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Massive Fighting erupts in Iraq

Sunni are a majority in Anbar, Diyalah,Ninawah,Salah and Din and part of Baghdad.
The so called shia majority is a US lie to give shia the power in iraq, anyway, the revolution has started and maliki forces seems far weaker than predicted, hope they got a good smach by sunni tribesmen
During Saddams these cowards wont dare open there mouth now look waht posters they carry Suni people can't live in democracy they just can't because they used to been disrespect and humiliation bring them suni tyrant kick their a.s.s.es they will be happy with it.
So this is only the fault of sunni community and shiite is completely innocent? You and your "yazid follower vs imam hussein followers" mentality is the source of this problem. Stop this kind of mentality or death will come to you very soon.
Little reality check, majority of ex-Ba'thies are now joined the liberals, after fall of Saddam. But their mentality of domination hasn't change yet. It will take one or two generation and constant election,which will bring harmony among Iraqis.
Sunni are a majority in Anbar, Diyalah,Ninawah,Salah and Din and part of Baghdad.
The so called shia majority is a US lie to give shia the power in iraq, anyway, the revolution has started and maliki forces seems far weaker than predicted, hope they got a good smach by sunni tribesmen
Shia is the majority in Iraq you moron the elections prove that by the way your dream of having hand on the Iraqi oil is just a mere dream. your American masters couldn't do it you think you looser can
the nation of Aman yalalli.
Shia is the majority in Iraq you moron the elections prove that by the way your dream of having hand on the Iraqi oil is just a mere dream. your American masters couldn't do it you think you looser can
the nation of Aman yalalli.

Iraq's stolen oil is a hoax :lol:
Wherever Western Nations go, suddenly non-existent conflicts flare up; people who have been living at peace for centuries become each other's enemies in a fortnight. Civil wars ensue and countries leap from prosperity to paupery within the blink of an eye.

I have recently finished reading 'The Shia Revival' by Vali Nasr (A member of Council on Foreign Affairs); I am now reading 'The Sunni Eclipse' by Deborah Amos (Also a member of Council on Foreign Affairs). There is also a recent book by steve Innskeep (of National Public Radio) on Karchi: 'Instant City'. The topic of all books is the 'Coming' conflict between shias and Sunnis. Even if we watch Hollywood movies, there are references given to real and non-existent conflicts between Shias and Sunnis; the one I remember is 'Olympus has Fallen' or may be 'White House Down' where they talk about Shia-Sunni Tensions in Southern Pakistan (Karachi? Balochistan?). A case is being made a myth is being propagated to justify, actions so far taken and the ones to be taken in the future.

The whole game is setup by Right Leaning-Neocon-Military-Industrial Complex. The in-fighting of Middle Eastern States will help US and it's cronies to have strong grip on their cheap oil resources. They will be able to keep other potential high demand countries (China, India, Japan, etc.) at Bay. They will also be able to keep the price of oil high so that the oil extracted by non-conventional sources (fracking, tar sands) stay economically viable.

In the end All Muslims (Shia & Sunni) will turn out be loser if they stay as narrow minded as they are now.
Fighting Erupts in Anbar province, not All of Iraq. One out of 18 provinces, it has been limited for the most part. The main reason is because of the backward tribal society Anbar is. That's why it will never witness any real development. They had some companies which wanted to invest there but they all ran away after receiving threats from the heads of some tribes because they weren't getting any subcontracts.. The people in Anbar are split between pro-governemnt and Anti-government. ALL the local police are Sunni. The governer of Anbar and the commander of the police forces are both against the protests.

So until now, it has nothing to do with a Sunni-Shia conflict. The protests are MB ideology and supported by numerous countries. Here's a sample of what was going on in these protest camps.

Here an alqaeda member sings the alqaeda done in which he states "WE ARE AN ORGANIZATION CALLED ALQAEDA, WE BEHEAD AND CARRY OUT THE LAWS".

Here is Ahmed Alalwani who was arrested a few days ago saying the most disgusting and secterian things. Calling the Shias as "the Traitor agents of Iran", and also calling them pigs, in other videos he also called them "bastards, and threatened for a war to "free Iran from the safawis". The person next to him "Qusay Abu risha" was responsible for killing 5 Iraqi soldiers

Here he is again, the presenter speaks about the shieks of fitna saying that "we will drag you down, humiliate you(the Shias) again". Alalwani also makes a costly mistake by saying "Shias" instead of the "Iranians" code name. He immediately "corrects" himself.

