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US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

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booooaaaht what wicked statement this is..

for that wickedness it would be not enough to send you to the worst part of hell for years while it continiously rains stars in the size of betelgeuse and canis majoris which burst in supernova while touching the ground
Highest capitalization companies in the world:

1 Microsoft
2 Apple Inc.
3 Amazon.com
4 Alphabet Inc.
5 Berkshire Hathaway
6 Facebook, Inc.
7 Alibaba Group
8 Tencent
9 Johnson & Johnson
10 Visa

Still funny? Even more funny that you are posting silly gifs using US technologies.
PMF is an Iraqi state-sponsored umbrella organization composed of some 40 militias that are mostly Shia Muslim groups, but also including Sunni Muslim, Christian, and Yazidi individuals as well. The popular mobilization units have fought in nearly every major battle against ISIL.

On 19 December 2016, Iraqi President Fuad Masum approved a law passed by parliament in November that incorporated PMU in the country's armed forces. On December 11, 2017, the PMU began to be entirely consolidated under the Iraqi Armed Forces, following a call by Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani to integrate.

This means US attacked Iraqi army within Iraq, while the cuck-Iraqi army is protecting US forces/serving as human shields for them, this is prime cuck-behaviour!
Even the Iraqi cuckprime-minister was called before the attack and told Americans not to do it, however US occupying forces see the Iraqi government and army as cucks, so they do whatever, whenever they like and want. So instead of pro-US cuckery against PMU/PMF, maybe cucks like sistani, sadr and Iraqi government should exit the terrorist US forces who are a clear threat towards Syria and Iran, at least a few countries who don't accept cuckery.

Go to Baghdad and share this opinion as a foreigner, see their reaction and that's all I have to say.

PMU follows the gov orders yes, the few that don't need to be dealt with. Those firing rockets are disobeying orders

In the end we need a strong state, not dozens of dispersed militia's that operate loosely under the gov PMU umbrella. Our prime minister is indeed a cuck, a good one would blow up both the KRG and the likes of Amiri who forgot his allegiance is supposed to be to his country no matter what regime rules it.
PMF is an Iraqi state-sponsored umbrella organization composed of some 40 militias that are mostly Shia Muslim groups, but also including Sunni Muslim, Christian, and Yazidi individuals as well. The popular mobilization units have fought in nearly every major battle against ISIL.

On 19 December 2016, Iraqi President Fuad Masum approved a law passed by parliament in November that incorporated PMU in the country's armed forces. On December 11, 2017, the PMU began to be entirely consolidated under the Iraqi Armed Forces, following a call by Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani to integrate.

This means US attacked Iraqi army within Iraq, while the cuck-Iraqi army is protecting US forces/serving as human shields for them, this is prime cuck-behaviour!
Even the Iraqi cuckprime-minister was called before the attack and told Americans not to do it, however US occupying forces see the Iraqi government and army as cucks, so they do whatever, whenever they like and want. So instead of pro-US cuckery against PMU/PMF, maybe cucks like sistani, sadr and Iraqi government should exit the terrorist US forces who are a clear threat towards Syria and Iran, at least a few countries who don't accept cuckery.

These Arabs are so cucked there is no hope for them.
Syrians have only 20 km range Grad rockets. Palestinians have 100+ km 330-mm huge rockets.

This might come as a shock to you but irans ranking in terms of scientific output is 16th out of 233 in the world.In 2018 Iran produced 60268 documents in all fields. Iran is ranked 8th in the field of
All terms of hi tec production Iran is virtually non existent. All these documents are for internal consumption nothing more.

Plus we talked about foreign policies. Foreign policies of Khamenaistic Iran is sponsoring failed terrorist entities like Assad Hezbollah and Houthis.

You apparently forgot about some of the less savory ones...you know like saudi and the gulf states,not to mention zionist israel of course[LOL!]
I mentioned largest ones. Gulf states - are richest states in ME and Israel most advanced state in ME.

Compare again to Iranian allies: failed drug dealers and terrorists.

You seem to think that scientific success is evidence of some sort of national or moral superiority,yet in its day nazi germany was arguably one of,if not the most,technologically advanced nation on the earth yet we all know that morally they were utterly depraved and that their science and its developments were used for truly horrible and destructive purposes.
Nazi Germany lost the race to US.
Go to Baghdad and share this opinion as a foreigner, see their reaction and that's all I have to say.

PMU follows the gov orders yes, the few that don't need to be dealt with. Those firing rockets are disobeying orders

In the end we need a strong state, not dozens of dispersed militia's that operate loosely under the gov PMU umbrella. Our prime minister is indeed a cuck, a good one would blow up both the KRG and the likes of Amiri who forgot his allegiance is supposed to be to his country no matter what regime rules it.
Stupid cucks would lynch me in Baghdad. We also have many cucks in Iran who would like to dissolve IRGC and even our military industry with their zionist-whispered cuck-chants (spend on Iran instead of Syria and Iraq). Those cucks would attack me also. That's what we call brave-cucks, cuckery on a new level based on political "oskolism" (Iranian term, which means being politically stupid/dumb/simple/easily tricked by zionist-US media).

