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Vietnamese vs Cantonese: Guangdong-Guangxi alliance vs Vietnam, which one is more powerful?

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I wouldn't say there is much hate, it was all cold-minded political decisions to fight the wars, both fighting the USSR directly in the north and USSR ally (Vietnam) in the south. Soldiers got killed on both sides during the war, Vietnamese soldiers were tough and admirably brave, let's call it history.

Now back to topic, China is too big and too culturally/genetically diversifed to be used in comparing with Vietnam, so I guess the OP was to compare similarly sized and culturally-close economies i.e. Vietnam with Guangdong-Guangxi. And I agree with the other poster saying if there was no war (result of wrong alliance) the economic gap would have been smaller.

what is fighting between CPC and KMT ?

any case your comment is reasonable.
Hey bro I meant the hot war China fought with USSR in 1969 (7 months of undeclared military conflict in 1969, at Zhenbao Island), and that subsequently both sides militarily massively face-off each other i.e. cold-war (Mao was ready to enter a full-scale war including going nuclear, i.e. the well-known "早打,大打,打核战"), formally marking a Sino-Soviet split, till the collapse of USSR in 1991.

And during the Sino-Soviet cold-war, China invaded USSR's ally - Vietnam - in 1978.

Yes, today China and Russia is in good relationship, and it's also true that China and USSR were enemies 1969~1991.

Sino-Soviet border conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. There were no war in north China against USSR. In 1969 it's a very small friction, even couldn't be defined as battle, conflict. I never found so peaceful war. Don't boast we dared to attack USSR, Mao certainly didn't dare. 2. Are you sure China invaded Vietnam in 1978?
I wouldn't say there is much hate, it was all cold-minded political decisions to fight the wars, both fighting the USSR directly in the north and USSR ally (Vietnam) in the south. Soldiers got killed on both sides during the war, Vietnamese soldiers were tough and admirably brave, let's call it history.
it is easier if we don´t belong to east asian cultural sphere. the burden is having long memories. if we vietnamese were like as our neighbors, the cambodians or laotians, we had almost forgotten everything. history is for the people of laos and cambodia, in some extent the siamese, insignificant.
Now back to topic, China is too big and too culturally/genetically diversifed to be used in comparing with Vietnam, so I guess the OP was to compare similarly sized and culturally-close economies i.e. Vietnam with Guangdong-Guangxi. And I agree with the other poster saying if there was no war (result of wrong alliance) the economic gap would have been smaller.
no worry. cultural and people exchange between china and vietnam are virtually non-existent. most of our people are not interested of china. the only concern we have with china is if and when you resort to violence.

You still twist the history and live in hatred. Face up to the true history, my friend, look ahead the future.
Do you know at the time how many countries obviously or stealthily help Khmer Rouge? China, USA, Thailand all support him though we knew he was a crazy horrible person. But comparing to Khmer Rouge, Vietnamese aggressive policy was 10 times dangerous. Vietnam's goal was so obvious that everyone knew: occupy the whole Indo-China peninsula, from Vietnam to Singapore, Burma. You guys can forever don't confess, but the truth was the way.
vietnam intention in the 1970s is not we had in mind from 15 to 19 centuries. you made wrong assumption.
it is easier if we don´t belong to east asian cultural sphere. the burden is having long memories. if we vietnamese were like as our neighbors, the cambodians or laotians, we had almost forgotten everything. history is for the people of laos and cambodia, in some extent the siamese, insignificant.

no worry. cultural and people exchange between china and vietnam are virtually non-existent. most of our people are not interested of china. the only concern we have with china is if and when you resort to violence.

vietnam intention in the 1970s is not we had in mind from 15 to 19 centuries. you made wrong assumption.

Again, think about this. If, I emphasize if your leaders started to recover economy and focus on economic development since 1976, the result would be totally different. @Shotgunner51 By the way, it's 1979 that the war started...
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1. There were no war in north China against USSR. In 1969 it's a very small friction, even couldn't be defined as battle, conflict. I never found so peaceful war. Don't boast we dared to attack USSR, Mao certainly didn't dare. 2. Are you sure China invaded Vietnam in 1978?

