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US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

This is why Arabs are such a backstabbing loser bunch that were able to be enslaved by Zionists and the West.

If it wasn’t for Iran, Quds Force, and Iran’s militias Baghdad would have been overrun with ISIS. You forgot US was sitting on the sidelines while cities fell to ISIS doing nothing. Only when Iran pushed IsIS back and their dream of ISIS crushing Iraq was over only then did the US arrive.

Your own pathetic army ran away from Mosul and other cities like cowards.

Iran, Quds force, and the militias held Samarra by themselves.

But I forget in Arab world you cry and beg for help then stab your ally in the back as they save you. Like the story of the scorpion and the toad.

Iran should have just built up troops on the border and once Karbala was in jeopardy invaded and crushed ISIS.

In the meantime we would let Iraqis defend themselves because god forbid we be accused of “meddling”.

btw Im waiting for another round of PMU "response", the last time an american killed , they bombed the shit of 27 of PMU's , let's see where this is goin
to end the United States' military presence in Iraq through political and legal means.

This is the path to Iraqi freedom.

Through Peace. You don't want to give any reason for mad bombers to bomb you, sanction you, destroy your economy.

Washington would rather have confrontation than leave Iraq peaceably. They want more war and more violence. You win with no war with the warmongers. Put up ADS after so they can never return. With BMs and AShM. This seals off your country from any future invasion. Learn from Iran, but no conflict with the clowns.
So is the mighty PMU going to attack american bases or paper tiger words?
There is no interest in attacking the Americans only the Iranians, Kurds, and Isis will benefit from it
Best rockets Syrians have is 20 km 122 mm Grad. Palestinians have 330-mm 180 km rockets.
The terrorists were getting their own supplies of rockets courtesy of the usraeli-nato-gcc alliance,they werent just limited to captured syrians versions.
The vast bulk of the palestinian arsenal looks to have been the much shorter range qassams with less than 20kms of range
Whats most important Israel gave them super wide autonomy and does not touch them when they dont fire rockets at all
As with all things zionist the zionist version of "super wide autonomy" bares no comparison to accepted norms.Gaza has been turned into the worlds largest concentration camp for its population while the west bank has been chopped up into little cantons by checkpoints,security barriers and settlers only security roads that palestinians cannot use[not even apartheid south africa went to the extent of building separate roads for the indigenous population]
Oh,the bulk of cease fire violations were israeli[no surprises there,right?]

All that bla bla is just for internal consumption. Iran hi tec exports is nearly zero.
Gas turbines which are considered to be one of the most "hi tec" engineering products are according to you "bla bla" lolololol!!! your ignorance is showing....once again.Oh by the way your original post simply claimed that iran didnt produce any "hi tec" products,it didnt say anything about exports vs local use,now did it?.But hey nice try at moving the goal posts,good old hasbara 101,am I right?,of course I am!.
You might also remember this little thing called SANCTIONS that interfere with and limit irans ability to export products of all sorts.
I also wouldnt underestimate internal consumption as a "hi tec" driving force,after all thats what led to iran developing and building world class sam systems like the bavar 373 and the 3rd of khordad,this was the first aesa equipped land based sam system to shoot down an enemy aircraft [RQ-4A on the 20-6-2019]

