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How Strong is China's military?

We should stay humble and let america decline further. No need to break the status quo when we are improving daily and america declining daily. America headed for a civil war between left wing vs right wing we shud just focus on overtaking them and being quiet in the mean time.
But the problem is some idiot really take the hollywood bait and think US armed forces is the best, just becos they got some fleshy gears and the hollywood imagine they project... I really pity these people who cant differential reality vs imagination.
The problem is group think, arrogance, societal breakdown, racism and complete brainwashing in the so-called western world, where these idiots refuse to see the truth or understand how rapidly the world has changed. A recent PEW poll confirmed the US as the most ignorant country on the planet.

US, Italy and Canada one of the most ignorant countries in the world: Study

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We should stay humble and let america decline further. No need to break the status quo when we are improving daily and america declining daily. America headed for a civil war between left wing vs right wing we shud just focus on overtaking them and being quiet in the mean time.
The problem is the some countries take the bait and still choose the declining partner as some savior while display hostility against China. China need to win more alliance for future growth. Its good sometime China flex some real muscle to let fool understand what is reality.
The problem is the some countries take the bait and still choose the declining partner as some savior while display hostility against China. China need to win more alliance for future growth. Its good sometime China flex some real muscle to let fool understand what is reality.
As a Han Chinese I presume you have a better understanding of Chinese culture and largely peaceful nature which the west and the Japanese exploited. The 1949 Mao's Communist revolution reformed China into a disciplined nation of 1.4 billion people and subsequent economic power packing a mega economic and military punch. Just compare China to the Indian chaotic sh1thole next door which the deluded west in trying to prop up as a "counter to China" aka cannon fodder. It is simply a pipe dream. Historically, the Chinese have not been aggressors against other peoples and built the Great Wall to keep the "Barbarians" out not expand.

The racist west is steeped in aggression, genocidal colonialism and totally illegal against perceived "weaker nations" largely for economic gain, enslaving others and exploitation. The US was built of corruption, racism, slavrey and genocide of native "primitive people", same for Australia, Canada and NZ. The Opium trade from India via Hong Kong was the most blatant example of western, largely Anglo-American enmity and hatred towards China and Asians in general. Now they can't stand the FACT that China has progressed and surpassed their faltering societies. China needs to stand firm indeed and create alliances with like minded independent nations like Iran and even Russia to some extent. There is no doubt that a showdown with a declining, corrupt and bankrupt US is inevitable. Throughout history, a declining power goes down in flames, internally and externally, the US will be no exception.
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Absolutely nonsense. US is overrated military hip by Hollywood and western media. To claim PLA, not having experience is another nonsense. Experience can be trained with quality war exercise! In fact, some war exercise is even tougher than real life situation.

Iraq having 8 years of hard fighting war experience fighting Iran (1980-1988), seems didint help them win the 1991 gulf war against the Coalition forces. The war harden iraqi armed forces crumble in just a month fighting.
Yeh, but it did help Vietnam beat China in the border skirmish. Experience matters, we have seen it time and time again. That's why the Western forces couldn't defeat the Taliban. In a direct localised conflict with the US the Chinese could be in for a shock.
Yeh, but it did help Vietnam beat China in the border skirmish. Experience matters, we have seen it time and time again. That's why the Western forces couldn't defeat the Taliban. In a direct localised conflict with the US the Chinese could be in for a shock.
Vietnam beat China in border clash is a myth. China intention is to never stay in Vietnam long. Plus due to facing Soviet at north border as priority. Those send to Vietnam for war were all second rated soldiers. PLA when invading Vietnam even reached Vietnam cities of Lang Song, how did we loses the war? We treat Vietnam same as India, short war and withdrawal once motive achieve.

Regarding US and coalition defeat in Afghanistan. How do u expect a forces to defeat Taliban when they do this to local as frequent basic? The local just turn back to Taliban for help. US Coalition win zero percent help from Afghan local.

US could have really bomb Afghanistan back to stone age and spare no local to win the war but what will be the backlash for US from rest of world community if they do that?
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Vietnam beat China in border clash is a myth. China intention is to never stay in Vietnam long. Plus due to facing Soviet at north border as priority. Those send to Vietnam for war were all second rated soldiers. PLA when invading Vietnam even reached Vietnam cities of Lang Song, how did we loses the war? We treat Vietnam same as India, short war and withdrawal once motive achieve.

Regarding US and coalition defeat in Afghanistan. How do u expect a forces to defeat Taliban when they do this to local as frequent basic? The local just turn back to Taliban for help. US Coalition win zero percent help from Afghan local.

US could have really bomb Afghanistan back to stone age and spare no local to win the war but what will be the backlash for US from rest of world community if they do that?
The limited PLA incusrion into Vietnam was a short border skirmish and China had no intention of either occupying any part of Vietnam or even causing infrastructure damage. It was meant to put Vietnam in its place and the message was delivered quite effectively.

US on the other hand, along with 52 NATO lapdogs and assorted poodles like Australia and NZ invaded Afghanistan, dropped more bombs than the entire western theater in WW2, destroyed the infrastructure, society and killed a million Afghans and displaced 6-7 million. 3 million plus are still refugees in Iran. Short of using nuclear weapons, the US inept cowards used every weapon in their inventory, yet the US savages LOST and FLED leaving behind $85 billion worth of weapons and equipment.
I believe the modernized and disciplined PLA is more than a match for the US or NATO war criminals who only attack small defenceless nations.
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10-20 years away from becoming a fully mordenised force
Most reputable analysts believe by 2030 the PLA would have exceeded the US and NATO poodles in its capabilities. The US economy is also deadbroke and despite Pentagon losers whining and seeking more money to "counter China" they have no chance as power has shifted to a multi-polar Eurasian front. The US is facing the Confucian "Death of a thousand cuts". Its totally counter-productive delusional aim of "full spectrum domination" is more of an insanity than reality. It is bleeding the declining US economy to oblivion.
China's military is strong blah blah blah. why dont they try and take south Tibet (aka Arunachal) then?
after all it is right there, try and take it. I'd to see them try before reaching any conclusions.
China's military is strong blah blah blah. why dont they try and take south Tibet (aka Arunachal) then?
after all it is right there, try and take it. I'd to see them try before reaching any conclusions.
China is doing really well and developing well during this time of peace and prosperity so there is no reason to disrupt this momentum. When China gets attacked China will take opportunity to take whatever is necessary all at once.

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