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Uyghurs Who Fled China Now Face Repression in Pakistan

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5-10M?? at most??
Just peanut numbers, right? 5-10 million Muslims (your own estimate) killed/maimed/made refugees by America's War on Terror Islam - what's 5 to 10 million between friends? I hope everyone with a Pakistani flag pauses a moment at this post so they can see what a hypocrite and liar you are. You're bought, what more is there to say? You're bought and paid for.
How many has China killed in the past 300 years??
Yeah, back in the day when China was bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria... oh, wait, my bad. That wasn't China. That was Freedom-and-Democracy-land.
Why're you trying to start a d**k measuring contest??
To expose you as the hypocrite, liar, and paid troll that you are. To give you the rope to hang yourself. Mission accomplished, as your master Bush said after bombing Iraq.
Do you really want to do that??
Yes, very much. Exposing liars is something I delight in doing.
I'm friendly to China. All I ask is for the Uyghurs to not be oppressed. China is shooting itself in the foot if it thinks it can control or deny Islam to the Uyghurs.
Leave this kind of lie to the rest of the world. The Chinese know it is a world war.
How and when did the Muslim majority area of Uighurs become part of Han China anyways? Can anyone explain the history?

China took them. There was the Islamic Republic of East Turkestan from 1933-34. Then the Second Islamic Republic of East Turkestan from 1944-49 during the Chinese Civil War.


As you can see. The Chinese reside on the Eastern end of present day China. It was only 300 years ago when they took Xinjiang.

There have been many revolts and rebellions, some succeeding like the 2 I talked about above.

Just peanut numbers, right? 5-10 million Muslims (your own estimate) killed/maimed/made refugees by America's War on Terror Islam - what's 5 to 10 million between friends? I hope everyone with a Pakistani flag pauses a moment at this post so they can see what a hypocrite and liar you are. You're bought, what more is there to say? You're bought and paid for.

Yeah, back in the day when China was bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria... oh, wait, my bad. That wasn't China. That was Freedom-and-Democracy-land.

To expose you as the hypocrite, liar, and paid troll that you are. To give you the rope to hang yourself. Mission accomplished, as your master Bush said after bombing Iraq.

Yes, very much. Exposing liars is something I delight in doing.

Your nation is very hypocritical. I won't be answering any of your gibberish. Just reporting it.

I don't trust anyone who's ready to kill their own people.


OK Hindjew in disguise, we want real evidence and not your "he said she said" crap. China has pulled the Uyghurs out of the medieval age and improved their standard and quality of living. Every country has terrorists and China is no exception and China will deal with them in their own way just as the US , India and Pakistan do.

yes, we eat 'em with soy sauce. another concrete evidence for you. plz take screenshot of this :lol:

@Arsalan @WebMaster @waz Please take a look at these posts...
that is the fundamental problem of religions getting a foot on politics of man.
If you wanna play with fire of politics be readied to get burned. The adherents of islam get involve in politics by spreading anti-state propaganda should expect benevolence from politics??

the believers in the bible are told to give what belongs God God & states states.
You might want to ask your "countryman" and those like him why they consider it objectionable for Pakistan to act like a normal country with normal interests. Why do people like him always think it should be somebody's stooge?

He won't answer. He's like a squid who'll just spray ink and flee the moment he's confronted on his lies. When you defeat his inept sophistry and corner him, he'll start with the sarcasm and mocking emojis.

See? He thinks you're jealous because he has a green card.

Aren't you glad to know? His blood temperature is normal, he just doesn't support the US killing 5-10 million Muslims - even though he did support it with his tax money. Unless, as is likely, he's just sponging off welfare.

Once again, cowardice and evasion. Never answer the question or confront the truth. Keep reporting, eventually the mods will just ban you because they're sick of your sh*t. Even the most casual interaction with you disgusts me, I can only imagine the effect you have on a Pakistani patriot - that's the real blood boiling.

Don't quote me again. Post reported and user ignored...
We don't need Chinese support on neither issues. Either causes are not natural. Both are supported and aided by India.

Very few Sindhis and Baluchis hate Pakistani or the Pakistani government. They don't do riots like the Urumqi 2009 riots. Obviously, a few terrorists can and will do bombings.

We also don't put Sindhis or Baluchis into "re-education camps" for being "backward savages". :D

LOL... Pakistan and China share the same method of putting extremist or terrorist into re education camp to make them a better patriotic. Nothing wrong. Why do u get so work up or spread fake news about these re education camp? Other countries running it no problem but China one got problem? I think the one got problem is your bias target against China.

Saudi one...

Singapore one...

European one...
Thank you and appreciate raising the plight of Uighurs.

Regretfully, this forum is innundated by WuMao/50c brigade what sniffs for such posts. Within 1-3 hrs, usually their supervisor will start the attack followed by his minions who will amplify it. Unfortunately, this forum moderators are not stopping this known paid propaganda arm of these communist party affilates.

Let the word of our prophets and Allah/hashem echo in these dark days across China. We pray these communist atheists will see the light.
Chinese internal affairs are none of your business. Still having the colonial mindset ha ?
Chinese internal affairs are none of your business. Still having the colonial mindset ha ?
he's a Pakistani lmao, what colonial mindset are you talking about??

anyway iran should stop meddling in the Internal affairs of Iraq
This backwardness and savagery

China has restored to the Uighur their culture, before the Wahhabi invasion

So now that we've settled that, how many million Muslims have your American masters killed? What's your blood temperature about that?
using headscarf is required in Islam for women, so you're saying that Islam is backward and savage??

@waz Is this not an insult towards Islam???
he's a Pakistani lmao, what colonial mindset are you talking about??

anyway iran should stop meddling in the Internal affairs of Iraq

using headscarf is required in Islam for women, so you're saying that Islam is backward and savage??

@waz Is this not an insult towards Islam???
He is south African. What Pakistanis?
oh,...come on his questions for you are legitimate...
Whoever's paying him should get their money back. What a poor performance, he just folded under the slightest pressure. But then again, when my truth is this unassailable and his hypocrisy this blatant, there's nothing more he could have done.
he's a Pakistani lmao, what colonial mindset are you talking about??

anyway iran should stop meddling in the Internal affairs of Iraq

using headscarf is required in Islam for women, so you're saying that Islam is backward and savage??

@waz Is this not an insult towards Islam???
Well, you can go and waste your time trolling China and Iran. It will have zero effect. Spend your time better, lowlife guy.
One think Pakistanis must understand ,

The mainstream Chinese view regarding Pakistanis is hidden in Chinese language. Chinese people in my opinion have a very condescending outlook regarding us. The only way to find that out is by twerking around chinese social media sites and understanding what they are saying..

I don't think Pakistani government even knows the internal mechanizations of chinese society , its people and their outlook on different countries.

I wouldn't take the propaganda user ids on this forum to be true representative of Chinese people although some times they do slip up from time to time either intentionally or not in revealing their true horrific intentions.
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