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Uyghurs Who Fled China Now Face Repression in Pakistan

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So when are you waging war with China for Uyigars, With Israel for Palestinians and India for Pakistan.. making statement is easy hero... try giving statement against China/India and see consequence .How many Uyigars are there in Indonesia?? Atleast Pak tries to walk its word, it took huge no of Afghans...

Indonesia will help his brothers and sisters at its capacity. I think you know what Soekarno gave to Pakistan during Pakistan-Indian war right ??? The war is stopped just some time after Indonesian submarines reach Karachi.

And for Bosnian war we are among the one who smuggle weapon for Bosnian during Sarajevo undersiege and blockade.

This is Soeripto, Indonesian official who become the person who send weapon to Bosnian. It is his story. He was Armed Force Intelligent Chief during SBY administration.


Soeripto with Bosnian warriors

Soeripto also said when Soeharto visited Sarajevo where it was still undersiege, Indonesian send ammunition inside the Ambulance convoy

Typical tactics to claim China did what US do. Fools has no limit to trust American but Chinese..

Chinese are not as despicable as American.

Let me show one instance where American can stood so low against Muslim...

In "Whose God Rules?" David McColgin, a defense attorney for Guantanamo detainees, recounts how a female government interrogator told Muslim detainees she was menstruating, "slipped her hand into her pants and pulled it out with a red liquid smeared on it meant to look like menstrual blood. The detainee screamed at the top of his lungs, began shaking, sobbing, and yanked his arms against his handcuffs. The interrogator explained to [the detainee] that he would now feel too dirty to pray and that she would have the guards turn off the water in his cell so he would not be able to wash the red substance off. 'What do you think your brothers will think of you in the morning when they see an American woman's menstrual blood on your face?' she said as she left the cell." These acts, as well as interrogators desecrating the Quran, led the detainees to riots and mass suicide attempts.[118][120]

Right....Americans never killed 50M+ Americans.......Mao did that in like 20 years LOL


As for the folks, like the guy above, who say I don't stand against the US....read what I just wrote in another thread:

Refugees... Does it proves anything? It can criminals, separatism, extremist or CIA agent...

Lmao....something's clearly wrong with you......you probably overdosed on CCP propaganda...

Everything outside China is now "criminals, separatists, extremists or CIA agents" to you. :rofl:
Something I got from my WhatsApp that will give folks here food for thought.


By Norman Fernandez.

Here’s just a short post.

In China, there are 10 ethnic Muslim Minorities and in descending order they are:-
1. Hui
2. Uighur
3. Kazakh
4. Dongxiang
5. Kyrgyz
6. Salar
7. Tazik
8. Uzbek
9. Bonam
10. Tatar.

Only the Uighurs are a problem. Why? Because they are in truth fighting a separatist war. The Western countries are encouraging a separatist war claiming that the Uighurs are facing religious persecution and the Western countries are fighting hard to see a breakup of China.

The Western countries are hoping that should the Uighurs, get a separate country, all the other ethnic groups( probably with the exception of Hui Muslims) will also start demanding for a separate country.

So if anyone claim that the Uighurs are discriminated and persecuted, ask why the other nine are not discriminated or persecuted. None of the other nine ethnic Muslim groups are engaged in any conflict or war with the Chinese government.

It’s just like the same in Myanmar. There are:-
1. Rohingyas ( Muslims tracing the ancestry to Bangladesh or rightfully referred as Benggali Muslims)
2. Panthays ( Burmese Chinese Muslims)
3. Pishus ( Muslims of Malay ancestry)
5. Zerbadi Muslims ( community descended from marriage between Indian-Muslim males and Burmese females). Incidentally, they are the largest ethnic Muslim group in Myanmar and form half of the total Muslim population.

In Myanmar, only the Rohingya Muslims claim that they are being discriminated and persecuted. Why? Because, only Rohingya Muslims have been fighting for a separate state. First, they wanted their Rakhine region to separate and join Bangladesh and when that failed, the Rohingyas began demanding a separate state. The atrocities of the Rohingyas against the Burmese and Buddhist are well documented. Once again, the Western powers are hard at work, trying to break up Myanmar.

So, if anyone claims that the Rohingyas are being discriminated and persecuted, why the other three are not being discriminated or persecuted.

Sour grape, the level of development of Xinjiang cities now can put almost all western cities to shame, the west just eats their heart out over the growth and development of Xinjiang.
Something I got from my WhatsApp that will give folks here food for thought.


By Norman Fernandez.

Here’s just a short post.