Yes there was a war in 1969, 7 months, smaller scale, just didn't escalated to full-scale war.

Another link (in Chinese) for your reference:

从1960年代初开始,苏联在中苏边境不断策划和制造事端。1968年1月5日,苏联边防部队大批武装人员越过乌苏里江主 航道中心线,侵入中国七里沁岛地区,野蛮干涉中国渔民正常的捕鱼生产活动,用装甲车轧死和撞死渔民4人,撞伤和打伤渔民9人;1968年12月27日,苏 军75名全副武装的军人分乘7辆装甲车、卡车和吉普车侵入珍宝岛,打伤正在岛上执行巡逻任务的中国边防军人;1969年1月4日,我军登岛巡逻时,遭到 30名苏军的拦阻和推打,我军被迫撤回;1月6日苏军再次入侵珍宝岛,抓走我方2名渔民;1月23日苏军76名全副武装的军人,携带军犬,分乘4辆军车, 在直升机的掩护下,突然袭击正在岛上执行巡逻任务的我边防人员,围攻、毒打我军人,打伤20余人,其中重伤9人;2月6日至25日,苏军又连续5次围攻、 毒打我边防巡逻人员......据不完全统计,从1964年10月15日至1969年3月15日,苏联共挑起边境事件达4189起,比1960年到 1964年增加15倍。

USSR mounted ~100 motorized/armored divisions along the border, 1 million man strong, Mao ordered for full-scale preparation.


1969年3月2日、15日、17日中苏先 后在珍宝岛发生了叁次较大规模的 武装冲突,这是中苏两国矛盾长期摩擦并由苏方挑起的一个冲撞点。由于中方预 先有准备,苏方被毁坦克、装甲车17辆,据苏联解体后俄罗斯公布的数字,苏军死58人,伤94人。显然,苏方“吃了亏”。

珍宝岛冲 突爆发后,苏联领导层反应十分强烈。以苏联国防部长格列奇元帅、部 长助理崔可夫元帅等人为首的军方强硬派主张“一劳永逸地消除中国威胁”。准备动用在远东地区的中程弹道导弹,携带当量几百万吨级的核弹头,对中国的军 事政治等重要目标实施"外科手术式核打击"。 8月20日,苏联驻美大使多勃雷宁奉命在华盛顿紧急约见了美国总统国家安全 事务助理基辛格博士,向他通报了苏联准备对中国实施核打击的意图,并征求美方的意见。苏联的意图非常明显:在中美关系当时也很尖锐的情况下,如果苏联动 手,让美国至少保持中立。第二天一早,基辛格到白宫时,发现尼克松早已急不可耐:“说吧,亨利,碰上了什么麻烦事?”基辛格拿出十几张写满字的纸放到桌上 说:“看看吧,苏联想对中国使用核武器。昨晚,多勃雷宁先生同我深谈了一夜。克里姆林宫的几个家伙决定用核导弹一劳永逸地消除中国的威胁,现在他们来征求 我们的意见。”

尼克松在同他的高级官员紧急磋商后认为西方国家的最大威胁来自苏联,一个强大中国的存在符合西方的战略利益。苏联对 中国的核打击,必然会招致中国的全面报复。到时,核污染会直接威胁驻亚洲25万美军的安危。最可怕的是,一旦让他们打开潘多拉盒子,整个世界就会跪倒在北 极熊的面前。到那时,美国也会举起白旗的。“我们能够毁灭世界,可是他们却敢于毁灭世界。”经过磋商,美国认为:一是只要美国反对,苏联就不敢轻易动用核 武器;二是应设法将苏联意图尽早通知中国,但做到这一点很难,美中30年来积怨甚深,直接告诉中国,他们非但不会相信,反而会以为我们在玩弄什么花招。最 后决定“让一家不太显眼的报纸把这个消息捅出去,美国无秘密是人所共知的事实,勃列日涅夫看到了也无法怪罪我们。”