1) Thanks to Iran Syria is totally destroyed, Worst catastrophe since WW2.
2) Hezbalshaytan forced Israel to STAY in Lebanon (Israel did not touch Lebanon when there was no Hezbollah or PLO). Thanks to Halesh Lebanon is total failed state now.
3) Hothis lost huge territories since Saudi intervention (they almost captured Aden in 2015). And Saudis achieved it without destroying towns and displacing millions like u do in Syria.
1.That was the doing of the usraeli-nato-gcc internationally backed terrorist insurgency,iran was one of the forces fighting to defend and preserve the syrian state.Thankfully it succeeded.
2.It was your own actions that directly lead to the creation of hezbollah,your invasion and occupation of southern lebanon were their genesis.Ultimately both the israeli military and political class realized that lebanon was a quagmire and before the end of may 2000 israel had unilaterally withdrawn and left its sla collaborators to their fate,hezbollah had won.
3.The saudis and gulfies despite having total air supremacy and military forces with hundreds of billions of dollars worth of the best western weapons and logistics support from the us were unable to defeat the remnants of one of the poorest militaries in the region allied with a militia.This was NOT an insurgency but a conventional war with front lines.Altho the houthis may have been pushed out of the south the saudi/gulfie forces have had little success in capturing the houthis heartland in the north west of the country.
3a.You really do want to check your facts my friend.According to the UNHCR the yemen war has forced 4.3 million people to become refugees.2.4 million people are in need with 80% of the population requiring some form of humanitarian assistance,2 in 3 yemenis cant afford food thanks to the us-gulfie blockade of the country,there have been 1 million plus cholera cases since 2018,it is the largest cholera epidemic in the world.
So its pretty obvious that yemen is far worse than syria.

No. They broke German codes, they had superior planes, radars, computers, bomb sights etc. Germans made some useless wonder weapons. Like your regime do now (except that Nazi wonder weapons were real and not bluff like urs).
Its funny that these supposedly "useless wonder weapons" such as swept wing aircraft,surface to air missiles,air to air missiles,axial jet engines,anti tank missiles,ballistic missiles,cruise missiles-both ground and air launched,liquid fueled rocket engines,ejection seats,helicopters,nerve gas,the assault rifle,the submarine snorkel,acoustic homing torpedos,aip submarines,guided glide bombs,infra red night vision systems etc,formed the basis for many of the post ww2 weapons and technological developments that are with us right up to this present day.
If irans weapons are just a "bluff" then its one thats worked extremely well as its pretty clear from the amounts of usraeli-gcc money spent on things like missile defence that those countries take the threat of irans weapons very seriously indeed,tho perhaps you could explain to me how a "bluff" was able to knock out 50% of saudi oil production.....?
The terrorists were getting their own supplies of rockets courtesy of the usraeli-nato-gcc alliance,they werent just limited to captured syrians versions.
The vast bulk of the palestinian arsenal looks to have been the much shorter range qassams with less than 20kms of range
"NATO supplied" Syrian rebels have only 20 km 122-mm Grads.
While "poor Palestinians" have 180 km range 330-mm rockets.

More over these Grads rebels received only in 2015-2016. Before that they fired cooking gas canisters.

As with all things zionist the zionist version of "super wide autonomy" bares no comparison to accepted norms.Gaza has been turned into the worlds largest concentration camp for its population while the west bank has been chopped up into little cantons by checkpoints,security barriers and settlers only security roads that palestinians cannot use[not even apartheid south africa went to the extent of building separate roads for the indigenous population]
Oh,the bulk of cease fire violations were israeli[no surprises there,right?]
Israeli "violations" are when Palestinians riot at border trying to cross it and Israelis fire at them.
Khamenai violations is bombing to hell millions of civilians, leveling to ground town and villages.

You have no shame to compare these two?
Gas turbines which are considered to be one of the most "hi tec" engineering products are according to you "bla bla" lolololol!!! your ignorance is showing....once again.Oh by the way your original post simply claimed that iran didnt produce any "hi tec" products,it didnt say anything about exports vs local use,now did it?.But hey nice try at moving the goal posts,good old hasbara 101,am I right?,of course I am!.
You might also remember this little thing called SANCTIONS that interfere with and limit irans ability to export products of all sorts.
I also wouldnt underestimate internal consumption as a "hi tec" driving force,after all thats what led to iran developing and building world class sam systems like the bavar 373 and the 3rd of khordad,this was the first aesa equipped land based sam system to shoot down an enemy aircraft [RQ-4A on the 20-6-2019]
So yallah send ur Bavar to protect ur mercenaries. Meanwhile ur hi tec export is virtually non existent.

1.That was the doing of the usraeli-nato-gcc internationally backed terrorist insurgency,iran was one of the forces fighting to defend and preserve the syrian state.Thankfully it succeeded.
Khamenaist logics:

1) Rebels firing cooking gas canisters are NATO ARMED.
2) Rebels who fight Assad army are TIRARISTS. While those who drop cluster and barrel bombs on towns, blow up buses with civilians, starve to death towns and then shoot kids who search for food are nice guys.