In China, there are 10 ethnic Muslim Minorities and in descending order they are:-
1. Hui
2. Uighur
3. Kazakh
4. Dongxiang
5. Kyrgyz
6. Salar
7. Tazik
8. Uzbek
9. Bonam
10. Tatar.

Only the Uighurs are a problem. Why? Because they are in truth fighting a separatist war. The Western countries are encouraging a separatist war claiming that the Uighurs are facing religious persecution and the Western countries are fighting hard to see a breakup of China.

The Western countries are hoping that should the Uighurs, get a separate country, all the other ethnic groups( probably with the exception of Hui Muslims) will also start demanding for a separate country.

So if anyone claim that the Uighurs are discriminated and persecuted, ask why the other nine are not discriminated or persecuted. None of the other nine ethnic Muslim groups are engaged in any conflict or war with the Chinese government.

It’s just like the same in Myanmar. There are:-
1. Rohingyas ( Muslims tracing the ancestry to Bangladesh or rightfully referred as Benggali Muslims)
2. Panthays ( Burmese Chinese Muslims)
3. Pishus ( Muslims of Malay ancestry)
5. Zerbadi Muslims ( community descended from marriage between Indian-Muslim males and Burmese females). Incidentally, they are the largest ethnic Muslim group in Myanmar and form half of the total Muslim population.

In Myanmar, only the Rohingya Muslims claim that they are being discriminated and persecuted. Why? Because, only Rohingya Muslims have been fighting for a separate state. First, they wanted their Rakhine region to separate and join Bangladesh and when that failed, the Rohingyas began demanding a separate state. The atrocities of the Rohingyas against the Burmese and Buddhist are well documented. Once again, the Western powers are hard at work, trying to break up Myanmar.

So, if anyone claims that the Rohingyas are being discriminated and persecuted, why the other three are not being discriminated or persecuted.


would be no Pakistan

We like China and want to work with China, Chinas enemy is not Uyghurs but rather America and Japan

Any Chinese trying to infringe on our religion or hurt our fellow muslims will Inshallah face the punishment of Hell

All Chinese fanboys on this forum, wherever I find you I won't be leaving you alone and any post against our religion will be not be taken lightly
Don't worry about us and where we're going, my man. Worry about the hovercraft.:omghaha:
Chinese are not as despicable as American.

Americans YAN(G)KEE
300+ million Chinese with surnames like Wang, Yang, Zyang

Chinese are EXACTLY like Americans.
People don't like it when Americans are angry.
People won't like it when Chinese are angry.
History of China hyper violent.
Americans hyper violent.
People only take being pushed for so long then they change back to what they were.
Muslim of India literally carved 2 separate nations because of religion. You clearly don't know what you're talking about Lmao.
That’s the reason why Muslims should not be trusted... either in west or anywhere and must be handled the Chinese way
Whatever. You lack critical thinking skills if you can't find the truth....watch their other videos on Uyghurs. Type the words "Uyghur genocide" into Google and start reading.......or not and be the same ignorant person you are being right now. :D

Please don't behave like a silly child, I don't need your tantrums, if you have something to add in support of the video then say so, otherwise grow a pair, and show some respect to your country, and for yourself. I pity the likes of you who are unable to look in a mirror without swearing at themselves.

I have self-respect, which means seeing the world for what it is, not allowing the world to feed me crap and slurping it up like it's the Amber nectar, grow the heck up.

Here is my evaluation of the dribble in your statement, and the stupid video.
If you have something factual to add then do so, otherwise behave like a man and grow up, or be a strong woman, or whatever you are.

Who do you think you are, we have to act in our national interest, and we have done that like any other country. You pick your fights, or you die, only a fool fights every fight. If you wish to be a fool, please go ahead, but leave Pakistan out of your fantasies.

We have provided a home to 4-5 million Afghan refugees for over 40 years, refugees from every part of the world, Chechniya, Somalia, Bangladesh, Nigeria, China, Central Asia, Bosnia, and so on. Hundreds and thousands of Rohingyas are living in the safety of Pakistan, we don't cry about it like other countries.

We helped Bosninans when no one else would, by giving them weapons with which to fight, we helped the North Africans gain independence from what at the time was a powerful France, we have stood by the Palestinians when their Arab brothers have abandoned them. Who do you think you are judging Pakistan with your narrow mind. Have some shame.

Pakistan has done all of the above and more, we suffered, but we continue, we suffered financially and materially and lost around 70,000 of our citizens, and yet you have the audacity to shame Pakistan, shame on you.