Secondly there is no strong evidence of who fired the missiles, let alone which group fired the missiles and such investigation cannot be concluded in 1 day. Iraqi army has been attacked, on Iraqi soil, from within Iraq, after US rejected order of Iraqi prime minister not to attack. This is called humiliation.

Hadi al-Amiri and Muhandis are one of the few brave ones before whole Iraq moves toward Grand-Cuckerism (on level of Bahrain).
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Stupid cucks would lynch me in Baghdad. We also have many cucks in Iran who would like to dissolve IRGC and even our military industry with their zionist-whispered cuck-chants (spend on Iran instead of Syria and Iraq). Those cucks would attack me also. That's what we call brave-cucks, cuckery on a new level based on political "oskolism" (Iranian term, which means being politically stupid/dumb/simple/easily tricked by zionist-US media).

Secondly there is no strong evidence of who fired the missiles, let alone which group fired the missiles and such investigation cannot be concluded in 1 day. Iraqi army has been attacked, on Iraqi soil, from within Iraq, after rejecting orders of Iraqi prime minister. This is called humiliation.

Hadi al-Amiri and Muhandis are one of the few brave ones before whole Iraq moves toward Grand-Cuckerism (on level of Bahrain).

Now you write about a regional matter, what's the point of resisting the west and in turn becoming a battleground between other countries when these same other states won't do the same?

The protests make sense, that gov is stealing all the and it's full of Kurds whom are foreigners. It's good that it happened as it removed the Kurdish loving prime minister
Lets look at this from higher ground.There is an obvious tug of war between Iran and US for dominance in Iraq (I feel sorry for Iraqis but that is how it is). Iran has been the winner so far but US has decided to try to change the scene (Israeli lobby pressure) and hence all the organised and well financed (saudi, UAE $$$) demonstration and Iran burning and bashing that we have seen in recent months...Plan was (is) to direct the anger of Iraqis against Iran and in the process manage to weaken/eliminate PMU....Iran is no fool and they saw the writing on the wall...and planned to show to the Iraqis who the real enemy is ..the one who destroyed their country in 2003 invasion..the one who brought the ISIL upon them and the one who occupies 1/3 of their country..the 25 PMU guys who died were not Iranians they were Iraqi citizens ...the Occupier just bombed their country and murdered 25 of its citizens ... now if you are an average Iraqi you can realized who is the real enemy and who is the friend. We may be witnessing the start of the final act in US invasion of Iraq drama. Time will tell.
Lets look at this from higher ground.There is an obvious tug of war between Iran and US for dominance in Iraq (I feel sorry for Iraqis but that is how it is). Iran has been the winner so far but US has decided to try to change the scene (Israeli lobby pressure) and hence all the organised and well financed (saudi, UAE $$$) demonstration and Iran burning and bashing that we have seen in recent months...Plan was (is) to direct the anger of Iraqis against Iran and in the process manage to weaken/eliminate PMU....Iran is no fool and they saw the writing on the wall...and planned to show to the Iraqis who the real enemy is ..the one who destroyed their country in 2003 invasion..the one who brought the ISIL upon them and the one who occupies 1/3 of their country..the 25 PMU guys who died were not Iranians they were Iraqi citizens ...the Occupier just bombed their country and murdered 25 of its citizens ... now if you are an average Iraqi you can realized who is the real enemy and who is the friend. We may be witnessing the start of the final act in US invasion of Iraq drama. Time will tell.

unfortunately the Iraqis are clapping for the deaths of PMUs. Much like the Arab world was happy to see Hezbollah casualties in Syria.
unfortunately the Iraqis are clapping for the deaths of PMUs. Much like the Arab world was happy to see Hezbollah casualties in Syria.
It is too bad we do not have an Iraqi citizen who can give us unbiased view of what Iraqis talk in their inner circles...They are smart and cultured people and regardless whether they are religious or secular, Arab or Kurd they surely must have seen how PMU with help of Iran saved them from US/saudi manufactured ISIL so I find it hard the believe that they would want to see the downfall of the PMU....where is that Iraqi when we need them..lol
Now you write about a regional matter, what's the point of resisting the west and in turn becoming a battleground between other countries when these same other states won't do the same?

The protests make sense, that gov is stealing all the and it's full of Kurds whom are foreigners. It's good that it happened as it removed the Kurdish loving prime minister
Yemen is not resisting?
Iran is not resisting?
Hezbollah is not resisting?
Syria is not resisting?
Yemen is not resisting?
Iran is not resisting?
Hezbollah is not resisting?
Syria is not resisting?

you are talking to a saudislave, as saudis destroyed his country he got also some damage to his mind..

the countries you counted are for him not arab enough.. (he will accept them if saudi accept them..)
you are talking to a saudislave, as saudis destroyed his country he got also some damage to his mind..

the countries you counted are for him not arab enough.. (he will accept them if saudi accept them..)

Do I have to remind you that Americans are supporting the PKK, whilst they use Incirlik airbase and your naval ports as they please
  • Russia says U.S. strikes on Iraq and Syria are unacceptable
  • Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr said Monday he was willing to work with Iran-backed militia groups – his political rivals – to end the United States' military presence in Iraq through political and legal means. If that does not work, he said he will "take other actions" in cooperation with his rivals to kick out U.S. troops.
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