2.It was your own actions that directly lead to the creation of hezbollah,your invasion and occupation of southern lebanon were their genesis.Ultimately both the israeli military and political class realized that lebanon was a quagmire and before the end of may 2000 israel had unilaterally withdrawn and left its sla collaborators to their fate,hezbollah had won.
I repeat: prior 1969 when Lebanese government allowed PLO attack Israel from its territory Israel did not touch Lebanon. In 1960-es Lebanon was called Switzerland of Middle East, now thanks to you its drug shythole of Middle East.

3.The saudis and gulfies despite having total air supremacy and military forces with hundreds of billions of dollars worth of the best western weapons and logistics support from the us were unable to defeat the remnants of one of the poorest militaries in the region allied with a militia.This was NOT an insurgency but a conventional war with front lines.Altho the houthis may have been pushed out of the south the saudi/gulfie forces have had little success in capturing the houthis heartland in the north west of the country.
3a.You really do want to check your facts my friend.According to the UNHCR the yemen war has forced 4.3 million people to become refugees.2.4 million people are in need with 80% of the population requiring some form of humanitarian assistance,2 in 3 yemenis cant afford food thanks to the us-gulfie blockade of the country,there have been 1 million plus cholera cases since 2018,it is the largest cholera epidemic in the world.
So its pretty obvious that yemen is far worse than syria.
You started a war with aim to capture South Yemen. Saudis foiled that attempt. And Saudis did not level towns like you did in Syria. Although they could do it with ease

Its funny that these supposedly "useless wonder weapons" such as swept wing aircraft,surface to air missiles,air to air missiles,axial jet engines,anti tank missiles,ballistic missiles,cruise missiles-both ground and air launched,liquid fueled rocket engines,ejection seats,helicopters,nerve gas,the assault rifle,the submarine snorkel,acoustic homing torpedos,aip submarines,guided glide bombs,infra red night vision systems etc,formed the basis for many of the post ww2 weapons and technological developments that are with us right up to this present day.
All these technologies were useless in WW2. They spent huge resources and achieve virtually nothing.

If irans weapons are just a "bluff" then its one thats worked extremely well as its pretty clear from the amounts of usraeli-gcc money spent on things like missile defence that those countries take the threat of irans weapons very seriously indeed,tho perhaps you could explain to me how a "bluff" was able to knock out 50% of saudi oil production.....?
You are threatening Israel for 40 years but did not dare to send one soldier against us. All you can do is slaughter helpless peasants in Syria and kill student girls in your own country. Criminal coward regime that turns to shyt everything it touches.

I wonder what u are doing in Australia if u love ur Khamenaist regime so much?
Iraqi protesters storm US embassy compound in Baghdad

Jewish Lobby forced US into never ending wars in the Muslim world back in early 2000s and today even Trump can't easily get out from the ME.

Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan were a huge historical disaster for American superpower----it is already 20 years since US got into never ending quagmire in the Muslim world, thus giving time for Russia and China to increase their influence around the world, while Americans are busy in the Middle East.

In a period between 2001-2019 USA spent nearly 7trln$ of direct and indirect costs on useless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and now they are near bankruptcy with their federal debt being 22trln$---And they are in a Middle Eastern quagmire and even Trump can't get them out-----while China and Russia are rising...

And while USA was bogged down in the unending crisis in the Middle East---Russia and China increased their power and changed global balance of power in their favor.

So American people can thank the Jews from Bush administration for getting America into the Middle East

List of Jews-neocons who forced US into wars in the ME:
Paul Wolfowitz- Jew, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense---Architect of the Iraq War

Scooter Libby-Jew, former Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs, Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States and Assistant to the USA President -Strong and influential advocate of the Iraq War

Richard Perle- Jew, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs, former Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee- Influential advocate of the Iraq War

Douglas J. Feith- Jew, former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy for United States president- Architect of the Iraq War

David Wurmser- - former chief adviser on Middle East to US Vice President Dick Cheney---Advocate of the Iraq War----his Jewish wife Meyrav Wurmser is an Israeli national and together with Mossad's Col. Yigal Carmon is a founder of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) that spreads propaganda presenting Arabs in a highly negative light.