8月28日, 《华盛顿明星报》在醒目位置刊登了一则消息,题目是“苏联欲对中国做外科手术式核打击”,文中说:“据可靠消息,苏联欲动用中程弹道导弹 ,携带几百万吨当量的核弹头,对中国的重要军事基地──酒泉、西昌导弹发射基地、罗布泊核试验基地,以及北京、长春、鞍山等重要工业城市进行外科手术式的 核打击。”一石激起千层浪。这则消息立即在全世界引起了强烈反响,勃列日涅夫气得发疯。中国当然更不会像基辛格所说的“但愿中共领导看到了这则消息,千万 不要随后扔掉”。毛泽东听取了周恩来的汇报后说:“不就是要打核大战嘛!原子弹很厉害,但鄙人不怕。”同时果断提出了“深挖洞、广积粮、不称霸”的方针, 全国很快进入了“要准备打仗”的临战态势,许多企业转向军工生产,国民经济开始转向临战状态,大批工厂转向交通闭塞的山区、叁线,实行“ 山、散、洞”配置,北京等大城市开挖地下工事。

当中苏两国已进入战争边缘的时刻,苏联领导人出于全球主要战略对手是美国、 战略重点在欧洲、难免在袭击中国后遭报复等多方面考虑,突然采取了缓和措施 ,苏联部长会议主席柯西金利用9月上旬赴越南吊唁胡志明之机,向同时去吊唁的中国党政代表团提出要在回国途中途经北京同中国总理会谈。经反复考虑,毛 主席同意了这一要求。9月11日,双方在机场进行了叁个半小时的会谈。这次 会谈表明中苏关系略有缓和,但危机依旧。柯西金回国后,苏联又改变了态度, 趋于强硬,反映苏领导层内对华政策不一致,勃列日涅夫等人反对柯西金缓和对 华政策的意见,继续对中国保持高压政策。

9月16日, 伦敦《星期六邮报》登载了苏联自由撰稿记者、实为克格勃新闻代 言人的维克多·路易斯的文章,称“苏联可能会对中国新疆罗布泊基地进行空中 袭击”。对中国实施外科手术式核打击的阴云又一次笼罩中华大地。美国明白, 维克多的文章是对美国的一个试探!更是对中国的示警。

出于美国全球战略利益和发生大规模核战争的严重后果,在尼克松召集紧急国防 会议(参加会议的有副总统阿格纽、国防部长莱尔德、参谋长联席会议主席惠勒 、国务卿罗杰斯和基辛格)后认为:“对于眼前这场中苏一触即发的战争,我们 当然应当阻止。如果他们执意要打,那是他们的事情。”为此,美国实施了叁步 曲:一是由于中美政府之间没有交流渠道,安排高级官员会晤,要费很多周折,时间也来不及,我们可以把中美大使级华沙会谈拣起来,华沙会谈延续了15年 ,现在已经中断了两年,此时恢复意义自然非比寻常。可以安排驻波兰大使沃尔 特·斯托塞尔马上去办。这就出现了斯托塞尔尾追中国驻波大使的戏剧性事件。 二是要利用齐奥塞斯库和叶海亚与中国的亲密关系,频频传递我们期望和解的诚意。叁是为了远水解近渴立竿见影,美国亮出了1962年古巴导弹危机中尚保留未 及动用的一张牌──“用苏联已被破译的密码,发出向苏联本土134个城 市、军事要点、交通枢纽、重工业基地进行准备核打击的总统指令。”
Yes there was a war in 1969, 7 months, smaller scale, just didn't escalated to full-scale war.

