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US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

Come up with something real instead of this hollow chest-thumping. We have stopped your road construction in Doklam and still sitting there....you could do zilch, all your warnings combined were valued less than a tissue paper by us. 'MASS BUILD UP' my foot.

Your Xingping had many handshakes with Modi.....well, it's not that I am denying your Xingping is a b*tch.
If you look at the pic properly, it was Modi seeking a handshake from him. Seems like an attention freak to me...like how he likes to take selfies with everyone.
Actually most of the Chinese on this forum are tool.

What they don't understand is a simple political game between India and China.

China wants India to withdraw which will symbolise both Indian defeat there and the fact that Bhutan can no longer depend upon India for their defence and foreign policy. Meaning it will push Bhutan into Chinese sphere. So actually India has got no choice there. Their tactical and strategic goal here is to make India withdraw. Rest will follow from that.

As far as confrontation goes, China has their game laid out there. They do not want to escalate to military confrontation, for obvious reasons. They do not want to get bogged down in a conflict right now. A conflict in which --however small-- there is chance of losing face. If India initiates the violence, they can always claim self defence but not the other way round. Hence their statement will go shriller and shriller and more provocative. Escalation of diplomatic statements will put more pressure on India government and if few shots are fired by Indian military on the border, all the better. It will allow UNSC and world powers to pressure India into de-escalation. A de-escalation in which Indian forces return India and India is seen as an aggressor. This will fulfill their goal.

For India, the path is pretty straight foreward. They want the status quo to continue till quite sometime. Each day India force remains firm in Bhutan while facing Chinese force, India cements her role as a protector and ally to Bhutan and will increase influence on Bhutan. Also it will send a strong signal to China that India will defend her interests in and outside their territory. For India, an escalation is out of question but a defensive position is vital. This is why Indian government is so quick in re-enforcing Indian army there with helicopters and more troops. They simply want their forces to remain entrenched and India response to Chinese diplomatic provocation is very calibrated and rare.

So in a nutshell, India wants status quo to continue. China wants to provoke India into committing a stupid mistake and use de-escalation under international pressure for making India withdraw their troops. Hence the present situation. In future too it will continue like this. Shriller statements from China and Indian government will only give calibrated response to Chinese shrills with no military action while continuing the standoff with China.
Indian :-)
The point was that we know how to play one power against another for achieving our strategic objectives.

As far as BD goes, It was simple, rather than to deal with Pakistan at two front, we would prefer to deal with two independent countries. Imagine, dealing with missile threats from East and West Pakistan together. Or dealing with shelling on both the borders.

And about those Bangladeshi Muslims, this is how we deal with them.

Our police shoots to kill these days and those Bangladeshi make some really good target.

BTW, can you clarify 'another state'? Which state has broken off with India?
Bro, there is no difference to China, it's still two Muslim states who are anti India. With the separation, the Pakistani military can now concentrate on Kashmir. It's a matter of propping up both and it is already happening. Bangladesh and Pakistan was supposed to be in the Indian Union, both broke off due to religion, what makes you think an islamized WB will not demand independence. There is a sizeable population in Hyderabad too.

CALVIN, James Barnard, Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Navy

"By 1961, India had acquired aircraft, helicopters, engi-
neering and other military equipment from the United States
and Russia. Thus equipped, the Indian army invaded Portugese
Goa in December, 1961.
Goa was rapidly constitutionally in-
corporated into the Indian republic. Although no real pro-
tests or opposition occurred as a result of this action, the
annexation of Goa reinforced China's view of India as being
This foreign military support also encouraged India to
pursue her forward policy in Aksai Chin. In 1961, India had
purchased eight Antov transports--complete with 40 Soviet
pilots, navigators and mechanics--for use in Aksai Chin.
Russian also supplied India with 24 Ilyushin-14 transports and
Mil'-4 helicopters, capable of lifting men and supplies to
altitudes of 17,000 feet. By mid-1962, India had also agreed
to buy two squadrons of Soviet MIG jet fighters. Thus forti-
fied, India pursued a more aggressive foreign policy against

