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US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

Hey moron, how about you use google and see the MANY sources carrying this news story? Or better yet check with US military centcom.

Here are some “fake” images for you to digest


Wether you like it or not, the US forces are there with the invitation by the Iraqi government a sovereign government to assist in training forces with ISIS. Who gives YOU the authority to choose who can stay in Iraq? Some random internet keyboard warrior thinks he should decide Iraq’s affairs.

Whenever Iraq kicks them out and they DONT leave then come back and complain about occupiers.

"Hey moron"
- Some "moron" forgot his pills

"how about you use google and see the MANY sources carrying this news story? Or better yet check with US military centcom. Here are some “fake” images for you to digest"
-What i mean is that it is fake this was a "defensive strike", it is fake that there is any evidence Iranian proxys attacked the US base, there is nada...what we know from history is that zionists do false flags to get what they want

"Wether you like it or not, the US forces are there with the invitation by the Iraqi government a sovereign government
-Yeah u can bulls..t yourself with this statement. US is invading and occpuing, thats what they do
"We lied, we cheated, we stole" - fat pig Pompeo

"assist in training forces with ISIS"
-yeah, another orwellian BS. Funnily enough they bombed that forces which really eliminated IS in IRAQ.
As Iraq was invaded by IS hordes US stand by and did nothing, they even refused to arm Iraqis to fight against them.
It was only as Iran (proxys) sucesfully interfered, US changed its mind and "suddenly" stand with IRAQ.
Oh by the way, wo created IS?
If you like it or not, the US is an occupier and if Iran wanted so, every of theyr base would turn into dust.
But Iran is clever and its playing the long game, this one event will change nothing

"unfortunately the Iraqis are clapping for the deaths of PMUs. Much like the Arab world was happy to see Hezbollah casualties in Syria."
-the mojority inst clapping, quite the opposite. Many political leaders and clerics codemned the attacks

This is why Arabs are such a backstabbing loser bunch that were able to be enslaved by Zionists and the West.

If it wasn’t for Iran, Quds Force, and Iran’s militias Baghdad would have been overrun with ISIS. You forgot US was sitting on the sidelines while cities fell to ISIS doing nothing. Only when Iran pushed IsIS back and their dream of ISIS crushing Iraq was over only then did the US arrive.

Your own pathetic army ran away from Mosul and other cities like cowards.

Iran, Quds force, and the militias held Samarra by themselves.

But I forget in Arab world you cry and beg for help then stab your ally in the back as they save you. Like the story of the scorpion and the toad.

Iran should have just built up troops on the border and once Karbala was in jeopardy invaded and crushed ISIS.

In the meantime we would let Iraqis defend themselves because god forbid we be accused of “meddling”.

Stfu already with your emotional rant.
It was America who gave so called PMUs(Shias) Iraq on a platter. Traitors who shook hands with the invading forces to kill their own people now barking and talking about retaliation against their own father(US) it's funny. Iranians with their fake bravado don't even miss a second to lay down butt naked infront of US or Russia whenever they attack another country. Hypocrisy of Iranians is second to none mashaAllah
if only your fake theories and conclusions were real.
Stfu already with your emotional rant.

Like I thought you have no response when you are confronted with the cold hard truth.

Iraqi army is filled mostly with cowards and traitors. PMU saved Iraq. Now you got a bunch of brain dead youngsters in the streets thinking they know politics. Same youngsters who were peeing their pants when ISIS was at Baghdad International Airport and firing mortars into Baghdad neighborhoods.

So run along and let the grown ups manage Iraq.
Like I thought you have no response when you are confronted with the cold hard truth.

Iraqi army is filled mostly with cowards and traitors. PMU saved Iraq. Now you got a bunch of brain dead youngsters in the streets thinking they know politics. Same youngsters who were peeing their pants when ISIS was at Baghdad International Airport and firing mortars into Baghdad neighborhoods.

So run along and let the grown ups manage Iraq.

You'll get lynched anywhere in Iraq repeating those words lol
You'll get lynched anywhere in Iraq repeating those words lol

Lol by who? A bunch of 120LB skinny 18 year olds? Yeah I’ll take my chances. I’m Kurdish, Turkmen, and Shia. I got more in common with Iraqi ethnicities then your dumbass.

Iran wields significant Iraq they are Shia brothers. Badr Organization dates back to Saddam Era and has extensive ties with Iran. So Iran’s influence in Iraq is natural and symbiotic.

90% of the people in the streets protesting were still sucking on your mama’s titties when saddam fell. What do they know about history and governance?

Easy to sit back and blame PMU and Iran militias for Iraq’s economic woes and not the Kurds hoarding oil, or Sunnis trying to revive the next ISIS or complaining about how they aren’t powerful enough like under Saddam, or even the Shia who support the Mafia man known as Al-Sadr.

This is what happens when modern countries fall. It’s not a smooth transition. Look at Libya....Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Egypt everyone is vying for influence.

Iraq’s problems are not because of Iran or Iran backed militias. You just are falling into Western mind trap.

Carry on.
This isn't a bar fight, infact write all you like does it make a diff?

People won't believe what I will have to say but I've been in actual bar-fights and this forum isn't too dissimilar from one, so what you said just doesn't mean much to me.

Hell, This entire forum is one huge sectarian driven melee, so don't try and woefully believe that this is some cordial place for just discourse when that sort of dialogue is few and far between, especially in the Iran section where asshats from the four corners of this Earth come and start shit. Anyways, I made that mistake a while ago but now I've embraced the vitriol. PDF is indeed one giant bar fight and it lends itself to one rather nicely.

