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Vietnam threatens legal action against China


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
Associated Press
May 21, 2014 Updated 5 hours ago



Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung waves to the crowd as he arrives at the ASEAN Garden to lay a wreath at the bust of Ho Chi Minh Wednesday, May 21, 2014, in Manila, Philippines. Dung is in Manila for the World Economic Forum in East Asia and for talks with Philippine President Benigno Aquino III that will focus on toughening cooperation as their countries wrangle with China in tense territorial standoffs in the South China Sea.BULLIT MARQUEZ — AP Photo

MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Vietnam's prime minister said Thursday that his country was considering legal action against China, which deployed an oil rig earlier this month to disputed waters, prompting anti-Chinese riots in Vietnam and a tense standoff between ships from both countries in the area.

In a written reply to questions sent by The Associated Press, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said Vietnam would fiercely defend its territory but would never resort to military action "unless we are forced to take self-defense actions."

"Like all countries, Vietnam is considering various defense options, including legal actions in accordance with the international law," said Dung, who held talks with his Philippine counterpart in Manila that focused on their territorial rifts with China.

Dung did not specify what legal action Hanoi was considering. Last year, the Philippines filed a complaint against China before an international tribunal in The Hague to challenge the legality of its sweeping territorial claims in the South China Sea.

China claimes nearly all of the South China Sea as its own, bringing it into conflict with Vietnam, the Philippines and three other governments that have rival claims. Beijing also has a territorial dispute with Japan over a cluster of islands in the East China Sea.

When asked if his country would risk going to war in disputed waters, Dung said his country would never venture into that.

"Military solution? The answer is No," Dung said in the email. "Vietnam has endured untold suffering and losses from past invasive wars ... We are never the first to use military means and would never unilaterally start a military confrontation unless we are forced to take self-defense actions."

After discussing China's increasingly assertive behavior in disputed waters, Dung and Philippine President Benigno Aquino III read separate statements before journalists at the presidential palace in Manila on Wednesday.

The "president and I shared deep concern over the current extremely dangerous situation caused by China's many actions that violate international law," Dung said.


"The two sides are determined to oppose China's violations and call on countries and the international community to continue strongly condemning China and demanding China to immediately end the above said violations," he said.

Aquino did not mention the territorial disputes with China when he and Dung faced journalists but said they discussed how their countries could enhance defense and economic ties, adding that both governments aim to double two-way trade to $3 billion in two years.

"In defense and security, we discussed how we can enhance confidence-building, our defense capabilities and inter-operability in addressing security challenges," Aquino said.

The Philippines, a U.S. treaty ally, has been more vocal in opposing China than Vietnam, which has been trying to quietly resolve its territorial dispute with Beijing. But Hanoi was incensed by the deployment of the oil rig on May 1, leading to speculation it would shift its approach.

Vietnam dispatched ships to confront the Chinese oil rig that have jostled with Chinese vessels defending it. Last week rioting broke out in Vietnam that killed at least two Chinese workers and wounded more than 100 others.

At least two Vietnamese diplomats have told The AP earlier that Vietnam might now file its own appeal or join Manila's legal challenge against China. A senior Philippine government official told The AP that Dung and other Vietnamese officials mentioned that plan to their Philippine counterparts in closed-door meetings on Wednesday.

Many have feared that long-seething territorial disputes in the resource-rich South China Sea could spark Asia's next major armed conflict. Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan also have overlapping territorial claims in the strategic area.

China and the Philippines are in a standoff over another South China Sea reef, the Second Thomas Shoal. Chinese coast guard ships have three times attempted to block Filipino vessels delivering new military personnel and food supplies to Philippine marines keeping watch on the disputed area on board a long-grounded ship.

Chinese maritime surveillance ships took effective control of Scarborough Shoal off the northwestern Philippines after Filipino government vessels withdrew from the disputed fishing ground two years ago. Alarmed by China's move, the Philippines challenged the legality of Beijing's vast territorial claims in the South China Sea before an international arbitration tribunal last year.

