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US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

I think Iran will have to respond directly this time around.

It's real man.
Yeah not suleimani they posted picture of Amir Ali hajizadeh the head of aerospace force claimed to be killed in Iraq
You know i'm just saying, it's not exactly right for you to write somewhere else how you're going to enjoy it when the blood starts flowing and all that shit, whilst here you write you hope your homeplace (Gaza) remains safe.

Give it a thought.

I'm enjoying it according to whom? It's normal that I don't want my country involved in this regional war.
It doesn't make sense based on order of events. It's quite disproportionate so it means Trump approved it. I just wonder if he knew about the consequences of such a strike.
maybe full iranian missile strike across ME, that would be interesting to follow
If this is true then I believe that the US is going to get their war, but it won’t be confined to Iraq or Iran. This event would spark widespread open conflict across the Middle East. Washington will be praying that this is just a case of mistaken identity.
I'm enjoying it according to whom? It's normal that I don't want my country involved in this regional war.


These are your literal words elsewhere

I have tons of popcorn ready for this upcoming slaughter and mutual destruction of the wicked and evil people that is going to take place soon.

It tells me you value your country so much that you wish it to remain safe, whilst wishing for destruction upon others. Meanwhile bashing nationalists and claiming not to be a nationalist. I've known you for a while and you've always been confusing, I don't give a shit it's just a forum but you need to be aware of what you are saying.
Breaking: US special forces capture two PMU officials in Al Jaderyah

These are your literal words elsewhere

I have tons of popcorn ready for this upcoming slaughter and mutual destruction of the wicked and evil people that is going to take place soon.

It tells me you value your country so much that you wish it to remain safe, whilst wishing for destruction upon others. Meanwhile bashing nationalists and claiming not to be a nationalist. I've known you for a while and you've always been confusing, I don't give a shit it's just a forum but you need to be aware of what you are saying.

My country is not going to be safe and going to attacked severely. Regardless of what I want. I already said on this forum the 'great war' will happen soon and was laughed at. So instead of directing your anger at me just read the Quran and see that God will punish Muslims when we move away from Islam.

Anyhow I will leave the thread now and let you guys discuss between each other since you have such a problem if I post updates.
maybe full iranian missile strike across ME, that would be interesting to follow
Iran will remain calm and follow a strategy, no impulsive moves if you know Iranian policy. However as @homar says, the reaction and moves will be felt in the whole region. Qassim Sulaimani was a symbol for at least all shiites (if not sunni muslims in some regions like palestine for example), so the feelings to anwer this attack will be felt from Lebanon, Afghanistan, from Iran to Yemen.
My country is not going to be safe and going to attacked severely. Regardless of what I want. I already said on this forum the 'great war' will happen soon and was laughed at. So instead of directing your anger at me just read the Quran and see that God will punish Muslims when we move away from Islam.

The region has been in constant war since 1980, especially Iraq. anyone can predict there will be new conflicts.
The region has been in constant war since 1980, especially Iraq. anyone can predict there will be new conflicts.

Yes I know anyone could have seen it coming, multiple people on this forum were warning Iran/Saudi/all sides to backtrack on their harmful policies which would lead to war. And people in region do not need more war so they need to change this time around if they want to get out of this endless cycle.
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