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US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

lol, that's exactly why US will flee, we will increase their cost so high that they can't withstand it anymore.

forget this pathetic 4000 troops, not long ago, US had 500,000 troops in Iraq, yet delivered it to Iran at the end.


lol, some Americans were quick to realize the winner:
Iran just outplayed the United States — again | Washington Post
The last sentence is what it wanted to say:
Iran is once again waging a low-intensity conflict, and America once again has no effective response.

Yemenis are ready again.

2020 will become even a more joyful year! Happy new year.
Iran laid a beautiful trap for the US.

Iranian standing was taking a hit in Iraq. A lot of the Iraqi anger against government incompetence was sucesfully being channeled towards Iran by American/Zionists/ Saudi propaganda.

Then Iran baited the US into taking this step that completely trampled on Iraqi sovereignty and dignity. They exposed themselves as public enemy number one now. no American in Iraq is safe now, and a huge campaign has started to kick all americans out..

Absolutely beautiful grandmaster level geopolitical chess move by Iran.
Those who are angry at US are mostly iran's loyalists because many iraqis are still against this government and it's iranian allies
The more you bring these people, the more you are putting their lives at harms away over extra regional ambitions that have no benefit to US citizen.
no its not about making american citizens happy, its more about containing Iran. your coward provocation in the embassy is a huge PR failure.

Trump is no obama

lol, that's exactly why US will flee, we will increase their cost so high that they can't withstand it anymore.

forget this pathetic 4000 troops, not long ago, US had 500,000 troops in Iraq, yet delivered it to Iran at the end.


lol, some Americans were quick to realize the winner:
Iran just outplayed the United States — again | Washington Post
The last sentence is what it wanted to say:
Iran is once again waging a low-intensity conflict, and America once again has no effective response.

Yemenis are ready again.

2020 will become even a more joyful year! Happy new year.
yeah the "we will increase their cost so high" didn't prove anything in for example in afghanistan, sure there are talks to withdraw but in the end the U.S will eventually stay,

Those who are angry at US are mostly iran's loyalists because many iraqis are still against this government and it's iranian allies
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no its not about making american citizens happy, its more about containing Iran. your coward provocation in the embassy is a huge PR failure.

Trump is no obama

yeah the "we will increase their cost so high" didn't prove anything in for example in afghanistan, sure there are talks to withdraw but in the end the U.S will eventually stay,


The only country that needs containment is US. Iran's influence in the region is deeply rooted in culture, religion, history and security. Iran is sharing border, any instability has impact on all regional countries. US on the other hand is the invader and a non welcome entity.
The only country that needs containment is US. Iran's influence in the region is deeply rooted in culture, religion, history and security. Iran is sharing border, any instability has impact on all regional countries. US on the other hand is the invader and a non welcome entity.
Iran seems to forget that America is the world foremost Military,social and economic power,not to mention the Middle east where the US owns more "influence" than Iran could ever think of. The U.S presence in the middle east is entrenched in their deep military and energy interest from the ME, do you really think they would back down to small iran???????

anyway the " iran is deeply rooted in culture,religion whatsoever" is non sensical......most of ME is arab and sunni, while Iran is persian and shia.......LOL
Those who are angry at US are mostly iran's loyalists because many iraqis are still against this government and it's iranian allies
Iraqis elected this government in 2018. US killed/bombed PMU which is part of Iraqi army and receives salary from Iraqi government. US neglected Iraqi prime minister and now they are sending 750 soldiers from Cuckwait into Iraq.
Ousting Americans from Iraq is the only way to lessen Iranian influence (be it positive or negative from Iraqi POV) in Iraq
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yeah the "we will increase their cost so high" didn't prove anything in for example in afghanistan, sure there are talks to withdraw but in the end the U.S will eventually stay,
We is the "axis of resistance" and Afghanistan has never been part of it. they preferred to have US beside themselves too and this choice is why Afghanistan will never recover.
We is the "axis of resistance" and Afghanistan has never been part of it. they preferred to have US beside themselves too and this choice is why Afghanistan will never recover.
You can call yourself whatever fancy names you like. But you're not in a position to actually confront the U.S. ......that's a fact

We is the "axis of resistance" and Afghanistan has never been part of it. they preferred to have US beside themselves too and this choice is why Afghanistan will never recover.
Im talking about the taliban. Not the us installed AFG government
These Americans may have all the latest equipment but they have no courage because they have no imaan. We muslims believe that Shahadat is a victory so a Muslim should not fear death. I believe what the under-equipped Taliban have done against the ‘mighty’ US is an incredible feat.

American soldier's "Iman" is in his technology and a paycheck!
Im talking about the taliban. Not the us installed AFG government
Taliban is a US creation and Iran has always been against it, did you expect the US product to stand against it?!
where do you think they get their weapons? trees?!

You can call yourself whatever fancy names you like. But you're not in a position to actually confront the U.S. ......that's a fact
We have done it already. that's a reality.
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