By the end of 1961, Nehru had sent enough Indian Army
troops into Aksai Chin to establish about 43 posts on the
Ladakh frontier claimed by China. Many of the Indian outposts
were parallel to, but about 100 miles from, the first Chinese
military road. However, three of the outposts were near Konga
Pass, in the vicinity of the second Chinese highway.
In August, 1961, China began sending a series of angry
protests to India. China had one basic arguement: that Indan
troops had intruded into Chinese territory. Nehru's response
to Chou's complaints was that his (Nehru's) purpose was to
"vacate the aggression (by the Chinese) by whatever means are
feasible to us. . . . I do not see any kind of peace in the
frontier so long as all recognised aggression is not vacated."

Are you being ignorant, plain lying through your teeth or being brainwashed?
All that preparation for war and STRONK after military victory in Goa and you dare say India was taken by surprise.
India is surprised because India thought that with the support of Russia and USA, and China in the throes of famine will DEFINITELY not dare to respond to India's aggression.
India is surprised because India thought fighting the Chinese is like fighting the Portuguese.
India is surprised because how dare the Chinese oppose India, the leader of the non-aligned.
We will have to wait and see what the Chinese will do.

They waited 6 months and tried all means to settle with India peacefully in 1962.
The Indians mistook that as China's weakness and a fear of war with India.
The Chinese are again patiently waiting for the Indians to come to their senses and resolve this issue peacefully.
I am afraid given the war mongering and hegemonic mindset of the Indians, China would have to wait in vain.
The Chinese showed the Indians mercy and magnanimity in 1962 and this is the response they get from the ungrateful Indians.
Hope I don't have to wait too long before China will hit the Indians hard and show no mercy this time round.
Looking at Chinese political determination, they have the ability to fight a prolonged war, India can't afford to do this.
Bro, there is no difference to China, it's still two Muslim states who are anti India. With the separation, the Pakistani military can now concentrate on Kashmir. It's a matter of propping up both and it is already happening. Bangladesh and Pakistan was supposed to be in the Indian Union, both broke off due to religion, what makes you think an islamized WB will not demand independence. There is a sizeable population in Hyderabad too.

Looking at Chinese political determination, they have the ability to fight a prolonged war, India can't afford to do this.

Hindus are 70% of West Bengal's population
Bro, there is no difference to China, it's still two Muslim states who are anti India.
As far as China goes, Pakistan is not in complete control of China. Not as of now. They have a mind of their own, meaning they can and will mess with India with or without Chinese approval. So, which situation will you like to be in? Pakistan on east and west or Pakistan on west only?

BTW, India has resolved a lot of border issues vis-a-vis Bangladesh so BD's impetus is more to milk money and material from both China and India rather than to fight a war with India. Pakistan? They live to fight India!

With the separation, the Pakistani military can now concentrate on Kashmir.
For West Pakistan, we have another card in our kitty. Its called Afghanistan. Pakistani have to keep on shuffling their armies from their western border and their eastern border.

It's a matter of propping up both and it is already happening.
As far as China propping up both state goes, it makes things more expensive for Chinese and more complicated. Remember, unlike Pakistan where if you control Army, you control the nation, Bangladesh switches between pro-india and anti-india depending upon who is in power. It require more effort on Chinese front to keep them continuously anti India.

BTW, Bangladesh is not nuclear state. If it were with Pakistan we would be getting nuclear threats from two fronts. Not to mention shelling on two borders.

Bangladesh and Pakistan was supposed to be in the Indian Union, both broke off due to religion, what makes you think an islamized WB will not demand independence. There is a sizeable population in Hyderabad too.

If I were to believe a certain group of folks in this forum -- there was no India Union till 15th Aug 1947. So where does this question of these countries being a part of India Union arises? These folks chose to be a separate political entity from 1930s or so, when there was no political process in India union. And yet their religion was not able to keep them together and in '71 they broke again. On the other hand, India always had a massive muslim population, in Karnataka, in Andhra Pradesh and else where but till date there has been no demand for separate muslim state. All the demands were based on language at times.