Here is one of the other sheiks of fitna and a slave of Qatar. He was also involved in the disgusting and planned secterian strife in Iraq. He stated that they didn't want any Shias to enter Anbar. He also called for "Jihad" against the Iraqi army before the five soldiers were killed by the "protesters". This is from March. In another video he said "EVERY DAY WE WILL DETNOTATE A BOMB".

Here is the rat again in Qatar where he went to kiss his masters a**. He left Iraq and never came back.

Most of the protest organizers have fled or trying to flee Iraq, Saeed Alafee is staying in Qatar, Ali Hatem went to Kurdistan, and all the other ones are disappearing. It seems the secrets alwani will reveal will take them all to prison. Special forces went to arrest his brother, however, they were surprised when Ahmed alwani, his brother and bodyguards opened fire and killed one soldier, the forces fired back, killing and injuring 15 including Ahmed Alwanis brother and cousin. alwani was arrested after he ran out of ammunition.

Here is one of the other sheiks of fitna and a slave of Qatar. He was also involved in the disgusting and planned secterian strife in Iraq. He stated that they didn't want any Shias to enter Anbar. He also called for "Jihad" against the Iraqi army before the five soldiers were killed by the "protesters". This is from March. In another video he said "EVERY DAY WE WILL DETNOTATE A BOMB".

Here is the rat again in Qatar where he went to kiss his masters a**. He left Iraq and never came back.

Most of the protest organizers have fled or trying to flee Iraq, Saeed Alafee is staying in Qatar, Ali Hatem went to Kurdistan, and all the other ones are disappearing. It seems the secrets alwani will reveal will take them all to prison. Special forces went to arrest his brother, however, they were surprised when Ahmed alwani, his brother and bodyguards opened fire and killed one soldier, the forces fired back, killing and injuring 15 including Ahmed Alwanis brother and cousin. alwani was arrested after he ran out of ammunition.

Iraq must not fall to the same fate as Syria. Enough is enough. Scrap the "yazid follower vs imam hussein follower" mentality for both men are loveable especially the latter.
Here the ISI&L have their own quarter in the protesters camps.

Here we can see armed men attacking some unarmed logistics trucks for the army a few months back. All this while the army had been patient.

Here are the "Sunni" Anbari police led by hadi zraich dismantling all the protesters left.

Some shieks and mosques started to call for "Jihad". Which caused by ignorant fools and also alqaeda members to take advantage and start shooting at the routine convoys in the cities. They attacked numerous army and police convoys which caused in the loss of more than 30 vehicles a Ross the city and more than 50 reported killed, injured or taken prisoner by the so called tribesmen. There were attacks on numerous checkpoint which led soldiers and policemen to abandon their vehicles before they were burnt by the barbaric militants.

Right now the Iraqi army is regaining its strength and getting additional backup. They have managed to go on offensive after they were in the defensive.

Here militants can be seen surrounding the Malab police station and controlling the entire area. They have also burnt an abandoned vehicle.

This video shows an ISOF operation to free the area. The forces managed to suppress all the terrorists in the area and free the trapped policemen. no casualties reported among Iraqi forces.

Forces from Diyala heading towards Anbar.

Iraqi forces in Anbar.
Alqaeda (ISI&L) take over as the Iraqi army withdrawals to prevent bloodshed. Let them eat sh!t for a while before begging the army to come back in. The Army has surrounded all the cities and towns and took control of all the roads leading to the cities. There's news of some tribes calling the Iraqi army to Come back to the cities, but I think they should be kept to "enjoy" the rule of "ISI&L" for some time. Increase in crime, theft, and mercenary gangs have also sprung up as there is neither police or army in the cities of Ramadi and Falujah.

That helicopter isn't In Iraq you moron.

And Thai you for making it clear that this fight is against alqaeda, not Sunnis.
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this fight is against alqaeda, not Sunnis.
first there is NO Qaeda in Iraq, second u have given ISIS a golden opportunity n I hope they use it wisely . the Tribes seem to be ok with the ISIS n Ansar Al Islam n the other jihadi groups entering Anbar province.
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