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US strikes Katai'b Hezbollah facility in Iraq as response

A rather disturbing new development.There is going to have to be a response to this,at least in some manner.Hopefully whatever it is it wont just be political in nature.
A rather disturbing new development.There is going to have to be a response to this,at least in some manner.Hopefully whatever it is it wont just be political in nature.

This is because Iran and the militias crossed US red line and in a recent attack killed an American contractor.

If US didn’t establish deterrence, it would be open hunting of US troops.

I doubt there will be retaliation. Iran doesn’t want US bombing it’s sites in Iraq and Syria on top of what Israel is already doing
This is because Iran and the militias crossed US red line and in a recent attack killed an American contractor.

If US didn’t establish deterrence, it would be open hunting of US troops.

I doubt there will be retaliation. Iran doesn’t want US bombing it’s sites in Iraq and Syria on top of what Israel is already doing
There doesent have to be overt retaliation this can simply be used as a clear cut reason to increase the quality of the fire power available to the pmus,hopefully that by itself will be enough to send a clear message to the us forces.Deterrence needs to be actively maintained and provocations must be answered even more so in these very dangerous times with nutters like trump and pompeo at the helm.
Showing weakness of any kind to fascists can be literally fatal,history is pretty clear on that score.
There doesent have to be overt retaliation this can simply be used as a clear cut reason to increase the quality of the fire power available to the pmus,hopefully that by itself will be enough to send a clear message to the us forces.Deterrence needs to be actively maintained and provocations must be answered even more so in these very dangerous times with nutters like trump and pompeo at the helm.
Showing weakness of any kind to fascists can be literally fatal,history is pretty clear on that score.

You can’t attack the US then cry victim. I don’t see PMUs attacking Israel for attacking their bases.

Iran is pragmatic enough to let this not turn into a hot engagement.
You can’t attack the US then cry victim. I don’t see PMUs attacking Israel for attacking their bases.

Iran is pragmatic enough to let this not turn into a hot engagement.
Well for a start I didnt see the israelis occupying a part of iraq so that does tend to limit the pmus options for retaliation against them now doesnt it?.The us forces on the other hand ARE actually IN iraq so retaliation of one sort or another is a perfectly viable option.Frankly I couldnt really give a toss about who did what to who first,thats basically irrelevant at this level.What truly matters is credible deterrence and in order for that to be credible one has to be willing to do certain things,now this doesnt necessarily mean direct military retaliation ie you bomb me-I bomb you,tho it must be said that this does tend to be the most effective method,BUT there has to be some form of retaliatory action taken,even if it was just the mainly political gesture of publicly supplying the pmus with more advanced weapons,otherwise you run the very serious risk of encouraging your enemy to continue to act this way in future if he thinks there are few costs of any sort,be they military or political,to him.Now if iran was not facing neo fascist chumpists then I might be more inclined to take your view,but when facing fascists doing nothing is often the very worst option and sadly iran has already done far too much of that.
There shouldn't be a Hezbollah in Iraq to start with, this is just a foreign influence force benefitting Iran, not Iraq.

We need to get rid of these groups
i think these militants should not attack on u.s troops unless they have proper airdefences to protect against u.s strikes otherwise this will lead to more destruction in region particularly common civilians of iraq will suffer
It looks like the only evidence for the involvement of the pmus in the attack that killed a us contractor was 4 unfired rockets of iranian manufacture that were [conveniently?] left at the scene.Interestingly the vehicle that was used to presumably launch the others was of the converted small truck variety that jihadi groups had previously favored as lashed up mlrs launchers.
There shouldn't be a Hezbollah in Iraq to start with, this is just a foreign influence force benefitting Iran, not Iraq.

We need to get rid of these groups
These groups saved you from Isis. If you want a cuck-army like the one who fled Isis like cowards and the one who is scared to exit invaders (like Japanse), then you should dissolve all the resistance army, exactly what the zionist demand from Hezbollah in Lebanon so that they jewify the region.

i think these militants should not attack on u.s troops unless they have proper airdefences to protect against u.s strikes otherwise this will lead to more destruction in region particularly common civilians of iraq will suffer
If you remember baghdad juba for example then you know airdefence is nog necessary.

Strange , cause so far all the demonstration in Iraq where about ridding the country from Iran ...

Seems that the mullahs insane policy ,of arming their proxies with missiles and than hiding behind them when they fire at other countries , is not popular in Iraq.

0,1 % emo youth demonstrating to get rid of foreign armies (American military) from Iraq. Pmu are Iraqi forces, part of Iraqi army, not Iranian. Largest blocks in Iraqi Parliament are Shia parties, chosen freely by Iraqis. This is the silent majority beside the 0,1 % emo youth.

Then Khamenai mercenaries realized that attacking Americans is not as fun as helpless Syrian civilians.
The americans will flee Afghanistan and Iraq eventually like Vietnam, however Iran is part of the region.

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