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Uyghurs Who Fled China Now Face Repression in Pakistan

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It’s my personal opinion... nothing to do with what someone in USA or anywhere says... point is that you don’t ditch your country because because of your religion

Well why you want to make religion as anti state entity ???

Muslim is among the first in history to make nationhood state, people living in different religion has the same right with believers. I know Hindu is problematic with its caste system, but Islam teach us to treat person equally.

Here is one of the Madinah Charter:

(25) And the Jews of Banu ‘Awf shall be considered as one political community (Ummat) along with the believers—for the Jews their religion, and for the Muslims theirs, be one client or patron. He, however, who is guilty of oppression or breach of treaty, shall suffer the resultant trouble as also his family, but no one besides.

RELIGIOUS people will be the one that dont corrupt, dont bribe, dont take bribe, dont steal, and will become the best soldiers since they fight for their God

This is Indonesian radio when we are about to fight Britain and Dutch in Surabaya, East Java

The most honest citizen who are ready to sacrifice is the most relogious one

This one, Novel Baswedan, top Indonesia Anti Corruption official whose eyes get attacked after he made Fajar prayer in Mosque.

It’s my personal opinion... nothing to do with what someone in USA or anywhere says... point is that you don’t ditch your country because because of your religion

Ask all the Uyghurs why they left China...

The Chinese who left China left it for far lesser important reasons....money. :D

Muslim of India literally carved 2 separate nations because of religion. You clearly don't know what you're talking about Lmao.
China Gand Logic : LoOk Western CounTriEs aRe Committing GeNoCidE, So We CaN Too.

IgNoRe anYthInG hAppeEning iN ChInA WE SaINts WeST BadDies

Lmao....the Great Copycat. :D

Fools has no limit...

American : " Its easy to fool the Ignorant with just sensational fake news and let them killed each others. Just bring up religion and make outrageous claim and question their faith and these idiots will take the bait. It so easy to cause wedge between them. Hahaha... Then the legacy of western imperialism will continue where we continue to influence the arabs monarch and ensure muslim will never rise above the christian power. "

Fools are those who worship and idolize a mass murderer. Looks like India and China aren't different afterall...

You are Indian, dont speak on behalf of Muslim countries citizen.

This is Air Force officers graduation day in 2020 where Indonesian President, Jokowi, was also present. It is in Indonesian language, start hearing from 1.05 minutes and you can see Air Force General say the Armed Force will fight for religion first where nation/state is in the second place. @Itachi

So when are you waging war with China for Uyigars, With Israel for Palestinians and India for Pakistan.. making statement is easy hero... try giving statement against China/India and see consequence .How many Uyigars are there in Indonesia?? Atleast Pak tries to walk its word, it took huge no of Afghans...
I feel for you working as a tools for others. The worst of someone is being make use but still think he is on a righteous path but being a collaborator with imperialism and murdering.
My opinions and thoughts
Indeed its a good description for those who believe american words. They dont even know what kills them later. I am giving you a good advise!. Be sure who is your real enemy.
Man it's not about enemies It's a humanitarian thing.
Man it's not about enemies It's a humanitarian thing.
Of cos , the american will bring up fake news and question your righteous of humanity. Like what u feel and doing now. Fool as righteous and thinking what u doing is righteous for the enemies.

The importance of the trip cannot be understated given the U.S.’ ever increasing imperial aggression toward China. A hallmark of Trump’s first term has been the so-called trade war which tried, but failed , to meaningfully impact China’s economy by starving it of investment with the United States. The trade war came after the Obama administration’s “Pivot to Asia,” vastly increased the U.S.’ military presence in the Asia Pacific. U.S. military hostility toward China has not let up under Trump. In fact, China has been labeled by the Trump administration’s National Security Strategy document as the greatest threat to the U.S.’ imperial interests alongside Russia. U.S. imperial aggression toward Iran, Syria, or anywhere else in the Global South cannot be divorced from the Empire’s larger strategic goal of overthrowing the People’s Republic of China.

The American Empire has painted the Uyghur independence movement as a progressive phenomenon to make China out as a bigoted, authoritarian nation. Uyghur independence, however, is not motivated by the concerns of a minority at all. It is an attempt to delegitimize China’s New Silk Road project, formerly called The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), of which Xinjiang Province is the heartland . BRI’s first matter of businesses is to further develop Xinjiang Province as an independent trade route to the rest of Asia. Xinjiang has historically been one of the poorest regions of the country due to poor land quality and centuries of neglect imposed on the region by the semi-colonial development model that existed prior to the revolution. However, it is clear from the vibrant economy in Ürümqi that China’s model of economic development is reducing poverty and providing opportunities for the people of the region to improve their standard of living. Like other cities throughout China, there is no visible homelessness and much of the infrastructure is no more than twenty years old. Economic development has successfully warded off the threat of ETIM. Zero attacks have occurred in the city since 2016. As more progress is made in Xinjiang, the more sinister and numerous the American Empire’s lies become.

