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US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

Taliban is a US creation and Iran has always been against it, did you expect the US product to stand against it?!
where do you think they get their weapons? trees?!
this is why I'm convinced that Stupidity actually exist, "Taliban is a US creation" LMFAO, whats next kid???? ISIS stand for "Israeli Secret Intelligence service" LOLZ

well it's actually you who I think had been living under a rock, Afghanistan has been at war for what 40years now????? a gun is probably cheaper in USD than a cereal, black markets thrive...do I actually have to teache everything???-___-..........and btw there is always bountiful spoils of war taken from incompetent afghan army soldiers.just so you know.

We have done it already. that's a reality.
No yo dont,
what you have achieved is now :
-making enemies across the ME,
-supporting unpopular dictators in syria, which after many many many many many iranian lives lost, now fell into the orbit of moscow.not to mention the almost daily Israeli airstrike pummelling your infrasturucture in Syria, which btw coast a lot of money from cash strapped Tehran
-which in turn fueled anger and resentment from ordinary iranians who struggle to provide for their daily lives.
-stuck in a war in yemen against the saudis, which also help your financial burden.

your fancy axis of resistance is taking its toll on iranian citizens, many flee the countries, Im not surprised if somehow somedoy iran implode from internal rebellion. Heck even the sons of iran founding fathers prefer to live in America "the great devil"

Iran has been resisting for over 40 years. Have you been living under a rock?
resisting what???? the US had been stepping up its pressure only since the obama adm, since bush Sr. and bush jr. is so busy with Iraq


US embassy attack: Protesters withdraw after standoff in Iraq

    • 1 January 2020


Media captionProtests outside the US embassy in Baghdad continued on Wednesday
Protesters who have been demonstrating outside the US embassy in Iraq for a second day have withdrawn from the area after a tense standoff.

On Tuesday, the embassy was attacked by a crowd angered by US air strikes targeting an Iran-backed militia.

Clashes continued on Wednesday as demonstrators hurled stones while US forces fired tear gas.

The hostilities came amid escalating tension between the US and Iran - the two main Iraqi government sponsors.

Tuesday's attack - which sparked a war of words between US President Donald Trump and Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei - had threatened to escalate, with the US defence secretary announcing the deployment of additional troops to the region.

But by Wednesday evening, the Iraqi government announced that all groups had withdrawn from the perimeter of the US embassy in Baghdad following an appeal for calm.

A small group of protesters however began to set up a camp in front of a nearby hotel.

President Trump has threatened Iran after blaming it for Tuesday's attack, in which no US personnel were injured. Mr Trump tweeted that Iran "will pay a very big price" for any damage or loss of life. "This is not a warning, it is a threat," he said.

But Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei responded by saying the US "can't do a damn thing". Anti-American sentiment was widespread in Iraq, he added.

Tehran has denied that it orchestrated the protests at the Baghdad embassy.

Skip Twitter post by @realDonaldTrump
"); background-position: 16px 13px; border: 0px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 4px; font-weight: initial; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px; visibility: visible; display: block; position: static; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 500px; min-width: 220px;">

Donald J. Trump


Replying to @realDonaldTrump

....Iran will be held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat. Happy New Year!


5:19 AM - Jan 1, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

38.1K people are talking about this

End of Twitter post by @realDonaldTrump


The embassy is one of the largest US diplomatic missions in the world and one of the most heavily guarded.

Currently, there are about 5,000 US troops in Iraq involved in anti-Islamic State operations and training missions with the Iraqi security forces.



The protests starkly illustrate the tenuous and difficult nature of the US relationship with Iraq. The question now is whether this relationship is tenable and, if so, for how long?

The struggle against the Islamic State (IS) group obscured the basic geometry of the Iraqi government's position. It needed the US military presence to train and assist its forces. But its Shia government was closely allied with Tehran.

So developed a curious triangular relationship, with the US and Iran deeply suspicious of each other's motives and eager that their rival's influence should be reduced. Iraq steers a sometimes bumpy course between them that has got bumpier in recent weeks following a wave of domestic protest inside Iraq at the government's incompetence, which has an element of hostility to Iranian meddling too.

Iran meanwhile has built up its links to Shia militias in the country, one of which is judged by the Americans to have been responsible for the rocket attacks against its bases - hence the US air strikes. The Americans see Tehran as behind the attacks and want the Iraqi authorities to ensure the safety of US facilities.

But with the Trump administration sending out conflicting signals about its future role in the region; in part a desire to limit its involvement and in part a message of deterrence against Tehran - it is easy to be confused. And amid this confusion the danger of a direct clash between Washington and Tehran only grows.


What sparked the protests?

Tuesday's protest took place after funerals were held for militia fighters killed in US strikes.

The militia was an Iranian-backed force, the Kataib Hezbollah militia in western Iraq and eastern Syria.

