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US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

And that will mean oil prices 200-300 a barrel, a war which will stretch from Lebanon to Afghanistan to Yemen and the last war of USA.
yeah yeah yeah... Can't even destroy rebels with aks in Syria... YOu guys needed Russia to step in... and now ASSAd is putting your guys as the tertiary role in his country...
Lebanese are putting HezbShaitan in the "hate" bin...
Yemen... Well... can't really Qualify the other side as strong adversaries...
Afghanistan? what? those few Shia militia that are hunted by Talibans? and that you are relocating in Syria as cannon fodder?
US airpower means nothing nowadays in Afghanistan, past in Vietnam, just like Saudi airpower means nothing in Yemen. Ground troops, motivation, logistics, all count. It causes destruction, but not decisive.
oh yes it will means something once the full bruntg of US airpower started picking your IADS one by one, dont compare saudi dogs to american troops, they may look the same but only in equipment...the training and the way the do combat is so much different.
It's not that simple if it escalates, and I doubt the US can handle major escalation in Iraq with only 5000 troops. They had about 180K during 'the surge' in 2007 when the major civil war started.

Anyway it would be the worst scenario for that to happen.
5000 troops with the full coverage of ISR, and airplanes taking off from their bases sorrounding iraq.
5000 troops with the full coverage of ISR, and airplanes taking off from their bases sorrounding iraq.

The airbases the US is in are very large, well defended etc. But the US can't do that job alone, it's with the Iraqi army. If the PMU goes insane and rogue then the Iraqi army will side with who? That's unknown, how many of the soldiers would even be willing to fight the PMU.

As for the embassy in the middle of Baghdad, it's an easier target than the airbases.
The airbases the US is in are very large, well defended etc. But the US can't do that job alone, it's with the Iraqi army. If the PMU goes insane and rogue then the Iraqi army will side with who? That's unknown, how many of the soldiers would even be willing to fight the PMU.
The most important detail is... who the Iraqis will side with... And lately it's not PMU or any Iranian related.
At least the US can play this counter-power in this conflict.
The airbases the US is in are very large, well defended etc. But the US can't do that job alone, it's with the Iraqi army. If the PMU goes insane and rogue then the Iraqi army will side with who? That's unknown, how many of the soldiers would even be willing to fight the PMU.

As for the embassy in the middle of Baghdad, it's an easier target than the airbases.
the iraqi army will side with the one who will not bomb them from the air, they know just how much devastating it is after fighting for 5 years against ISIS under US aircover
The most important detail is... who the Iraqis will side with... And lately it's not PMU or any Iranian related.

The general public wouldn't side with the US or Iran, lately it's been trending to hate on all foreign nations and express nationalism.

It's who the army, police, ISOF etc. side with. The latter is defending the US embassy.
The general public wouldn't side with the US or Iran, lately it's been trending to hate on all foreign nations and express nationalism.

It's who the army, police, ISOF etc. side with. The latter is defending the US embassy.
Well, we will see... Let's hope they will fight/kill each others far from Innocent Civilians...
As we're witnessing, we see that these yankee pigs bring nothing but insecurity and constantly violate Iraqi orders and security. We're also witnessing barzani-piglets enjoying these attacks, together with zio-pigs on this forum.
Iran can end this madness by stopping the flow of cash to terrorist who targetted US embassy, I think the US is alawys open for talks.
As we're witnessing, we see that these yankee pigs bring nothing but insecurity and constantly violate Iraqi orders and security. We're also witnessing barzani-piglets enjoying these attacks, together with zio-pigs on this forum.

I think whatever the truth is, we don't know due to conflicting reports. Bad things will happen, with so many PMU groups in Iraq, well armed and neighboring Iran (meaning very easy access to weapons unlike Hezbollah in Lebanon). It's just a matter of time before more shit happens

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