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Vietnam: 100,000 killed, hurt by abandoned weapons

Don't console yourself by calling taiwan issue as civil war. You know you have to confront big daddy US before any attack on Taiwan.

We will never attack Taiwan,we are all Chinese.and US position is Taiwan part of China.do you know US doesnt even have diplamatic relationship with Taiwan?
We will never attack Taiwan,we are all Chinese.and US position is Taiwan part of China.do you know US doesnt even have diplamatic relationship with Taiwan?

But both countries have strong defense relationships. isn't it?

---------- Post added at 09:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 PM ----------

our purpose is not land!! You said Kashmir is yours? Why pak occupy some of it?

So you have accepted status quo in Taiwan issue?
USSR used to be a superpower,and now China's economy is bigger than Russia,Brazil,India combined together!how things changed during the last couple of decades.
China's economy depend deeply on foreign investors ,if they shift their factories to India-ASEAN to reduce labour cost , China's economy will collapse , don't forget China can not even make a good ipad or Iphone now.
it happen bcz we refused to make friend with US even when they tried to convince us , we thought with Soviet support we could change all of US allies around VN to become communist nations...but we're wrong , Soviet collpased so soon , so we only can set up pro VN govt in Laos-Camb :D

btw: we're not invade Cambodia .

You army gone into Cambodia, you said you didn't invade Cambodia, Then PLA gone into Viet, You always said China had invaded you? Tell me the logic, Just because you are "VIET"?
You hate china, why do you like to follow China( economy reform)!!! Maybe we didn't defeat you in the war between you and us, But it is not because of you are strong, so we retreat? So don't always said you beat us, Only nut will believe it!!! Don't forget that, ASEAN also don't believe you!!
You army gone into Cambodia, you said you didn't invade Cambodia, Then PLA gone into Viet, You always said China had invaded you? Tell me the logic, Just because you are "VIET"?
You hate china, why do you like to follow China( economy reform)!!! Maybe we didn't defeat you in the war between you and us, But it is not because of you are strong, so we retreat? So don't always said you beat us, Only nut will believe it!!! Don't forget that, ASEAN also don't believe you!!

No one hates China, you guys hate the world.
You army gone into Cambodia, you said you didn't invade Cambodia, Then PLA gone into Viet, You always said China had invaded you? Tell me the logic, Just because you are "VIET"?
You hate china, why do you like to follow China( economy reform)!!! Maybe we didn't defeat you in the war between you and us, But it is not because of you are strong, so we retreat? So don't always said you beat us, Only nut will believe it!!! Don't forget that, ASEAN also don't believe you!!
Pol Pot killed thousand VNese inside our land, so we had to punish him and help Cambodian have better govt. . Did our men kill any Chinese inside your land before 1979 ??

You retreated bcz you're weak with obsolete weapons and poor tactic, that the fact . We got alots of powerful weapon from US-Soviet such as CBU-55 or even Scalar Weapons , our soliders had lots of combat experience too , they can easily sneak into China and destroyed your 10 million radar without being detected, so how could a poor equiped and inexperience PLA troops compare with us ??
China's economy depend deeply on foreign investors ,if they shift their factories to India-ASEAN to reduce labour cost , China's economy will collapse , don't forget China can not even make a good ipad or Iphone now.

haha,IPhone in your Vietnamese eyes must be really really unthinkable high tech,and we can send men to the space and build space station,that's no an iphone technology.
haha,IPhone in your Vietnamese eyes must be really really unthinkable high tech,and we can send men to the space and build space station,that's no an iphone technology.
hehe, we're the first one in space in Asian, not you . and I 'm telling you the fact about your 'supper' economy now, your economy is just simply providing poor slaves for foreign investors to earn the living, nothing special, that all.

Of course when poor Chinese don't wanna be slave any more, then China's economy will collapse bcz investors will shift to another nations for lower labor cost.
hehe, we're the first one in space in Asian, not you . and I 'm telling you the fatc about your 'supper' economy now, your economy is just simply providing poor slaves for foreign investors to earn the living, nothing special that all.

We sent men to the space,do you know the meaning of this sentence.it means the technology.your economy is China's slave,that is for sure,haha
We sent men to the space,do you know the meaning of this sentence.it means the technology.your economy is China's slave,that is for sure,haha
Your space tech is just simply copy from Russia or US , or having help from German or another nations, that's all. Nothing special , we can request space techology transfer if we have money too .

China's economy is in US-Japan hands, your so don't make US-Japanese get angry with you even Japan killed million Chinese in WW 2, or your economy will collapse :P
haha,can you copy it and send people to the space on your own?and how come Vietnam economy is totally in Chinese hand?
if we have enough money, then we can do the same with technology transfer too, but why a small nation like VN need to send men into space by ourself ??

our economy in yorur hand ??so let withdraw all of your investment and see if we have any problem or not ??see what happen in Myanmar , you thought her economy is totally in Chinese hand too...and now , you got a snub from them when they reject your dam project and you can do Nothing but sit and cry :cool:
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