So again I ask of you Iraqi hiding in Denmark, MAKE HIM SHUT UP.
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Lol by who? A bunch of 120LB skinny 18 year olds? Yeah I’ll take my chances. I’m Kurdish, Turkmen, and Shia. I got more in common with Iraqi ethnicities then your dumbass.

Iran wields significant Iraq they are Shia brothers. Badr Organization dates back to Saddam Era and has extensive ties with Iran. So Iran’s influence in Iraq is natural and symbiotic.

90% of the people in the streets protesting were still sucking on your mama’s titties when saddam fell. What do they know about history and governance?

Easy to sit back and blame PMU and Iran militias for Iraq’s economic woes and not the Kurds hoarding oil, or Sunnis trying to revive the next ISIS or complaining about how they aren’t powerful enough like under Saddam, or even the Shia who support the Mafia man known as Al-Sadr.

This is what happens when modern countries fall. It’s not a smooth transition. Look at Libya....Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Egypt everyone is vying for influence.

Iraq’s problems are not because of Iran or Iran backed militias. You just are falling into Western mind trap.

Carry on.

By the pmu itself
Lol by who? A bunch of 120LB skinny 18 year olds? Yeah I’ll take my chances. I’m Kurdish, Turkmen, and Shia. I got more in common with Iraqi ethnicities then your dumbass.

Iran wields significant Iraq they are Shia brothers. Badr Organization dates back to Saddam Era and has extensive ties with Iran. So Iran’s influence in Iraq is natural and symbiotic.

90% of the people in the streets protesting were still sucking on your mama’s titties when saddam fell. What do they know about history and governance?

Easy to sit back and blame PMU and Iran militias for Iraq’s economic woes and not the Kurds hoarding oil, or Sunnis trying to revive the next ISIS or complaining about how they aren’t powerful enough like under Saddam, or even the Shia who support the Mafia man known as Al-Sadr.

This is what happens when modern countries fall. It’s not a smooth transition. Look at Libya....Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Egypt everyone is vying for influence.

Iraq’s problems are not because of Iran or Iran backed militias. You just are falling into Western mind trap.

Carry on.

Fucking spot on man, from time to time I just wonder what if Iran truly fucks off and lets the Levant just descend into chaos since so many of them spit on Iranian blood and sacrifices. How many Iranians died to ISIS/American/Israeli attacks and all Iran ever did was double down and continue supporting? Iran gave Lebanon an independent future, Iran supported Iraq when demons were at the gate, Iran shed blood when foreign insurgents were running a-mock at the doors of Damascus yet still we get 30 IQ brainlets who try and blame Iran for all their woes.

We gotta face the music man, they don't and most likely never will view Iran or Iranians as "friends" since Iran is the big bad lol. Damn, many of them probably don't even like Iran or ever will. They just wanna see Iran hurt like they're hurting.
Fucking spot on man, from time to time I just wonder what if Iran truly fucks off and lets the Levant just descend into chaos since so many of them spit on Iranian blood and sacrifices. How many Iranians died to ISIS/American/Israeli attacks and all Iran ever did was double down and continue supporting? Iran gave Lebanon an independent future, Iran supported Iraq when demons were at the gate, Iran shed blood when foreign insurgents were running a-mock at the doors of Damascus yet still we get 30 IQ brainlets who try and blame Iran for all their woes.

We gotta face the music man, they don't and most likely never will view Iran or Iranians as "friends" since Iran is the big bad lol. Damn, many of them probably don't even like Iran or ever will. They just wanna see Iran hurt like they're hurting.

This is just how it is brother.

This is why Arabs collectively lost against Israel. They view themselves via tribe not nations. And if they backstab one another why wouldn’t they backstab the pesky Persians?

Arabs have always been an ungrateful bunch who backstabbed one another for more power. Their gratefulness lasts just until they can find an excuse to hate you.

US gave Bin Laden weapons to fight off the soviets and then Bin Laden thanked the US with 9/11.

There is no loyalty among Arabs.
Israel is nothing but a subsidized colony, same for your export or anything.
In ur dreams.

1) Iran partly saved syria from falling into the hands of extremists (isis, hts etc). Destruction would be worser without Iran, so Iran prevented further destruction.
ISIS are your friends. Countries which u did not "save" are million time better than countries you "saved". Now you are "saving" Idlib slaughtering hundreds of thousands civilians.

2) Before Hezbollah, zionists were already terrorizing their neighbourhood.
I repeat, Israel did not touch Lebanon before PLO and Hezbollah came there and started attacking Israel. Prior PLO and Hezbollah Lebanon was called a Switzerland of Middle East, now its drug and mafia shythole.

3) Houthis had nothing, now they have Sanaa, many cities, own army and they hit Aramco.
Prior Saudi intervention they almost captured Aden.

Iran has all the talents and minds to easily squash Israel in any field.
Before mullahs came to power Iran had higher GNP per capita than South Korea! Evereything your mullahs touch turns into a drug criminal shythole (thats ion best case, it can be also ruins like Syria).
It's time for Iraqis to restart the resistance againt Yankee occupiers who dare to occupy, bomb Iraqis without their permission from within Iraq, after having waged a destructive war against Iraq.
bhahahahaha you want to go toe to toe with US military?????????
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