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US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

Serious lapse in Iranian intelligence to not pick up the drone strike/helicopter strike as he was disembarking from his plane.

Either that or he ignored all caution. Looks like everyone got way too cocky and underestimated that US would pull an Israeli like decapitation strike.
I suspect that they never thought that the americans would be so utterly reckless as to target him in this blatant fashion,its one thing to openly target a common terrorist in this way its quite another to do this to one of the iranian military top brass and with an attack as blatant as this there is no possibility of any sort of claim of plausible deniability as to us involvement.Effectively the us has just gone and put bullseyes on the foreheads of all of its highest ranking military and political personnel in the persian gulf,thats the reason why you dont engage in this sort of behavior its little different to assassinating heads of state,you`re basically risking an escalating cycle of tit-for-tat killings that can spin out of control.Sadly tho when one is dealing with a neo fascist chump rules of any kind,be they written or unwritten,matter less than nothing.The only real question now is how and when iran will retaliate,will it be blunt and obvious as the americans have done ie an iranian drone strike on a very high value us military or political target or will it be more along the lines of a very carefully planned strike by the iraqi hezbollah with iran saying nothing as was the case in lebanon with the retaliation against israel for its assassination of an irgc general.Now I think that had it been anyone else but soliemani that might very well be the chosen option,but the public murder of such a popular figure really doesnt leave iran many options as there will no doubt be a great deal of popular outrage and demand for appropriate revenge from the populace.Ultimately I think that there will be considerable pressure not just for iran to act but to be seen to act so as to send the message to all in the region that this sort of action will have very real consequences.
I suspect that they never thought that the americans would be so utterly reckless as to target him in this blatant fashion,its one thing to openly target a common terrorist in this way its quite another to do this to one of the iranian military top brass and with an attack as blatant as this there is no possibility of any sort of claim of plausible deniability as to us involvement.Effectively the us has just gone and put bullseyes on the foreheads of all of its highest ranking military and political personnel in the persian gulf,thats the reason why you dont engage in this sort of behavior its little different to assassinating heads of state,you`re basically risking an escalating cycle of tit-for-tat killings that can spin out of control.Sadly tho when one is dealing with a neo fascist chump rules of any kind,be they written or unwritten,matter less than nothing.The only real question now is how and when iran will retaliate,will it be blunt and obvious as the americans have done ie an iranian drone strike on a very high value us military or political target or will it be more along the lines of a very carefully planned strike by the iraqi hezbollah with iran saying nothing as was the case in lebanon with the retaliation against israel for its assassination of an irgc general.Now I think that had it been anyone else but soliemani that might very well be the chosen option,but the public murder of such a popular figure really doesnt leave iran many options as there will no doubt be a great deal of popular outrage and demand for appropriate revenge from the populace.Ultimately I think that there will be considerable pressure not just for iran to act but to be seen to act so as to send the message to all in the region that this sort of action will have very real consequences.

The best retribution is exiting NPT and detonating the nuclear bomb. Trump and Republican Party will then go down in history as the party that allowed Iran to get the bomb and their “maximum pressure” campaign will forever be a regarded as a Shakespearean tragic irony.

Also Solemani’s movements were not a secret. He got into a hunadyi SUV and not a armoured vehicle designed to survive assassination strikes. Furthermore, he disregarded standard spec-ops security procedures by being located too closely to two other high value targets. This almost cost him his life decades earlier when Top Hezbollah official Imad was assassinated moments after Solemani was standing next to him.
The best retribution is exiting NPT and detonating the nuclear bomb. Trump and Republican Party will then go down in history as the party that allowed Iran to get the bomb and their “maximum pressure” campaign will forever be a regarded as a Shakespearean tragic irony.

You`re so right,well said sir.:enjoy:
It would be almost a perfect replay of george jnrs policies that lead directly to the dprk going nuclear,and ironically many of the same scumbags who were responsible for the us tearing up the ag were also responsible for the repudiation of the jcpoa,these people never learn:tsk:.

Also Solemani’s movements were not a secret. He got into a hunadyi SUV and not a armoured vehicle designed to survive assassination strikes. Furthermore, he disregarded standard spec-ops security procedures by being located too closely to two other high value targets. This almost cost him his life decades earlier when Top Hezbollah official Imad was assassinated moments after Solemani was standing next to him.

Very sad to hear,hopefully in future others will learn a lesson from this ie never underestimate the murderous intent of ones enemies,especially if they`re neo fascist chumps or zionists as they dont bother with things like rules.
I guess Iranian response will be this: Shia militias in Iraq will shell and overtake US embassy in Baghdad and kill US ambassador
With 22 trillion$ debt

With a budget deficit of 1trln$ this year

With a bubble in the stock market

With economy on the verge of recession (just google US recession)

With coward businessman who always calculates money losses and who became president due to promise to get out of ME quagmire


And if US makes a foolish decision and escalate to war----may this war in the ME be the official end of bankrupt American superpower
I was shoked, heartbroken and sad as I saw the news on twitter, I was awake as it happened

I had deepest respect for him, the strategic mastermind who was standing bravely against the zionist cancer in the middle east.

Rest in peace hero, your death is the beginning of theyr end

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