believes ? -- don't disappoint me!
Darwin suggested how life evolved but was clueless how life created . Evolution is a biological theory not a theory of the meaning of life. It explains how life developed and came to be diverse not what actually started it or what the real purpose of life is. There is no hard and fast evidence indicating who or what was the original creator and we must be willing to maintain open minds as religion and science stand together in offering certain explanations. How did life begin? That is the million dollar question. For the people that lean toward religion the answer is simple. God. This answer requires one little thing that some don't posses. Faith. To believe without having any physical proof. It is the question of how life actually began that makes me think that there is room for both God and Darwinism

I broadly agree with you. But I would say there has been tremendous progress in science recently which may give us definitive answer to what happened, and how life originated.
Some believe god did it, some dont.
But it certainly does not mean god does the rest of things that organized religions tell us( hate homosexuals, send tsunamis, and prefer circumcision, drink milk etc).

answers have been provided, twice.

And no, fossil evidence IS NOT the only evidence we have.
Thanks for linking me up to Wikipedia - its a great read
well here's a site fully dedicated to Richard Lenski's work

Richard Lenski | Home

and as i have said before that more work has been done on the theory of evolution by natural selection by a group of sceintists called the neo darwainists than the darwin himself which in its own is the proof of how "shaky" the theory is.

absurd & absolutely worthless comment, Earth is round other scientists did more work on it than the Greeks so the theory is shaky :lol:
Now don't tell me you're a flat earth believer

I am still waiting for my "specific" answer about the scientific explanation of darwin's racist believes ? -- don't disappoint me!

I did so by equating it with example of Alan Turing & SpArK posted something as well
Good one :rofl:

who gives a crap about what he thought about human race, lol its like saying Alan Turing was a gay so lets degrade him for that & forget what he did in scientific arena

& ohh btw An experiment with lizards in the Caribbean has demonstrated that evolution moves in predictable ways and can occur so rapidly that changes emerge in as little as a decade.

It would be more beneficial for this thread if you stop laughing and answer my question , i have read this link before as well and i have never denied that evolution doesn't happen among species but that doesn't mean that different species can come into being by just a long process of evolution.

If the darwin's theory was right , why baboons have stopped becoming humans through the evolutionary process according to the theoretical evolutionary biology ?

stem cell research is an evidence of a bi product of these studies , one of our PDF members is involved in this research in the US.
Evolution is a process which takes time , fair enough but what does stop evolution thats another question i have to ask of evolutionists ? -- for instance if for a second i believe that the theory of evolution is correct than by the same theory humans which are in the current form for thousands of years should be evolving to a different better kind ??

Why isn't that happening , why has the evolution stopped when it was described as "an ongoing" process ?

btw My original question still remains unanswered -- im not happy emo :D
Did anyone already pointed it out to him that according to Darwin Humans didn't evolve from apes?

He won't get it. Its best to stick to closest ancestors so he can wrap his head around the concept.
It would be more beneficial for this thread if you stop laughing and answer my question , i have read this link before as well and i have never denied that evolution doesn't happen among species but that doesn't mean that different species can come into being by just a long process of evolution.

If the darwin's theory was right , why baboons have stopped becoming humans through the evolutionary process according to the theoretical evolutionary biology ?

stem cell research is an evidence of a bi product of these studies , one of our PDF members is involved in this research in the US.
Evolution is a process which takes time , fair enough but what does stop evolution thats another question i have to ask of evolutionists ? -- for instance if for a second i believe that the theory of evolution is correct than by the same theory humans which are in the current form for thousands of years should be evolving to a different better kind ??

Why isn't that happening , why has the evolution stopped when it was described as "an ongoing" process ?

btw My original question still remains unanswered -- im not happy emo :D

What makes you think that evolution has stopped with humans?

Human Evolution: Are Humans Still Evolving? - TIME

Are Humans Still Evolving? Absolutely, Says A New Analysis Of A Long-term Survey Of Human Health
It would be more beneficial for this thread if you stop laughing and answer my question , i have read this link before as well and i have never denied that evolution doesn't happen among species but that doesn't mean that different species can come into being by just a long process of evolution.

If the darwin's theory was right , why baboons have stopped becoming humans through the evolutionary process according to the theoretical evolutionary biology ?

stem cell research is an evidence of a bi product of these studies , one of our PDF members is involved in this research in the US.
Evolution is a process which takes time , fair enough but what does stop evolution thats another question i have to ask of evolutionists ? -- for instance if for a second i believe that the theory of evolution is correct than by the same theory humans which are in the current form for thousands of years should be evolving to a different better kind ??

Why isn't that happening , why has the evolution stopped when it was described as "an ongoing" process ?

btw My original question still remains unanswered -- im not happy emo :D

Ok well at least now you are asking questions rather than making absurd statements.

To begin with, who ever said evolution 'stopped'? 'Modern Humans' have only been around 50,000 years or so, a blip (not even) in the time span of the earth. Also, change is all around you, you just have to know where to look. For example, look at Europeans and East Asians, do you see any differences? and before you go off on another rant about who is more 'evolved', remember that we're still the same species but with certain superficial phenotypic differences that can only be attributed to changes in our DNA. So it is a constant, lumbering process. I read an article just the other day about how a 'superbug' was found in Delhi's water supply. If evolution had stopped our bodies would have conquered pathogens eons ago. Coming back to humans though, and I'm not a population geneticist (more molecular genetics) by all accounts humans were shorter and broader initially.

If you're open minded and interested I could suggest a few exhaustive, but intriguing resources.
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