The video:

1. The very first statement says, in a secret location in Pakistan, but later on, in the video, it recognizes him and them to be living an open normal life. You have to be a complete idiot to believe you can run a large secret refugee railroad in Pakistan. The only way in is the Karakoram highway, and the Uyghurs look different to most Pakistanis, and if the Pakistani state was truly after them, there is not a corner of Pakistan they can hide in, in any substantial numbers or for a long time. A refugee railroad implies large numbers and implies regular activity over a prolonged period. One would have to be a complete fool to believe such an operation could exist, then accept that the frontman is showing himself on a YouTube documentary.

2. They are still living in Pakistan, they have not been kicked out of the country, or handed over to China, if he was so persecuted as he claims, surely the easiest thing would be to hand him over to China. Kill two birds with the same stone, no one to speak up and the Chinese are happy, the fact he is there with total freedom, speaks volumes of what the actual truth is.

3. The Uyghur scholar, who it is claimed is on one stop in Pakistan before moving on, seems very comfortable there, teaching kids and freely participating in social activities, openly. He does not look like someone passing through Pakistan to reach some sort of heaven, America? I suppose or India?

4. Introducing Imran Khan as a nationalist, a label that's not required or relevant, putting a label on him so everything he does is viewed with maligned intent > And how is CPEC anything to do with India, does every development in Pakistan have to be looked through an Indians lense, You clean a street in Pakistan because it is something to do with India? CPEC has nothing to do with Pakistans own economic development right? Placing labels is a constant feature in this stupid film, labels are put to weaken or damage a particular message, they are misrepresentations and lies when placed unnecessarily.

5. Introducing Mushahid Hussain as a lobbyist, a lobbyist is someone paid or acting on someone's behalf, which is a lie. He is a renowned foreign policy and defense expert in the country, a mature politician, and a serving senator who heads various important committees in the Pakistani parliament. I am sure those designations are far more appropriate and far more important than the label lobbyist. That is a misrepresentation showing misaligned intent.

6.He was apparently tortured and forced, then how is he freely and openly teaching Uyghur culture and language, how, are you blind to the obvious. If he was being stopped, I can assure you, he would not be doing any of this freely and openly. They are all shown to be living in large housing, with businesses, they must be doing ok for someone so oppressed. Total freedom to do what they want but the representation is of oppression, that's a joke.

7. The only Balochi voice shown is BLA, a terrorist organization, they are providing a platform for terrorists, should that not be banned, how are terrorists allowed to speak freely and normal citizens and local Baloch leaders not be given a voice to present their views. So only the terrorists are allowed to have a voice, according to this film, are you so blind to the obvious maligned intent here.

8. The Baloch also speak Urdu, it is presented as they speak a different language from the rest of the country, implying that they are totally different and have nothing to do with the rest of the country. how stupid is this, each region of Pakistan has its own language but they also speak a national unified language, Urdu. What they said is a misrepresentation, it implies a meaning beyond the statement.

9. The Baloch have not been fighting for independence for decades, that's a lie, then it is claimed that the group leading that fight is BLA, which is total crap. How are you so stupid.

9. They are showing terrorists kissing babies and saying goodbye to families, so the only terrorist are human but not the people they killed, where are they? do they not have a voice? does the normal Balochi not have a voice? only terrorists are allowed to speak for the Balochi people in this film, how dumb can you be.

10. It says the BLA has seen the British and the Americans fail to gain control of the area, when, how, where, this is stupid beyond belief, a complete lie. If you cannot see that you are an idiot.

11. it claims the Taliban trained at the red mosque, no the Taliban did not train at the bloody red mosque, this film gets more and more stupid, nothing but naked lies.

12. There are no high-interest loans, it is part of wider lies that this film just won't stop repeating. And, no land will be handed over to anyone, tell the makers of this stupid lie of a film, and tell yourself. You fool.

13. It finishes by, he is closing the school, he is hiding and trying to leave the country. They spent so much time in Pakistan, surely they could have gotten a WhatsApp call with him or a phone call to show if he really was in trouble, there is so much bullshit in this film, only idiots like you would be taken in by it, then I suppose they made this film only for idiots.

Having watched it the second time, I am shocked how they are able to fool people with this trash, I honestly pity you.

I apologize, he really deserves the label you gave him and much more, add any label under the sun and I promise I will never doubt you again. If the shoe fits, then I can't deny it.
Cinderella is a fictional character, and this guy prefers to live in fantasies.
I posted this up a week ago. Anyway watch it fully, BLA terrorists have been interviewed and have openly threatened to attack Pakistani cities. No condemnation there I see?
India is spending 800 millions on negative campaigns against Pakistan.
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