The Philippines took the legal step after exhausting other peaceful means to resolve its territorial disputes with China, Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said. He suggested Vietnam make an assessment as to whether resorting to legal means would promote its national interests, he said.

Associated Press writer Teresa Cerojano contributed to this report.

Read more here: MANILA, Philippines: Vietnam threatens legal action against China | World | Merced Sun-Star
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US has just provided 18 milion US dolar to support VN coast guard, hope VN will get a better relationship with US more fund to contain big bad bullier China.
we should stage some fun games, aka join military excises with the Philippines.
And of course, the US should indeed pay more so we can stop China aggression. Win-win game.
LOL. Who will implement whatever action the judge gives out? Big powers like China, Russia and US have special priviledges where nothing can happen to them.
2 clowns standing together does not make you look stronger, stupid viets.
I think you should join police and prove yourself, it better to go here, being swanky clown while your people was slaughter and explode like dust ... :unsure:
This case is going to get thrown out, because it is beyond the jurisdiction of UNCLOS. Instead, it's based on historical claims, which are usually solved on a bilateral basis. But regardless, international law has never been able to bind great powers. The US invasion of Iraq was unquestionably illegal, but that didn't stop the invasion. And if Saddam had survived and initiated a lawsuit, the US would have just ignored it, like when they got sued for invading Nicaragua and lost:

Nicaragua v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

or when they got sued by Germany and Mexico for illegal diplomatic/criminal law procedures, and lost:

LaGrand case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mexico v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Likewise, when Japan was sued for their illegal whaling and lost, but continued their whaling anyway.
Japan told to halt Antarctic whaling by international court | Environment | The Guardian

So Viets here are pretty delusional if they think their flimsy, baseless lawsuits can have any effect.
This case is going to get thrown out, because it is beyond the jurisdiction of UNCLOS. Instead, it's based on historical claims, which are usually solved on a bilateral basis. But regardless, international law has never been able to bind great powers. The US invasion of Iraq was unquestionably illegal, but that didn't stop the invasion. And if Saddam had survived and initiated a lawsuit, the US would have just ignored it, like when they got sued for invading Nicaragua and lost:

or when they got sued by Germany and Mexico for illegal diplomatic/criminal law procedures, and lost:

Likewise, when Japan was sued for their illegal whaling and lost, but continued their whaling anyway.

So Viets here are pretty delusional if they think their flimsy, baseless lawsuits can have any effect.
haha but China has no any documentary evidence of historical claims. China afraid to go to court, afraid of a trial. why? all china has that is by their mouth and bunch of waste papers,
Just how much more should the US have to pay?!?!
Look from the strategic perspective.

You should consider Vietnam importance for SE Asia as like Israel in the Middle East. I read you pay $2b military aid to Israel a year. The same amount should be granted to Vietnam.

We will buy your weapons and support not only your military industrial complex but keep Chinese in check.

Win-win for all :-)
Legal action? And who will be the judge and the jury? Even if God gives a judgement, nothing's going to change! :no:
Vietnam will likely follow the Philippines to sue China at the U.N. tribunal: the International Court of Justice in The Hague. As you know, the Philippines brought the case in January 2013 under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which governs the world's oceans. China is a signatory.

We will challenge China´s possession of the Paracels and the EEZ waters. Regardless of China accepts or not, the judges will make a decision. We are sure, the court will condemn China.

Sure, we know even if we win the case, China will not withdraw from the Paracels. But the point is we will have an international voice over the matter. China must decide if they want to follow the rule of law or not. they will be exposed as liar.
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The Ph seems to forgot that how Vietnam stole "their" island.
But anyway, "forgiving" is what the Ph good at, they even forgot about the Manila Massacre and worshiped the Kamikaze pilots to beg for $$ from Japanese.
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