Another link (in Chinese) for your reference:

从1960年代初开始,苏联在中苏边境不断策划和制造事端。1968年1月5日,苏联边防部队大批武装人员越过乌苏里江主 航道中心线,侵入中国七里沁岛地区,野蛮干涉中国渔民正常的捕鱼生产活动,用装甲车轧死和撞死渔民4人,撞伤和打伤渔民9人;1968年12月27日,苏 军75名全副武装的军人分乘7辆装甲车、卡车和吉普车侵入珍宝岛,打伤正在岛上执行巡逻任务的中国边防军人;1969年1月4日,我军登岛巡逻时,遭到 30名苏军的拦阻和推打,我军被迫撤回;1月6日苏军再次入侵珍宝岛,抓走我方2名渔民;1月23日苏军76名全副武装的军人,携带军犬,分乘4辆军车, 在直升机的掩护下,突然袭击正在岛上执行巡逻任务的我边防人员,围攻、毒打我军人,打伤20余人,其中重伤9人;2月6日至25日,苏军又连续5次围攻、 毒打我边防巡逻人员......据不完全统计,从1964年10月15日至1969年3月15日,苏联共挑起边境事件达4189起,比1960年到 1964年增加15倍。

USSR mounted ~100 motorized/armored divisions along the border, 1 million man strong, Mao ordered for full-scale preparation.


1969年3月2日、15日、17日中苏先 后在珍宝岛发生了叁次较大规模的 武装冲突,这是中苏两国矛盾长期摩擦并由苏方挑起的一个冲撞点。由于中方预 先有准备,苏方被毁坦克、装甲车17辆,据苏联解体后俄罗斯公布的数字,苏军死58人,伤94人。显然,苏方“吃了亏”。

珍宝岛冲 突爆发后,苏联领导层反应十分强烈。以苏联国防部长格列奇元帅、部 长助理崔可夫元帅等人为首的军方强硬派主张“一劳永逸地消除中国威胁”。准备动用在远东地区的中程弹道导弹,携带当量几百万吨级的核弹头,对中国的军 事政治等重要目标实施"外科手术式核打击"。 8月20日,苏联驻美大使多勃雷宁奉命在华盛顿紧急约见了美国总统国家安全 事务助理基辛格博士,向他通报了苏联准备对中国实施核打击的意图,并征求美方的意见。苏联的意图非常明显:在中美关系当时也很尖锐的情况下,如果苏联动 手,让美国至少保持中立。第二天一早,基辛格到白宫时,发现尼克松早已急不可耐:“说吧,亨利,碰上了什么麻烦事?”基辛格拿出十几张写满字的纸放到桌上 说:“看看吧,苏联想对中国使用核武器。昨晚,多勃雷宁先生同我深谈了一夜。克里姆林宫的几个家伙决定用核导弹一劳永逸地消除中国的威胁,现在他们来征求 我们的意见。”

尼克松在同他的高级官员紧急磋商后认为西方国家的最大威胁来自苏联,一个强大中国的存在符合西方的战略利益。苏联对 中国的核打击,必然会招致中国的全面报复。到时,核污染会直接威胁驻亚洲25万美军的安危。最可怕的是,一旦让他们打开潘多拉盒子,整个世界就会跪倒在北 极熊的面前。到那时,美国也会举起白旗的。“我们能够毁灭世界,可是他们却敢于毁灭世界。”经过磋商,美国认为:一是只要美国反对,苏联就不敢轻易动用核 武器;二是应设法将苏联意图尽早通知中国,但做到这一点很难,美中30年来积怨甚深,直接告诉中国,他们非但不会相信,反而会以为我们在玩弄什么花招。最 后决定“让一家不太显眼的报纸把这个消息捅出去,美国无秘密是人所共知的事实,勃列日涅夫看到了也无法怪罪我们。”

8月28日, 《华盛顿明星报》在醒目位置刊登了一则消息,题目是“苏联欲对中国做外科手术式核打击”,文中说:“据可靠消息,苏联欲动用中程弹道导弹 ,携带几百万吨当量的核弹头,对中国的重要军事基地──酒泉、西昌导弹发射基地、罗布泊核试验基地,以及北京、长春、鞍山等重要工业城市进行外科手术式的 核打击。”一石激起千层浪。这则消息立即在全世界引起了强烈反响,勃列日涅夫气得发疯。中国当然更不会像基辛格所说的“但愿中共领导看到了这则消息,千万 不要随后扔掉”。毛泽东听取了周恩来的汇报后说:“不就是要打核大战嘛!原子弹很厉害,但鄙人不怕。”同时果断提出了“深挖洞、广积粮、不称霸”的方针, 全国很快进入了“要准备打仗”的临战态势,许多企业转向军工生产,国民经济开始转向临战状态,大批工厂转向交通闭塞的山区、叁线,实行“ 山、散、洞”配置,北京等大城市开挖地下工事。