Now as far as external Muslims seeping into India goes. Indian government lately has shown resolve in killing them. It is happening in Assam as we speak and in WB as well. We didn't elect a right winger for nothing.
And we have penetration aids in the warhead. Good luck!
English! do you even speak it? Or read or write for that matter. Go back to Chinese forums.
Your post criticizing Chinese members English(not their mother language) whereas English is the main language imposed on India by their colonial masters.

As far as China goes, Pakistan is not in complete control of China. Not as of now. They have a mind of their own, meaning they can and will mess with India with or without Chinese approval. So, which situation will you like to be in? Pakistan on east and west or Pakistan on west only?
So are you saying Pakistan is in partial control of China or you mean to say "Pakistan is not in complete control by China"
Maybe you would listen to your own advice and go back to Hindi, Tamil, Telegu forums only.:omghaha:
Or it would be best if you do not insult yourself by refraining from ridiculing others language especially those people who are not slaves of the British.
You don't find it worrying that even after separation they are still 20+% Muslims coupled with illegal immigration and lower caste conversions?

They have increased 20% to 27% in 70 years
I will let you to do the mathematics.
Your post criticizing Chinese members English(not their mother language) whereas English is the main language imposed on India by their colonial masters.
This forum is an English speaking forum, better learn writing -- and reading -- English properly or go elsewhere. Somewhere more Party controlled may be?
So are you saying Pakistan is in partial control of China or you mean to say "Pakistan is not in complete control by China"

As I said, you need to learn writing English properly. You are conflating between :
(a) Pakistan is not in complete control of China.
(b) Pakistan is not completely controlled by China.

Which is why you are not able to parse a simple sentence like this.

BTW 'Pakistan is not in complete control of China' is a grammatically correct. UNLIKE 'Pakistan is not in complete control by China [sic]'. Chinese government seriously need to hire better shrills to post on English speaking forums. Or may be Singaporean schooling is not what it used to be.

So, either learn the language properly or stick to your chicken scratch, you miserable spawn of Japanese atrocities in Nanjing.

You know exponential growth?
*Ahem* population growth is always exponential but rate itself may decelerate as the population grows older. In India, Muslim population is younger and BTW, it was growing at its fastest in 1990s, since then it has slowed a lot and even in 100 years we do not expect them to be anywhere near 50%.
This forum is an English speaking forum, better learn writing -- and reading -- English properly or go elsewhere. Somewhere more Party controlled may be?

As I said, you need to learn writing English properly. You are conflating between :
(a) Pakistan is not in complete control of China.
(b) Pakistan is not completely controlled by China.
Which is why you are not able to parse a simple sentence like this.

BTW 'Pakistan is not in complete control of China' is a grammatically correct. Chinese government seriously need to hire better shrills to post on English speaking forums.

So, either learn the language properly or stick to your chicken scratch, you miserable spawn of Japanese atrocities in Nanjing.
Uneducated calling others.
This is a English speaking forum for DEFENCE MATTERS.
NOT a English Forum.
For English Forum go here.
good riddance.
You don't find it worrying that even after separation they are still 20+% Muslims coupled with illegal immigration and lower caste conversions?
Actually we have seen worse. Punjab in 70s and 80s had much bigger chance of breaking off. Needless to say, it didn't happen and separatist movement was crushed by ironically Sikhs themselves.
You are so CORRECT and learn how to spell correctly as well before you come back.
Good Riddance.
Singaporeans are indeed intelligent.
Don't get spanked for not knowing your master's language properly.
Such Low IQ person dare to criticize others language instead of focusing on the issue on hand.
Ching Chong Ching Chong! Stick to that, it suits you better. :rofl:
You know exponential growth?

20% to 27% in 70 years with illegal immigration is not exponential
the crackdown on illegal immigration is getting harder

Why would all West Bengali Muslims want to join Bangladesh ? It is a poorer society.
In 70 years who knows how much of Bangladesh will be under the ocean.
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