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Uyghurs Who Fled China Now Face Repression in Pakistan

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To save others from wasting their time on watching the video:

it's about two guys one middle aged and another older one, for most of the video he throws the same recycled accusations about China that we hear from the BBC without actually giving any evidence to back up his claims (he doesn't give anything new that wasn't said before), then some Vice narrator repeats the same old accusations every now and then. Then the guy says CPEC was bad because his shop closed after CPEC treaties were signed and that his passport was taken.

He says he teaches kids about culture and that is why Pakistani authorities closed his business, most likely he was promoting anti-China hate speech, Pakistan doesn't want to become a haven for CIA agents which makes sense.

Oh and by the way the video has the obligatory horror soundtrack that has to play in every western propaganda video about China.

If many Uighurs want to teach their descendants the ideas of anti-China or independent XinJiang. They should try to do it secretly or go to an anti-China country like India, USA .... If they are lucky, they will be given a lot of money, invited to participate in anti-China interviews, and in the future, they will receive weapons, back to XinJiang. Started some terrorist / armed uprising.

The man in the video made a claim with no evidence. Maybe he's been paid to do so, or he's a criminal. Fortunately, he is Uighur, if they break the law in a third country and get deported, they can use the victim's card, claiming it is political persecution. Is it a truth or a lie, the Western media don't know - don't care, they like it, they can use it to attack China.
This backwardness and savagery

China has restored to the Uighur their culture, before the Wahhabi invasion

So now that we've settled that, how many million Muslims have your American masters killed? What's your blood temperature about that?

It's their right to do whatever. Their land, their rules. They have been living in Central Asia for the past 9,000 years, long before anyone even knew Chinese existed...

Their civilization predates yours.
Do you know what will happen next even if Xinjiang can become independent? Uyghurs actually only occupy the majority in southern Xinjiang. Other ethnic minorities in northern Xinjiang can accept Han control of Xinjiang, but they will not accept Uyghur control of northern Xinjiang. As a result, Uyghurs will be driven out of northern Xinjiang. Southern Xinjiang without industrialization will be very difficult, of course maybe your other Muslims will help them, right?

Uyghurs are were the majority before the CCP started moving Han Chinese to Xinjiang...

We all know that LOL

Your bs arguments have been exposed and destroyed multiple times on various threads. It's not gonna work on me or in this thread.
yes, we eat 'em with soy sauce. another concrete evidence for you. plz take screenshot of this :lol:

Reported. You already got another post deleted in this thread. Looks like someone's craving a ban...

I know for Muslim nation is not first...

Then you don't know Muslims. Muslim governments aren't the same as Muslims. We hold different opinions.
It's their right to do whatever. Their land, their rules. They have been living in Central Asia for the past 9,000 years, long before anyone even knew Chinese existed...

Their civilization predates yours.
Oh, so they've been around for 7,600 years before Islam then. That means the Nazgul outfits are just a recent Wahhabi import that have nothing to do with Uighurs - my point exactly. China has restored their culture to them.

Now answer the question: how many million Muslims has your master America killed? Or does the NED blood money you take prevent you from answering?
It's all fake news made up by the Western Powers... The same folks who said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction

There is no such thing as Ughur oppression...

Vice is the biggest source of #FakeNews...

Vice is one of the best news sources out there. They report on all issues. Whether they're American or Chinese.

You saw the video or not?? Did you hear the man, the women, the old and others give their testimonies??

Does Islam not say that 4 testimonies are enough evidence?? You want more evidence?? Just read this whole thread. It's reeking of dictatorial Chinese minds.
Oh, so they've been around for 7,600 years before Islam then. That means the Nazgul outfits are just a recent Wahhabi import that have nothing to do with Uighurs - my point exactly. China has restored their culture to them.

Now answer the question: how many million Muslims has your master America killed? Or does the NED blood money you take prevent you from answering?

How can "China restore their culture" when it's the one trying to take it away from them?? LOL

Why're you guys against Islam?? Why don't you let them travel freely, why can't they keep a beard, pray, have Arabic names....read the Quran...fast etc??
Saying that there is no Uyghur problem and saying that there is no Jammu-Kashmir problem are synonymous with each other. However, as I understand it, it is necessary to prioritize Pakistani interests and take a political stance in here.


