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Uyghurs Who Fled China Now Face Repression in Pakistan

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You sound weak......your mind is full of ideas not of your religion. Are you Muslim??

I don't believe in any laws other than the ones that stand on the Truth and Justice.

You can call my mindset whatever. There are many organizations that call themselves "Without Borders" like "Doctors without Borders" or "Engineers without Borders". I'm part of the latter. :D

He is not Muslim and he hates Islam based on what I have seen. More like fire worshiper or Druz
I prefer not to label anyone and allow the material and facts to speak for themselves.

But, there are some interesting things in the video, but most of it belongs in the dustbin. The things that appear factual are there to make it look believable. So that it looks proper and truthful.
Complete rubbish.

Whatever. You lack critical thinking skills if you can't find the truth....watch their other videos on Uyghurs. Type the words "Uyghur genocide" into Google and start reading.......or not and be the same ignorant person you are being right now. :D
Like I said before in this thread....I'm not proud of US behavior either. I criticize it too. Unlike you guys who jump on the CCP bandwagon even if CCP tomorrow tries to kill Han Chinese....like Falun Gong. :devil:

So, basically you admit China does what the US does?? So all these "re-education camps" are Chinese version of Gitmo?? :D
When did you even ever criticize it? All we see is your full of praise and heap of brilliant about American and their stance against China. You are a well know CIA hardcore fan. Everybody can see it. :enjoy:
You sound weak......your mind is full of ideas not of your religion. Are you Muslim??

I don't believe in any laws other than the ones that stand on the Truth and Justice.

You can call my mindset whatever. There are many organizations that call themselves "Without Borders" like "Doctors without Borders" or "Engineers without Borders". I'm part of the latter. :D
Does not work like that. We all know what happens when other nations intervene in issues they have no relation with. We have real world examples playing out right now because of the same interferences you advocate. IMO, the only place where there needs to be a urgent case of interference is the USA with all the minority oppression going on there and many other issues. But even with the US i say we have to let them sort it out, they need time to figure out their business. Same rule applies for every nation on earth. Interference makes it worse and has no legal basis.
Whatever. You lack critical thinking skills if you can't find the truth....watch their other videos on Uyghurs. Type the words "Uyghur genocide" into Google and start reading.......or not and be the same ignorant person you are being right now. :D
Of cos with google under CIA control and rubbish article from google search like NYtimes. WSJ, CNN and Reuter, BBC.

You really think reader are stupid enough to fall for your trick? :lol:

Can u try something new?
He is not Muslim and he hates Islam based on what I have seen. More like fire worshiper or Druz
Quite rich coming from a country where ''Islam'' is basically just in name only. The ''islam'' you practice there in Indoland is really a joke and not even 1/10 of the original version. I can go on and on and degrade your society and women here but it depends how far you are willing to push. Kamu mengerti, mas ?
When did you even ever criticize it? All we see is your full of praise and heap of brilliant about American and their stance against China. You are a well know CIA hardcore fan. Everybody can see it. :enjoy:

I am a fan of CIA....for the right purpose. :D

You probably won't get what I mean. You can just check my thread history for all the times I based the US. I don't care. Unlike you, I can do that.

If you bash China....say good bye to your job and your life. :lol:

Of cos with google under CIA control and rubbish article from google search like NYtimes. WSJ, CNN and Reuter, BBC.

You really think reader are stupid enough to fall for your trick? :lol:

Can u try something new?

Wow....did you just call NYTimes, WSJ and other "rubbish"?? Ahahahahaha

You're a joke dude. No one takes you seriously. :D
Quite rich coming from a country where ''Islam'' is basically just in name only. The ''islam'' you practice there in Indoland is really a joke and not even 1/10 of the original version. I can go on and on and degrade your society and women here but it depends how far you are willing to push. Kamu mengerti, mas ?

Indonesian women wear hijab voluntarily shows our Islam quality. Of course there is bad people, but in majority, Muslim here perform good practice of Islam.

Quite rich coming from a country where ''Islam'' is basically just in name only. The ''islam'' you practice there in Indoland is really a joke and not even 1/10 of the original version. I can go on and on and degrade your society and women here but it depends how far you are willing to push. Kamu mengerti, mas ?
I quite agree with this, but at least we are majority Sunni. :lol:
She also said USA as nation is under God which basically means God/religion is above state

It’s my personal opinion... nothing to do with what someone in USA or anywhere says... point is that you don’t ditch your country because because of your religion
China Gang Logic : LoOk Western CounTriEs aRe Committing GeNoCidE, So We CaN Too.

IgNoRe anYthInG hAppeEning iN ChInA WE SaINts WeST BadDies
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China Gand Logic : LoOk Western CounTriEs aRe Committing GeNoCidE, So We CaN Too.

IgNoRe anYthInG hAppeEning iN ChInA WE SaINts WeST BadDies
Fools has no limit...

American : " Its easy to fool the Ignorant with just sensational fake news and let them killed each others. Just bring up religion and make outrageous claim and question their faith and these idiots will take the bait. It so easy to cause wedge between them. Hahaha... Then the legacy of western imperialism will continue where we continue to influence the arabs monarch and ensure muslim will never rise above the christian power. "
Fools has no limit...

American : " Its easy to fool the Ignorant with just sensational fake news and let them killed each others. Just bring up religion and make outrageous claim and question their faith and these idiots will take the bait. It so easy to cause wedge between them. Hahaha... "
I feel you Homie
Muslims are the useful idiots of the world who barely understand, study or read history. Emotional and with no long term thinking. The part of the world, which had brutalized and colonized muslim lands for 200 years, murdered, enslaved and destroyed the remaining culture of the lands. Destroyed the last remaining Ottoman khalifate (instigating and supporting Arabs), and destroyed the last line of the Mughal empire (killed the sons of Bahadar Shah Zafar). And of recent perhaps killed millions of muslims directly or indirectly through their allies, in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kashmir and barely squeaked about the Rohinga, Chechan or CAR genocides of muslims. The ones who still proudly speak of their Algerian campaigns, or celebrate heros like Churchill who killed millions through non-action in Bengal or direct action in the Tribal areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now all of a sudden these muslims will spin like a top, at the slightest instigation, against China, just because the people who gave us the Uranium in Iraq, give us the story of Uyghers so called "genocide" in China. Uyghers are Chinese citizens and they are allowing themselves to be sold to the highest bidder to create terrorism and chaos in China. Grow up people, stop being the useful tools of both the West and the crazy fundamentalists within the ranks. Both of these are two sides of the same coin. LEARN FROM HISTORY for God's sake.
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