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Was Charles Darwin a Racist ?

It would be more beneficial for this thread if you stop laughing and answer my question , i have read this link before as well and i have never denied that evolution doesn't happen among species but that doesn't mean that different species can come into being by just a long process of evolution.

Contradictory statements Black Blood, you never denied the evolution but at the same time you don't believe different species can come into being by just a long process of evolution., but you can certainly believe that we fell out of the sky because God was pissed at Adam eating an apple :lol:

if a few decades can transform some species as mentioned in the experiments i posted you can actaully guess what can happen in 14 billion years or is it that your dogmatic faith is stopping you from embracing this idea?

If the darwin's theory was right , why baboons have stopped becoming humans through the evolutionary process according to the theoretical evolutionary biology ?

EPIC FAIL, you've read about evolution & yet you don't know the way this fundamental question has been answered

stem cell research is an evidence of a bi product of these studies , one of our PDF members is involved in this research in the US.
Evolution is a process which takes time , fair enough but what does stop evolution thats another question i have to ask of evolutionists ? -- for instance if for a second i believe that the theory of evolution is correct than by the same theory humans which are in the current form for thousands of years should be evolving to a different better kind ??

VERY VERY GOOD QUESTION! now we're talking. This question is a very interesting one & apparently there are many answers for it e.g. I'll quote this

Are humans still evolving? Absolutely, says new analysis of long-term survey of human health-- RichardDawkins.net

where as Dr. Michio Kaku holds a different POV,

Mankind Has Stopped Evolving - Michio Kaku

but thats science, they don't kill each other for different POVs :D
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Ok well at least now you are asking questions rather than making absurd statements.

To begin with, who ever said evolution 'stopped'? 'Modern Humans' have only been around 50,000 years or so, a blip (not even) in the time span of the earth. Also, change is all around you, you just have to know where to look. For example, look at Europeans and East Asians, do you see any differences? and before you go off on another rant about who is more 'evolved', remember that we're still the same species but with certain superficial phenotypic differences that can only be attributed to changes in our DNA. So it is a constant, lumbering process. I read an article just the other day about how a 'superbug' was found in Delhi's water supply. If evolution had stopped our bodies would have conquered pathogens eons ago. Coming back to humans though, and I'm not a population geneticist (more molecular genetics) by all accounts humans were shorter and broader initially.

If you're open minded and interested I could suggest a few exhaustive, but intriguing resources.

PM me please.
No he is not a racist. Scientific analysis doesn't take your morals into consideration or try to be politically correct. It is blunt and honest.

Evolution isn't even a debatable topic at this point. You either believe it or stay arrogant. It isn't a red or blue color argument. You have one side with no evidence and many things that have been proven false and another side with evidence but to the theists it is never enough. Except they have nothing to offer besides "faith". If religion ran contradictory to the theory of gravity i bet you would have the same people saying there is a lack of evidence.

But no he is not racist.
You just would have to go and "read" my post number 08 carefully ! -- I am not talking about the "soci-o-political" aspect of darwin's racism but i am asking for a scientific evidence of what he said about aboriginals and africans , because since he was a sceintist he should be able to provide proof of why he believes in "gradual extermination" of so called "baboons". :rolleyes:

Darwin based his theory on evolution of species on observations made mainly in Africa and specifically in Madagascar. His theory has been subsequently proved right by study of fossil remains of species. The proof that he was correct are too voluminous to be given out here. It is the dominant theory today. What he said about gradual extermination of so called "Baboons' can be attributed to the simple historical observation that more advanced civillisations have been regularly wiping out the more primitive for thousands of years. No proof is needed to show how the aborigines were exterminated by settlers from Europe in Australia or how the native Americans were all but exterminated from both the American continents by the Spaniards, British, Portuguese and others. Africa is simply too vast a continent and Africans were simply too numerous to be exterminated, but that did not stop the British, the Dutch, the Portuguese or the French from trying.
What proof do you need for this? We see it happening even now, we have managed to exterminate many primitive indigenous tribes in the Andaman and Nicobar islands and in the tribal belts of central India.