You make good points. It's sad to see people being repressed around the world from the uygurs, Tutsi, rohingyas etc.
However we shouldn't limit ourselves to one group. We should also speak up for the plights of those who are going through similar experience around the world. If we want to go down this road we will have to speak out for the plight of Chechens being oppressed in Russia, those from Balochistan going through similar oppression in Pakistan, Kurds being oppressed and fighting for their freedom for decades now in Iran,Iraq and Turkey, those from western Sahara suffering under constant oppression and fighting for their freedom in Morrocco for over half a century now, the biafrans doing saw in nigeria and suffering from it, the various oppressed minorities in India's north east who have been fighting for decades for the same freedoms, the same goes for those in anglophone part of Cameroon who have been fighting for their freedom against the french part f the country and dying daily under repression, same in eastern Congo who have been fighting and dying for decades, The poor people of Aceh/papua being oppressed in indonesia and fighting for their freedom. The list is very long, we can go on for days .

So it's sad but that is the world we live in. There are so many countries with such issues that it's exhausting if you only want to focus on one and turning a blind eye to the others as long as it suits the person concerned.

Glad to see you're not defending China...

And you're right. I stand for all people, no matter their religion, race, sex, nationality or religion. Islam teaches humanitarianism.
How can "China restore their culture" when it's the one trying to take it away from them?? LOL

Why're you guys against Islam?? Why don't you let them travel freely, why can't they keep a beard, pray, have Arabic names....read the Quran...fast etc??
Why are you incapable of answering the simple question I asked: How many million Muslims has America killed?

I got a bunch more questions: How many million more has it maimed and made into refugees? How many Muslim countries has it destroyed? How many dictators oppressing Muslim populations does it support? How much are you paid for your hypocritical selective outrage? What temperature is your blood at over all of this?

Why do you think your "countrymen" (generously assuming you aren't a false-flagger) are so stupid and gullible as to fall for your poorly crafted disinformation and propaganda? Why do you deny Pakistan the right to stand up for its own interests? Why do you think it must always be a pawn in someone else's hand?
The only one that went full retard and waged war on Islam and Muslims is your beloved homeland America and it's allies, Zionist news media pretends to love muslims and you present their words as evidence.

And I never denied that. Nationalist trolls somehow believe that because I'm a Pakistan American....I won't say anything against Pakistan or America.....when you all fail to realize that I have been most critical about both nations multiple times.

You also failed to mention all Western nations, including Russia and Eastern nations like China who have massacred Muslims for the last 100 and more years.

Read up Xinjiang's history, you'll see.
Why are you incapable of answering the simple question I asked: How many million Muslims has America killed?

I got a bunch more questions: How many million more has it maimed and made into refugees? How many Muslim countries has it destroyed? How many dictators oppressing Muslim populations does it support? How much are you paid for your hypocritical selective outrage? What temperature is your blood at over all of this?

Why do you think your countrymen are so stupid and gullible as to fall for your poorly crafted disinformation and propaganda? Why do you deny Pakistan the right to stand up for its own interests? Why do you think it must always be a pawn in someone else's hand?

5-10M?? at most?? How many has China killed in the past 300 years?? Similar amount probably??

Why're you trying to start a d**k measuring contest??

Do you really want to do that??


Your founder himself killed 50M+ Han Chinese........how will China treat Uyghurs, which it has already suppressed??
Friends of Pakistan, or any other country, need not believe that China is helping the Uighurs, you can think that China is suppressing the Uighurs.It doesn't matter, because it's not relevant to your life anyway.

First of all, we should remember that peace and stability are the core pursuit of the people of a country.You can look at Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, even before the war how Americans claimed their country to be authoritarian, oppressive, look at their lives now.Always remember that even the worst order is better than no order at all.

When you have political groups in your country that do not seek to improve the lives of your people, but for all sorts of reasons call on the people to take drastic measures to destroy your own government.They are just traitors bought by foreign countries.A change of government will not bring wealth to the whole country, only to some people.The only way to improve the lives of people throughout the country is to keep working hard in stable countries.Of course, there will be many problems along the way, but none more serious than throwing one's own country into chaos.

When you have a strong country, you have the strength to carry out your beliefs.To help your Muslim brothers.You have your own media to investigate the truth, you can visit Xinjiang in person, you have the economic ability to influence Chinese policy, you have the military power to defend Muslims.Instead of becoming a puppet to be played by someone else's media.
If China suppport Pakistan action against Balouchistan separatism and Sindh issue. Pakistan must return the favour by helping China in combat Xinjiang separatism. You cant expect to eat the pie and not contribute anything.

We don't need Chinese support on neither issues. Either causes are not natural. Both are supported and aided by India.

