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Was Charles Darwin a Racist ?

As i said saying GOD created life need faith, belief. I have many logical reasons to believe that God created life. I don't have scientific proof but i have got many reasons to justify my belief. Its not just blind faith. Something can exist even before science discovered or observed it. Many laws were existed in science even before they were discovered or observed.

Then could you at least believe in intelligent design?
Do you creationists on this page know that your view is in agreement with the neo-con zionists we have here in America.

Look at the quote on top of these two BS books by a BS published (which also published a book on Islam by an islamophobe):

"Liberals have hijacked science for long enough. It's time to set the record straight" :rofl: :rofl:

"Annoy a liberal buy this book"

So how do we know you're not some neo-con zionist RAW agents?
its more logical to believe in God than believe in fairy tales of uncle darwin where complex interrelation of life arrived by chance. its impossible for random mutations to produce such complexities as the human eyes. An organism cannot be naturally selected unless it has advantages in its environment and if these mutations occur over millions of years, then we have very unprotected beetle without a functional defence system for way too to support evolution
dirty Minded, what's the meaning of your avator? Satan worshipper? just curious.
dirty Minded, what's the meaning of your avator? Satan worshipper? just curious.

During the Indo-Pak semi final I was getting excited when U. Akmal was hitting sixes so I jokingly typed in 666 when ever he hit a six and in doing that I found this picture, and made it my avatar. you can see on the semi-final thread.

I guess it also could mean I like metal music.

Look it's the baphomet

I don't think you should be offended though, since after all, the national animal of Pakistan is a goat.


or is it a baphomet?
Aeronaut, ignore her she is just a pathetic paranoid fanatic.

If she has guts she would come out of the hole and tell us about that role models or religious figures for billions. Lets divert attention from a specific religion what she follows, you and I know well and that too ain't helping her either.

PS. some people feed on Burger king hohoho..troller I won't be reading your posts.
The article dosn't explain excatly how homosexual came about
nor does it say about the genetics.

Homesexuality is a sham !

Yes homosexuality is gross for most of us heterosexual humans, but one can't deny nature's creation. Homosexuals are humans and they can't deny the way they felt about themselves.
Those who are claiming that evolution is 'false' or not proven or some $hit like that, please explain how viruses become resistant to drugs.
No he is not a racist. Scientific analysis doesn't take your morals into consideration or try to be politically correct. It is blunt and honest.

Evolution isn't even a debatable topic at this point. You either believe it or stay arrogant. It isn't a red or blue color argument. You have one side with no evidence and many things that have been proven false and another side with evidence but to the theists it is never enough. Except they have nothing to offer besides "faith". If religion ran contradictory to the theory of gravity i bet you would have the same people saying there is a lack of evidence.

But no he is not racist.
Original Post By Jigs
Wow , the "very basic" of scientific methodology is "reason" and "evidence" if there is "lack of evidence" the theory goes bust !--

Since Darwin offers no "scientific proof" or "reason" of his belief of "a genetically inferior race" which will be exterminated that what it means is that this belief is not based on scientific knowledge in the first place but on personal hatred and blind bigotry.

Your reply to Jigs post indicate an utter lack of comprehension. What he is clearly saying ( and something that you haven't understood) is that one side (the anti evolution/ theists) have no proof and have been proven false over & over again whereas the other side (evolutionists) continuously provide evidence but which is deemed "not enough" by the anti evolutionist group who themselves never come up with any proof for their own claims.

This cartoon is only funny to people who don't actually understand the scientific method.

The frame on the right is also part of the scientific method. It is perfectly valid in science to propose a theory (conclusion) and then look for corroborating evidence. In fact, science demands that any good theory make predictions which can be used to verify or refute it.
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