Having said that, I can not help but feel that when he used the word 'savages', Darwin was also influenced by his deep rooted Christian beliefs which dictated that 'savages' and 'pagans' should be rightfully brought to the path of 'enlightenment' as dictated by certain segments of the Bible. Can we say with any degree of certainty that Darwin did not have a latent missionary streak in him. Well, it was very common in most western intellectuals of his time, maybe Darwin was a bit of a religious bigot?

No studies have been conducted on this as none are needed. The incredible and outstanding theories of Charles Darwin on the evolution of species is far more important than his personal biases.
engineering student :D

That's surprising, most folks don't understand cladograms and simply assume evolution occurs in a linear fashion. I thought about getting into details but decided against it since most people have a hard enough time coming to grips with evolution in the first place :cheesy: Its good you have such an understanding of the topic especially how its completely unrelated to your field.
But it certainly does not mean god does the rest of things that organized religions tell us( hate homosexuals, send tsunamis, and prefer circumcision, drink milk etc).
God don't hate homosexuals but he don't approve the act of homosexuality..these two different things and there are valid reasons for not allowing homosexuality
As far Tsunamis and earth quakes, these are natural disaster..next you will say God kill peoples by sending road accidents and diseases and God send Aids lol
I broadly agree with you. But I would say there has been tremendous progress in science recently which may give us definitive answer to what happened, and how life originated.

I would like to know these definite answer about how and who created life because as far as i know there is not any definite answer in science :)
Contradictory statements Black Blood, you never denied the evolution but at the same time you don't believe different species can come into being by just a long process of evolution., but you can certainly believe that we fell out of the sky because God was pissed at Adam eating an apple :lol:

Lets keep your obsession of religion out of this discussion shall we? -- as per my studies i do have "huge" doubts in the authenticity of the theory of evolution.

I don't know if you will understand my point or just "wooof" it out of your forehead - but understanding and having to believe in cellular evolution is one thing & "providing a satisfactory" answer to the theory of human evolution from a mare single cell is another let alone discussing the development of intelligence.

We humans are pretty "lucky" mob to have this amount of intelligence ain't we?

if a few decades can transform some species as mentioned in the experiments i posted you can actaully guess what can happen in 14 billion years or is it that your dogmatic faith is stopping you from embracing this idea?

Its yet another topic and very interesting indeed , 14 billion years of evolution resulted in physical alterations of the species according to the theory -- what the hell is so wrong now that its only happening to stop deceases and create biological countermeasures and not physical attributes ?

EPIC FAIL, you've read about evolution & yet you don't know the way this fundamental question has been answered

VERY VERY GOOD QUESTION! now we're talking. This question is a very interesting one & apparently there are many answers for it e.g. I'll quote this

Are humans still evolving? Absolutely, says new analysis of long-term survey of human health-- RichardDawkins.net

I think i have answered it by saying that "human brain" is evolving no doubt but that also has to do with the amount of data we are processing per second during our period of consciousness and dream time.

A recent research measured the amount of data ie Radio ads , music , internet content , news , films , different environmental sounds , and your wife's voice too - this answers the question why human brain is evolving but its not evolving fast enough because the human brains ain't networked which means that if my brain has evolved more than yours , when i will die its all over ! and the evolution process wont effect the general human kind.

where as Dr. Michio Kaku holds a different POV, but thats science, they don't kill each other for different POVs :D

He's a physicist not a biologist , i "religiously" watch his programs on "conventional wisdom" and don't miss any of those episodes aired on Discovery.

Yet again , my question about Darwin's racism remains unanswered :cry:
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God don't hate homosexuals but he don't approve the act of homosexuality..these two different things and there are valid reasons for not allowing homosexuality

Yet people with God execute them for their different sexual preferences, right?

As far Tsunamis and earth quakes, these are natural disaster..next you will say God kill peoples by sending road accidents and diseases and God send Aids lol

reminds me of one of the Theodicy
I would like to know these definite answer about how and who created life because as far as i know there is not any definite answer in science :)

I said science is making advances which may give us answer. I dont know whether we have answer yet.
Beliving a God which created first life is entirely different from beliving in a personal God which judges people.
Even without definite answer about origin, there is no definite way to tell it is done by God. Believing a personal God is another Giant leap from that God.
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