Very few Sindhis and Baluchis hate Pakistani or the Pakistani government. They don't do riots like the Urumqi 2009 riots. Obviously, a few terrorists can and will do bombings.

We also don't put Sindhis or Baluchis into "re-education camps" for being "backward savages". :D
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Friends of Pakistan, or any other country, need not believe that China is helping the Uighurs, you can think that China is suppressing the Uighurs.It doesn't matter, because it's not relevant to your life anyway.

First of all, we should remember that peace and stability are the core pursuit of the people of a country.You can look at Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, even before the war how Americans claimed their country to be authoritarian, oppressive, look at their lives now.Always remember that even the worst order is better than no order at all.

When you have political groups in your country that do not seek to improve the lives of your people, but for all sorts of reasons call on the people to take drastic measures to destroy your own government.They are just traitors bought by foreign countries.A change of government will not bring wealth to the whole country, only to some people.The only way to improve the lives of people throughout the country is to keep working hard in stable countries.Of course, there will be many problems along the way, but none more serious than throwing one's own country into chaos.

When you have a strong country, you have the strength to carry out your beliefs.To help your Muslim brothers.You have your own media to investigate the truth, you can visit Xinjiang in person, you have the economic ability to influence Chinese policy, you have the military power to defend Muslims.Instead of becoming a puppet to be played by someone else's media.

I'm friendly to China. All I ask is for the Uyghurs to not be oppressed. China is shooting itself in the foot if it thinks it can control or deny Islam to the Uyghurs.
Friends of Pakistan, or any other country, need not believe that China is helping the Uighurs, you can think that China is suppressing the Uighurs.It doesn't matter, because it's not relevant to your life anyway.

First of all, we should remember that peace and stability are the core pursuit of the people of a country.You can look at Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, even before the war how Americans claimed their country to be authoritarian, oppressive, look at their lives now.Always remember that even the worst order is better than no order at all.

When you have political groups in your country that do not seek to improve the lives of your people, but for all sorts of reasons call on the people to take drastic measures to destroy your own government.They are just traitors bought by foreign countries.A change of government will not bring wealth to the whole country, only to some people.The only way to improve the lives of people throughout the country is to keep working hard in stable countries.Of course, there will be many problems along the way, but none more serious than throwing one's own country into chaos.

When you have a strong country, you have the strength to carry out your beliefs.To help your Muslim brothers.You have your own media to investigate the truth, you can visit Xinjiang in person, you have the economic ability to influence Chinese policy, you have the military power to defend Muslims.Instead of becoming a puppet to be played by someone else's media.

I think their real motive is greed.

If China is a weak country, they will use the excuse "Defend the Uighurs" to attack China. They will plunder, burn, and slaughter China as their ancestors did in the late Qing period.

Currently, China is very strong, they use the Uighur issue to insult China, not to attack.

Cowards and hypocrites
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How can "China restore their culture" when it's the one trying to take it away from them?? LOL

Why're you guys against Islam?? Why don't you let them travel freely, why can't they keep a beard, pray, have Arabic names....read the Quran...fast etc??
he gave you a clear answer. so stop repeating the same question just to avoid answering his question, what was your blood temperature when your beloved US was killing milions of muslims? especially considering that the US continues to slaughter muslims from time to time?
On topic no one should be hounded or sent back if they have committed no crime.
At the same time they shouldn’t engage in activity that hurts the interests of two strong allies.

I have reported several one liner troll posts in this thread. Please take a look.

On topic: You're right but what is "activity that hurts Chinese interests"?? Because their interests and ours are kinda different...

If you watched the video then you would realize that the man got beaten....along with his father....for teaching Uyghur culture and language to the younger generation of Uyghurs residing in Pakistan. China sees that as a "security threat" because it thinks either he's radicalizing them or that they might come back and try to start a revolt, if not something similarly sinister...

How is teaching culture and language to the rightful heirs illegal??
he gave you a clear answer. so stop repeating the same question just to avoid answering his question, what was your blood temperature when your beloved US was killing milions of muslims? especially considering that the US continues to slaughter muslims from time to time?

What's your problem mate?? Seriously.....why's a Iraqi so angry about my opinions and posts??

Is it because I reside in the US? :D

Well, you'll be glad to know I don't support any imperialistic nations, US or otherwise.

US invasion of Iraq is also party your nations fault. You wanted to be secular and strong right?? Well look where it got you. Right in the fudging dumpster...

If only you had been Islamic like Afghanistan. You wouldn't have lost to the US. :p:
How and when did the Muslim majority area of Uighurs become part of Han China anyways? Can anyone explain the history?
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