当中苏两国已进入战争边缘的时刻,苏联领导人出于全球主要战略对手是美国、 战略重点在欧洲、难免在袭击中国后遭报复等多方面考虑,突然采取了缓和措施 ,苏联部长会议主席柯西金利用9月上旬赴越南吊唁胡志明之机,向同时去吊唁的中国党政代表团提出要在回国途中途经北京同中国总理会谈。经反复考虑,毛 主席同意了这一要求。9月11日,双方在机场进行了叁个半小时的会谈。这次 会谈表明中苏关系略有缓和,但危机依旧。柯西金回国后,苏联又改变了态度, 趋于强硬,反映苏领导层内对华政策不一致,勃列日涅夫等人反对柯西金缓和对 华政策的意见,继续对中国保持高压政策。

9月16日, 伦敦《星期六邮报》登载了苏联自由撰稿记者、实为克格勃新闻代 言人的维克多·路易斯的文章,称“苏联可能会对中国新疆罗布泊基地进行空中 袭击”。对中国实施外科手术式核打击的阴云又一次笼罩中华大地。美国明白, 维克多的文章是对美国的一个试探!更是对中国的示警。

出于美国全球战略利益和发生大规模核战争的严重后果,在尼克松召集紧急国防 会议(参加会议的有副总统阿格纽、国防部长莱尔德、参谋长联席会议主席惠勒 、国务卿罗杰斯和基辛格)后认为:“对于眼前这场中苏一触即发的战争,我们 当然应当阻止。如果他们执意要打,那是他们的事情。”为此,美国实施了叁步 曲:一是由于中美政府之间没有交流渠道,安排高级官员会晤,要费很多周折,时间也来不及,我们可以把中美大使级华沙会谈拣起来,华沙会谈延续了15年 ,现在已经中断了两年,此时恢复意义自然非比寻常。可以安排驻波兰大使沃尔 特·斯托塞尔马上去办。这就出现了斯托塞尔尾追中国驻波大使的戏剧性事件。 二是要利用齐奥塞斯库和叶海亚与中国的亲密关系,频频传递我们期望和解的诚意。叁是为了远水解近渴立竿见影,美国亮出了1962年古巴导弹危机中尚保留未 及动用的一张牌──“用苏联已被破译的密码,发出向苏联本土134个城 市、军事要点、交通枢纽、重工业基地进行准备核打击的总统指令。”

有没有战争?boast boast boast, 不自夸很难过吗. China was a super power in 1969,okay? Satisfied? bye buddy!
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. .
The wars are facts.

Boast is always a Chinese shortcoming. Face is more important than benefits. After 1839, when our emperor could be open-minded and learned from foreign countries, would dozens of millions of Chinese be killed in the following hundred years?
Boast is always a Chinese shortcoming. Face is more important than benefits. After 1839, when our emperor could be open-minded and learned from foreign countries, would dozens of millions of Chinese be killed in the following hundred years?

The wars are hard facts: 1969 Sino-Soviet border war, Sino-Soviet Split, Mao Zedong's "早打大打打核战" plan, 1979 Sino-Vietnam war, USSR and China stationing massive troops along border, collapse of USSR in 1991 ....

