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Vietnam: 100,000 killed, hurt by abandoned weapons

hope we can enjoy peace forever.
Sure we never attack China first , you're too big with so high population but poor of resouces and fertile land .

China have Nothing interested but poisoned land with lots of toxic factories
Sure we never attack China first , you're too big with so high population but poor of resouces and fertile land .

China have Nothing interested but poisoned land with lots of toxic factories
i know you will not attack us, you only want to get money from both US and China via anti-china. but if US and china listen to your suggestion, and choose you as the final battleground, no one can change it.
i know you will not attack us, you only want to get money from both US and China via anti-china. but if US and china listen to your suggestion, and choose you as the final battleground, no one can change it.
Don't forget our big boss is Russia , US will never battle with VN again as long as Russia still alive bcz we can use Russia weapons to kill all of US allies around VN and install pro-Vn govt. there for revenge ^^.

Both US-China are not strong enough to threaten VN now , bro
Don't forget our big boss is Russia , US will never battle with VN again as long as Russia still alive bcz we can use Russia weapons to kill all of US allies around VN and install pro-Vn govt. there for revenge ^^.
last time, Russia is your boss too, why the war happened?
last time, Russia is your boss too, why the war happened?
it happen bcz we refused to make friend with US even when they tried to convince us , we thought with Soviet support we could change all of US allies around VN to become communist nations...but we're wrong , Soviet collpased so soon , so we only can set up pro VN govt in Laos-Camb :D
Relations with the United States began to soften during the first year of the Carter administration, though war wounds still ran too deep to permit a relationship of cooperation and agreement between the two nations. President Carter and Congress indicated that relations could be normalized if the vexing issues surrounding prisoners of war (POWs) and soldiers missing in action (MIAs) were resolved. Approximately 2,500 U.S. service personnel continued to be reported as missing in the jungles of Vietnam, and Americans desperately wanted an accurate assessment of their numbers and of whether any of them were still alive in Vietnamese camps. Optimism grew in 1977 and 1978 as the two nations discussed preliminary issues.

President Carter sent Assistant Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke in May 1977 to meet with Vietnamese officials. The talks broke down, however, when Vietnam demanded several billion dollars in payment for war damages, which the United States rejected because the Vietnamese had allegedly violated the 1975 Paris Accords by invading South Vietnam. President Carter indicated that the United States would provide aid, but that funding could not be linked to normalization or the POW-MIA issue.

When the Vietnamese finally relented on their demands for reparations, they failed to receive a corresponding overture from the United States. This stemmed from official and public alarm over Vietnamese immigration, a Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, and an increasingly powerful Soviet presence in the region (epitomized by the Soviet base at Cam Ranh Bay, the largest military installation of the USSR outside of its borders). After the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, the United States sent covert aid to noncommunist Cambodian guerrillas who were fighting Vietnam.

Read more: Vietnam and the united states - The Vietnam War and Its Impact http://www.americanforeignrelations...am-and-the-united-states.html#b#ixzz1ffz6g8UK

btw: we're not invade Cambodia .
Sure we never attack China first , you're too big with so high population but poor of resouces and fertile land .

China have Nothing interested but poisoned land with lots of toxic factories

i know you will not attack us, you only want to get money from both US and China via anti-china. but if US and china listen to your suggestion, and choose you as the final battleground, no one can change it.

last time, Russia is your boss too, why the war happened?
Because Sam didn't know he will be ultimately knocked off by Boris.
it happen bcz we refused to make friend with US even when they tried to convince us , we thought with Soviet support we could change all of US allies around VN to become communist nations...but we're wrong , Soviet collpased so soon , so we only can set up pro VN govt in Laos-Camb :D

btw: we're not invade Cambodia .
camboria is already socialism country before you attack them.
you invade camboria in 1979, soviet collapse in 1991.
in 1979 we beat them badly,I will put detailed facts and figures.

If you was winning the war why not captured Vietnam? why you got back in your borders with thousands of casulties? I know depending on whatever government feeds you is your helplessness. And please don't quote wiki as your source. Even in wiki it never says that China won the war. I just feel sad that you have such lw sources to claim ur victories.
If you was winning the war why not captured Vietnam? why you got back in your borders with thousands of casulties? I know depending on whatever government feeds you is your helplessness. And please don't quote wiki as your source. Even in wiki it never says that China won the war. I just feel sad that you have such lw sources to claim ur victories.
because china has no interesting in land of other country, only protect herself.
both viet war and india war is only punishing war, we did not ocupy any inch land. ony tell her neigbers do not greedy of chinese land.
because china has no interesting in land of other country, only protect herself.
both viet war and india war is only punishing war, we did not ocupy any inch land. ony tell her neigbers do not greedy of chinese land.

Coz you couldn't grab the land and maintain it. Don't hide behind excuses.
If you are so good at grabbing land and winning war why Taiwan is still separate and progressing? Accept your shortcomings.
we are not good at grabbing land,as for Taiwan,it's a civil war,got nothing to do with foreigners.Taiwan's official name is Repblic of China,and their airline is China Airline,just in case you dont know,haha
camboria is already socialism country before you attack them.
you invade camboria in 1979, soviet collapse in 1991.
Dude, how could a butcher like Pol Pot be a good communist leader when he ordered to kill 2 million Cambodian and thousand Vnese in VN border??he must be overthorwn by good Khmer like Hun Sen , then we can build up a strong communist bloc in ASEAN after that.

btw: it's history and the plan to change US allies to communist nations gone with Soviet collapse already :D
we are not good at grabbing land,as for Taiwan,it's a civil war,got nothing to do with foreigners.Taiwan's official name is Repblic of China,and their airline is China Airline,just in case you dont know,haha

Don't console yourself by calling taiwan issue as civil war. You know you have to confront big daddy US before any attack on Taiwan.
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