Danny Haiphong is an activist and journalist in the New York City area. He and Roberto Sirvent are co-authors of the book entitled American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake News--From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror (Skyhorse Publishing). He can be reached at wakeupriseup1990@gmail.com, on Twitter @spiritofho, and on Youtube at The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong.
Pakistan is a nation founded by the Muslims for the Muslims

if there was no islam there would be no Pakistan

We like China and want to work with China, Chinas enemy is not Uyghurs but rather America and Japan

Any Chinese trying to infringe on our religion or hurt our fellow muslims will Inshallah face the punishment of Hell

All Chinese fanboys on this forum, wherever I find you I won't be leaving you alone and any post against our religion will be not be taken lightly
Pakistan is a nation founded by the Muslims for the Muslims

if there was no islam there would be no Pakistan

We like China and want to work with China, Chinas enemy is not Uyghurs but rather America and Japan

Any Chinese trying to infringe on our religion or hurt our fellow muslims will Inshallah face the punishment of Hell

All Chinese fanboys on this forum, wherever I find you I won't be leaving you alone and any post against our religion will be not be taken lightly
You shall leave your anger for the American and so called western righteous. I hope u have the same passion against American evil against muslim.

One of the allegations of abuse at the camp is the abuse of the religion of the detainees.[45][46][47][48][49][50] Prisoners released from the camp have alleged incidents of abuse of religion including flushing the Quran down the toilet, defacing the Quran, writing comments and remarks on the Quran, tearing pages out of the Quran, and denying detainees a copy of the Quran. One of the justifications offered for the continued detention of Mesut Sen, during his Administrative Review Board hearing, was:[51]

"Emerging as a leader, the detainee has been leading the detainees around him in prayer. The detainees listen to him speak and follow his actions during prayer."
Red Cross inspectors and released detainees have alleged acts of torture,[52][53] including sleep deprivation, beatings and locking in confined and cold cells.

It seriously makes my blood boil when I see Pakistanis beating, abusing and blackmailing other Pakistanis on the orders of another nation. It used to be Brits ordering Indian Muslims to kill fellow Muslims, the Americans asking Musharraf and others to hand over innocent Pakistani and now it's China asking the government to harass Uyghurs in Pakistan.

Everyone should realize that the Chinese Pakistan relationship isn't one sided. China doesn't get to order us around. We hold the key to future Chinese prosperity. We're the ones securing its backside. Making sure that the Chinese economy isn't choked during war because the Straits of Malacca and South China Sea are blocked by the US & Allied Navies.

If only the Pakistani government and people realize that China owes us more than we ever owe them. Get out of this inferiority complex people. Watch the video, spread it.

@Iltutmish @Shehr Abbasi @waz @Dubious @Arsalan @war&peace @Yaseen1 @lastofthepatriots @Khafee @Rashid Mahmood @Zarvan @SQ8 @dexter @ghazi52 @Rusty @Max @maximuswarrior @Tipu7 @Trango Towers @V. Makarov @Rusty

I'll report any troll. Of whatever flag they maybe. This is your first and last warning.
Will we talk on that with China? This Uyghur issue is somewhat genuine not just a western propaganda. At least we should develop a spine to talk with our friends. Pakistan can help in solving this issue.
You shall leave your anger for the American and so called western righteous. I hope u have the same passion against American evil against muslim.

One of the allegations of abuse at the camp is the abuse of the religion of the detainees.[45][46][47][48][49][50] Prisoners released from the camp have alleged incidents of abuse of religion including flushing the Quran down the toilet, defacing the Quran, writing comments and remarks on the Quran, tearing pages out of the Quran, and denying detainees a copy of the Quran. One of the justifications offered for the continued detention of Mesut Sen, during his Administrative Review Board hearing, was:[51]

"Emerging as a leader, the detainee has been leading the detainees around him in prayer. The detainees listen to him speak and follow his actions during prayer."
Red Cross inspectors and released detainees have alleged acts of torture,[52][53] including sleep deprivation, beatings and locking in confined and cold cells.

Everytime China does something......look!! The US did it too!

The US doing something bad doesn't make it ok for China to do it either......stop trying to deflect. :rolleyes:
Will we talk on that with China? This Uyghur issue is somewhat genuine not just a western propaganda. At least we should develop a spine to talk with our friends. Pakistan can help in solving this issue.
LOL.. Another fools speaks.
Will we talk on that with China? This Uyghur issue is somewhat genuine not just a western propaganda. At least we should develop a spine to talk with our friends. Pakistan can help in solving this issue.

Unfortunately, there will be no such talks. Turkey spoke up but they have been silent too recently.

China has too much financial power in the Muslim world. The only ones standing up to China currently are Afghan Taliban who have helped Uyghurs and Uyghur freedom fighters in the past.

LOL.. Another fools speaks.

To you, probably half the forum is foolish cuz we don't bow down to it. Likewise, you and your ilk are low iq fools to us. :lol:

I'm just glad our founder wasn't such a genocidal maniac...

Everytime China does something......look!! The US did it too!

The US doing something bad doesn't make it ok for China to do it either......stop trying to deflect. :rolleyes:
Typical tactics to claim China did what US do. Fools has no limit to trust American but Chinese..

Chinese are not as despicable as American.

Let me show one instance where American can stood so low against Muslim...

In "Whose God Rules?" David McColgin, a defense attorney for Guantanamo detainees, recounts how a female government interrogator told Muslim detainees she was menstruating, "slipped her hand into her pants and pulled it out with a red liquid smeared on it meant to look like menstrual blood. The detainee screamed at the top of his lungs, began shaking, sobbing, and yanked his arms against his handcuffs. The interrogator explained to [the detainee] that he would now feel too dirty to pray and that she would have the guards turn off the water in his cell so he would not be able to wash the red substance off. 'What do you think your brothers will think of you in the morning when they see an American woman's menstrual blood on your face?' she said as she left the cell." These acts, as well as interrogators desecrating the Quran, led the detainees to riots and mass suicide attempts.[118][120]

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