Which part is about boasting?
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Again, think about this. If, I emphasize if your leaders started to recover economy and focus on economic development since 1976, the result would be totally different. @Shotgunner51 By the way, it's 1979 that the war started...
you forget it was cambodia under khmer rouge pol pot that attacked vietnamese border cities, killing our people. the genocide in cambodia did not exclude vietnamese migrants. the butcher gang did it without a blink.

also, you forget that china supported cambodia with weapons, money, military advisers and propaganda. without backing from china, cambodia would have never dared to attack vietnam.

last but not least, you failed to mention that china basically staged a plot, provoking vietnamese invasion of cambodia, and used it as excuse to attack and invade vietnam, killing our people. your plan was to killl as many as vietnamese as possible, destroying as much as possible our country.

why all of this? just because of the decision of vietnam to ally with the soviet union.
The wars are hard facts.

Which part is about boasting?

Mutual provocation is not war. Provocation may cause war, and may not.

you forget it was cambodia under khmer rouge pol pot that attacked vietnamese border cities, killing our people. the genocide in cambodia did not exclude vietnamese migrants. the butcher gang did it without a blink.

also, you forget that china supported cambodia with weapons, money, military advisers and propaganda. without backing from china, cambodia would have never dared to attack vietnam.

last but not least, you failed to mention that china basically staged a plot, provoking vietnamese invasion of cambodia, and used it as excuse to attack and invade vietnam, killing our people. your plan was to killl as many as vietnamese as possible, destroying as much as possible our country.

why all of this? just because of the decision of vietnam to ally with the soviet union.

You still twist the history and live in hatred. Face up to the true history, my friend, look ahead the future.
Do you know at the time how many countries obviously or stealthily help Khmer Rouge? China, USA, Thailand all support him though we knew he was a crazy horrible person. But comparing to Khmer Rouge, Vietnamese aggressive policy was 10 times dangerous. Vietnam's goal was so obvious that everyone knew: occupy the whole Indo-China peninsula, from Vietnam to Singapore, Burma. You guys can forever don't confess, but it's a regret your govt didn't keep calm after getting the glorious victory against American troops.
Mutual provocation is not war. Provocation may cause war, and may not.

Hot war:

Sino-Soviet border conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cold war:
The Sino-Soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World
Lorenz M Luthi
The Sino-Soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World by Lorenz M. Luthi | 9780691135908 | Paperback | Barnes & Noble

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In 1979 China deployed 300,000 soldiers to invade Vietnam, while China deployed more than a million soldiers in the north border. Do you know the reason? USSR was actually China's target and avoid USSR starting the war. In this case, USSR could only provide Vietnam with free weapons and food by sea and air, USSR spent more than 2 million USD in Vietnam everyday, but they had to do so, they were ally. USSR also had to provide free support to other Asian, European, and African counties, the Cold War became an economy war between US and USSR. China chose the US's side. Finally USSR couldn't stand the huge expenditure all over the world and collapsed.

Okay, okay, the picture is showing "cold war in the communist world". Why do you still insist saying it was war between USSR and China?
Okay, okay, the picture is showing "cold war in the communist world". Why do you still insist saying it was war between USSR and China?

Yes, I said hot war in 1969 (March 2nd ~ September 11th, casualty data see above links, China term "珍宝岛自卫反击战" or "Zhenbao Island Self-Defense and Retaliation War"), and followed by a full-scale cold war 1969~1991 (over 1 million-men strong on each side of the border at tactical maneuver distance, with nuclear arsenal and strategic bombers aiming at each other). Check my post.

Anything about boasting?
Boast is always a Chinese shortcoming. Face is more important than benefits. After 1839, when our emperor could be open-minded and learned from foreign countries, would dozens of millions of Chinese be killed in the following hundred years?

The late Qing and KMT didn't dare to defend China's sovereignty, it doesn't mean that CPC won't.

I suggest we all stop talking about genetics. we don´t want to be racists, don´t we?

dichoi, southern and northern chinese are more or less the same group of people, sharing same cultures and custom, similar to southern and northern vietnamese. that is not much of difference. even in genetics, there are just small differences, caused by waves of other migrant groups.

Finally some objectivity from you.

Some of your countrymen sound like the South Chinese have no right to defend China because we are not the real Chinese in their eyes.
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