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50 Years Anniversary of the forgotten Holocaust, how US bombs killed Millions in Laos & keep killing

We know why you approve of the bombing campaign. If it never occurred, your application for refugee status would have been rejected. As for the human casualties, possibly including your friends/family/neighbors, you couldn't care less.
Do you have any idea on why the US bombed Laos ? It is a fair question. It was supposed to be the Vietnam War. So what happened in Laos ?

Evil Laotians threatened to destroy peace loving USA with durians and bananas. :victory::victory::victory:
Another clueless one...
Do you have any idea on why the US bombed Laos ? It is a fair question. It was supposed to be the Vietnam War. So what happened in Laos ?

Another clueless one...

Why do you ask when you have the answer, smarty? LOL
Why do you ask when you have the answer, smarty? LOL
You once claimed to be a journalist. So let us see how good you are. Besides, this is a publicly accessible forum. Everything is opened to challenge. So...Why Laos was involved in the VIETNAM WAR ?
You once claimed to be a journalist. So let us see how good you are. Besides, this is a publicly accessible forum. Everything is opened to challenge. So...Why Laos was involved in the VIETNAM WAR ?

Are you asking me to write down Laos involvement in the Vietnam War? Dream on. It's weekend and I'm at a wedding.
You once claimed to be a journalist. So let us see how good you are. Besides, this is a publicly accessible forum. Everything is opened to challenge. So...Why Laos was involved in the VIETNAM WAR ?
Officially it's called the Second Sino War, in which Sino means Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the 3 former colonies of France in South East Asia. All 3 countries established a communist govt/front to fight for their independence after WW2. A mutual alliance was formed between the 3 communist party to support each other in the fight against the French. As the strongest of 3, Vietnam was the main target for the US to hit because if the US could take down VN, it could just march in Laos and Cambodia with ease. In fact in the early 1970s, when US and VN were negotiating about US pulling troops out of VN, the US and South VN army launch an attack against Cambodia and easily chased the Cambodian Communist govt out of the capital. Cambodian communist govt started a guerilla war against the US in the forest. Laos is in the North and close to North Vietnam so it was impractical for the US to send troops to station in Laos. So they decided to bomb Laos to cut off the supply line Ho Chi Minh trail of North Vietnam for South VN front. The purpose of attacking Cambodia and bomb Laos was to destroy the communist govts and cut off VN supply lines on the two countries.
See how American illiterately bombed and killed so many vietnamese and now the vietnamese side with the killer and totally forgotten how many of their ancestors, friends and parents killed by Amercians.
The holocause was truly a horrific event , so horrific even the victims (the jews) can remember it to date
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