At least 25 fighters died in the US bombing of their bases on Sunday, which Washington said was a retaliation for the death of an American civilian worker killed during a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base.

In response, an angry crowd breached a reception area in the US embassy compound, leading US troops to fire teargas to repel them.

US marines were sent to the Baghdad embassy to boost security. US Defence Secretary Mark Esper later announced that about 750 soldiers would be deployed to the region.

"The United States will protect our people and interests anywhere they are found around the world," he wrote in a tweet.

Image copyrightREUTERS
Image captionSome demonstrators regrouped outside the embassy on Wednesday
Why did the US target Kataib Hezbollah?
The US said the militia had carried out repeated attacks on Iraqi bases that host US-led coalition forces fighting the Islamic State group.

In response, it added, US forces conducted "precision defensive strikes" on Sunday against five facilities, including weapon stores and command and control locations, that would degrade its ability to conduct future attacks.

Since 2009, the US has designated Kataib Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and listed its leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis as a "global terrorist".

Even these groups in the PMU, their weapons are trash. Iran does not sell them the sophisticated weaponry . The most advanced they have are Toophan-3 and the Kornet-E copy.

If I was PMU i'd arm myself with long-range strike capability
this is why I'm convinced that Stupidity actually exist, "Taliban is a US creation" LMFAO, whats next kid???? ISIS stand for "Israeli Secret Intelligence service" LOLZ

well it's actually you who I think had been living under a rock, Afghanistan has been at war for what 40years now????? a gun is probably cheaper in USD than a cereal, black markets thrive...do I actually have to teache everything???-___-..........and btw there is always bountiful spoils of war taken from incompetent afghan army soldiers.just so you know.

No yo dont,
what you have achieved is now :
-making enemies across the ME,
-supporting unpopular dictators in syria, which after many many many many many iranian lives lost, now fell into the orbit of moscow.not to mention the almost daily Israeli airstrike pummelling your infrasturucture in Syria, which btw coast a lot of money from cash strapped Tehran
-which in turn fueled anger and resentment from ordinary iranians who struggle to provide for their daily lives.
-stuck in a war in yemen against the saudis, which also help your financial burden.

your fancy axis of resistance is taking its toll on iranian citizens, many flee the countries, Im not surprised if somehow somedoy iran implode from internal rebellion. Heck even the sons of iran founding fathers prefer to live in America "the great devil"

resisting what???? the US had been stepping up its pressure only since the obama adm, since bush Sr. and bush jr. is so busy with Iraq


US embassy attack: Protesters withdraw after standoff in Iraq

    • 1 January 2020


Media captionProtests outside the US embassy in Baghdad continued on Wednesday
Protesters who have been demonstrating outside the US embassy in Iraq for a second day have withdrawn from the area after a tense standoff.

On Tuesday, the embassy was attacked by a crowd angered by US air strikes targeting an Iran-backed militia.

Clashes continued on Wednesday as demonstrators hurled stones while US forces fired tear gas.

The hostilities came amid escalating tension between the US and Iran - the two main Iraqi government sponsors.

Tuesday's attack - which sparked a war of words between US President Donald Trump and Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei - had threatened to escalate, with the US defence secretary announcing the deployment of additional troops to the region.

But by Wednesday evening, the Iraqi government announced that all groups had withdrawn from the perimeter of the US embassy in Baghdad following an appeal for calm.

A small group of protesters however began to set up a camp in front of a nearby hotel.

President Trump has threatened Iran after blaming it for Tuesday's attack, in which no US personnel were injured. Mr Trump tweeted that Iran "will pay a very big price" for any damage or loss of life. "This is not a warning, it is a threat," he said.

But Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei responded by saying the US "can't do a damn thing". Anti-American sentiment was widespread in Iraq, he added.

Tehran has denied that it orchestrated the protests at the Baghdad embassy.

Skip Twitter post by @realDonaldTrump
"); background-position: 16px 13px; border: 0px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 4px; font-weight: initial; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px; visibility: visible; display: block; position: static; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 500px; min-width: 220px;">

Donald J. Trump


Replying to @realDonaldTrump

....Iran will be held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat. Happy New Year!


5:19 AM - Jan 1, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

38.1K people are talking about this

End of Twitter post by @realDonaldTrump


The embassy is one of the largest US diplomatic missions in the world and one of the most heavily guarded.

Currently, there are about 5,000 US troops in Iraq involved in anti-Islamic State operations and training missions with the Iraqi security forces.



The protests starkly illustrate the tenuous and difficult nature of the US relationship with Iraq. The question now is whether this relationship is tenable and, if so, for how long?

The struggle against the Islamic State (IS) group obscured the basic geometry of the Iraqi government's position. It needed the US military presence to train and assist its forces. But its Shia government was closely allied with Tehran.

