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US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

Iran will remain calm and follow a strategy, no impulsive moves if you know Iranian policy. However as @homar says, the reaction and moves will be felt in the whole region. Qassim Sulaimani was a symbol for at least all shiites (if not sunni muslims in some regions like palestine for example), so the feelings to anwer this attack will be felt from Lebanon, Afghanistan, from Iran to Yemen.
how is afghanistan being part of it ?????
how is afghanistan being part of it ?????
Everywhere were shiites live (from any ethnic background) and everywhere were persian speakers live. Afghanistan falls in both categories. Further anywhere were anti-american non-isis muslims live.
they aren't, it's quite the opposite... The Taliban... at the first occasion... will be Iranian worst nightmare on the Eastern side...
Iran and afghanistan economically more interwined nowadays. It's not the old taliban anymore, they know they need a working economy. Also other there are other groups (religious and ethnic and political) in Afghanistan which could balance taliban in politics.
I guess Moqtada al Sadr won't be targeted, neither his force (peace brigades) formerly Mahdi army
Everywhere were shiites live (from any ethnic background) and everywhere were persian speakers live. Afghanistan falls in both categories. Further anywhere were anti-american non-isis muslims live.
nope most of afghanistan is sunni's and nope they aren't likely interested in fighting your wars.
shiites are alien in afghanistan, even in palestine where iran has spend much to arm hamas, the people still reject shiaism
Iran and afghanistan economically more interwined nowadays. It's not the old taliban anymore, they know they need a working economy. Also other there are other groups (religious and ethnic and political) in Afghanistan which could balance taliban in politics.
We both know... how Taliban survive... Chaos is one of them... And The moment that Border you've got with them begin to open... they will get in...
As for the Afghan gov... let's be honest... it's a ghost...

Taliban could also be US future ally of circonstance... like the mujahideen in another time...
We both know... how Taliban survive... Chaos is one of them... And The moment that Border you've got with them begin to open... they will get in...
As for the Afghan gov... let's be honest... it's a ghost...

Taliban could also be US future ally of circonstance... like the mujahideen in another time...
China, Russia are also part of the region, not to forget secular governments of former soviet union next to afghanistan. They're not interested in such moves and they will act (could be by military or economical power).
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