Bernard Lewis- Jew, influential intellectual, advocate of the Iraq War, provided advise on Iraq to Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush

Elliott Abrams- Jew, former Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director on the National Security Council for Near East , former Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy---Key architect of the Iraq War

Bill Kristol- Jew, influential political analyst, advocate of the Iraq War

Eric S. Edelman- Jew, former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, former Principal Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs- advocate for the Iraq War

Abram Shulsky- Jew, former Director of the Office of Special Plans-provided wrong intelligence about danger from Iraq, weapons of mass destruction and terrorism

Michael Ledeen-Jew, former consultant to the United States National Security Council, the United States Department of State, and the United States Department of Defense. Advocate of the Iraq War---said that USA should bring democracy and that destruction and casualties in Iraq doesn't matter and that USA should destroy 1-2 Muslim countries every 5-10 years.

Charles Krauthammer- Jew, influential political commentator, advocate of the Iraq War

Add to this Jews in the media--- David Frum, Max Boot, Lawrence F. Kaplan, Jonah Goldberg, and Alan Wald

And AIPAC's influence on Congress and media lobbying for invasion of Iraq
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It was a suicide strike!

Front of US embassy and nobody covers the face:

It's time for selfie!

Protesters chant US is the Great Satan:
Breaking: Angry people stormed US embassy in Baghdad + Video and Images – IWN

Iraqis raise the flag of targeted forces over US embassy:

US ambassador has fled, soon their soldiers will follow.
Alizadeh political activist in London:
What a humiliation, being the greatest (so called) super power in history, spending $ 4 trillion to occupy Iraq, tens of your media blaming Iran from day to night, and then (people) set your embassy in the middle of Baghdad on fire and make you bite the dust, not in the night by frightened and masked men (as they did to Iran consulate in Karbala and Najaf). but in the day light with clear and proud faces.

Iran laid a beautiful trap for the US.

Iranian standing was taking a hit in Iraq. A lot of the Iraqi anger against government incompetence was sucesfully being channeled towards Iran by American/Zionists/ Saudi propaganda.

Then Iran baited the US into taking this step that completely trampled on Iraqi sovereignty and dignity. They exposed themselves as public enemy number one now. no American in Iraq is safe now, and a huge campaign has started to kick all americans out..

Absolutely beautiful grandmaster level geopolitical chess move by Iran.
Saudis have nothing to do with it. I saw how Iraq fell and how Iran infiltrated the political system in Iraq and brought a cockroach like Noori Al Maliki in power who had a thing against Iraqi Sunnis. A psychopath who is solely responsible for the radicalization of Sunnis in Iraq. You were a little cockroach back in 2003 and I am sure mouth full of ayatollah praises when all this happened.

Back then Iraqi and Irani PMUs were in bed with Americans now don't cry when daddy spanks a little and show you your place.
Pakistan your country IS in bed with America, but here you are accusing others of being with US just because they coincidentally had mutual interests. Your country is America's real ally so dont be a hypocrite. fyi - ur not the only Pakistani on this forum to make us think Pakistan has no alliance with US meanwhile your county has been sleeping with US since the 90s. Your country also acts fake angry at US- you will cut off NATO route...only to open it later...you will "protest" US drone attacks...only to give CIA access to drone bases in Pakistan...if i have told any lie i have told pls correct me.

Truth hurts, cockroach. Throughout the history of Islam you and your kind have been playing cockroach and will continue to do so. Now f off
But you didnt tell the truth, you told manipulated lies about people's country(Iran), which also hurts so please understand the difference.

It is still continuing right now----Iranian tradition to storm embassies

Trump says Iran will be held ‘fully responsible’ for attack on the US embassy in Iraq
Trump sounds "afraid" here..
Well, without air cover or air defense, it would cost many many iraki lives to kick US out of Irak.
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