So developed a curious triangular relationship, with the US and Iran deeply suspicious of each other's motives and eager that their rival's influence should be reduced. Iraq steers a sometimes bumpy course between them that has got bumpier in recent weeks following a wave of domestic protest inside Iraq at the government's incompetence, which has an element of hostility to Iranian meddling too.

Iran meanwhile has built up its links to Shia militias in the country, one of which is judged by the Americans to have been responsible for the rocket attacks against its bases - hence the US air strikes. The Americans see Tehran as behind the attacks and want the Iraqi authorities to ensure the safety of US facilities.

But with the Trump administration sending out conflicting signals about its future role in the region; in part a desire to limit its involvement and in part a message of deterrence against Tehran - it is easy to be confused. And amid this confusion the danger of a direct clash between Washington and Tehran only grows.


What sparked the protests?

Tuesday's protest took place after funerals were held for militia fighters killed in US strikes.

The militia was an Iranian-backed force, the Kataib Hezbollah militia in western Iraq and eastern Syria.

At least 25 fighters died in the US bombing of their bases on Sunday, which Washington said was a retaliation for the death of an American civilian worker killed during a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base.

In response, an angry crowd breached a reception area in the US embassy compound, leading US troops to fire teargas to repel them.

US marines were sent to the Baghdad embassy to boost security. US Defence Secretary Mark Esper later announced that about 750 soldiers would be deployed to the region.

"The United States will protect our people and interests anywhere they are found around the world," he wrote in a tweet.

Image copyrightREUTERS
Image captionSome demonstrators regrouped outside the embassy on Wednesday
Why did the US target Kataib Hezbollah?
The US said the militia had carried out repeated attacks on Iraqi bases that host US-led coalition forces fighting the Islamic State group.

In response, it added, US forces conducted "precision defensive strikes" on Sunday against five facilities, including weapon stores and command and control locations, that would degrade its ability to conduct future attacks.

Since 2009, the US has designated Kataib Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation and listed its leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis as a "global terrorist".

Blah blah blah... You are getting purged and you are too blind to see it.
this is why I'm convinced that Stupidity actually exist, "Taliban is a US creation" LMFAO, whats next kid???? ISIS stand for "Israeli Secret Intelligence service" LOLZ
Yeah, stupidity exists, that's why talking to you was a waste of my time.

Guys, I'm not batting for anybody, but if you don't know by now that the US created ISIS you must have hearing problems.
Endless evidence; weapon shipments paid for by US firms that end up with ISIS, endless eveidence of 4*4 Toyota pick ups bought in the US now with ISIS. And isn't it interesting that the only foothold that ISIS have left in Syria is in the US held part, not the Syrian government part?
Yeah, stupidity exists, that's why talking to you was a waste of my time.

not only that you're having intelligentsia problem, you're aswell having history lessons problem, the U.S provided weapons to the afghan Mujahideen, and not all mujahideen are taliban....the term "mujahideen" refers to a collective armed groups operating against the Soviets, this included the US alligned northern alliance and numerous other armed groups and warlords which many later formed the current afghan goverment troops, for example general dostum here...

I agree you should not spend more time with me, it exposes you so completely...

stupidity and illiteratism seems to have some sorts of correlation ;DDDDD

Even these groups in the PMU, their weapons are trash. Iran does not sell them the sophisticated weaponry . The most advanced they have are Toophan-3 and the Kornet-E copy.

If I was PMU i'd arm myself with long-range strike capability
even if the PMU somehow operate long range missile (which I'm sure that they're planning to operate) the US will swiftly respond. Middle eastern armies are known to be scary (on paper) but not on RL combat.

the PMU are the long arm of iran hardpower mainly to challenge local rival iraqi politicians which is not pro-iran, any funny attempts against the US and we've seen 25 of them getting BBQ'ed.

Blah blah blah... You are getting purged and you are too blind to see it.
yes please go back take your matress back home, the US marines is coming and it ain't playin around
Situation can be solved by law: ousting all US troops within 1 month. Gurdi kid barham salih (puppet of israel and barzani) will be upset, but yankee pigs should exit else tensions will increase.

This might happen but depends on the next prime minister, who it will be. currently the prime minister has limited powers, he's on his way out.
I read Muhandis is injured... this is not good news.
@Arabizer Iraqi parliament should act fast...

Media affiliated with the PMU denied that Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was targeted in Baghdad airport bombing

An Iraqi security source: 8 people were killed in attack at the Baghdad airport
I read Muhandis is injured... this is not good news.
@Arabizer Iraqi parliament should act fast...

Media affiliated with the PMU denied that Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was targeted in Baghdad airport bombing

An Iraqi security source: 8 people were killed in attack at the Baghdad airport

Muhandis part is probably not true.

Either way it's a big escalation, eventually, PMU will respond in a bigger way which will lit the fire. As US response would then be bigger again.. with PMU response bigger etc.

Maybe that is what the US decided to do, instead of attacking Iran directly.
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