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US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

I will tag you again end of July to check on the war.

Reuters is unreliable, and Global Times and Amir Liaquat are the benchmarks in the world of journalism?

We can easily smash your face even without Pakistan attacking. How do you think you can replenish your weapons when you don't even have the ability for mass production. Russia will watch, US will watch, NATO will watch. You think your country's pathetic industry capability can match with China's might and wealth?
I will tag you again end of July to check on the war.

Reuters is unreliable, and Global Times and Amir Liaquat are the benchmarks in the world of journalism?
Precisely. :enjoy:

The same Basic logic can be applied to the Chinese trolls and their war cries in PDF. Will Xi shoot at his own foot while trying to attack India?
Or just let Joker Times issue regular warnings.

Xi threatened a small Island nation with war.
But when it comes to larger countries Xi was Smiling :-)
India never join OBOR. Perfect target for China. :enjoy:
You can never understand Indian logic. Their logic is not in line with world standard. :enjoy:

Put it bluntly, its no standard. [emoji38]
It's downright hilarious how capable they think their military is. Just reading some of their answers on Quora makes me chuckle.

The fact is they cannot gain air superiority over Pakistan, they cannot impose a naval blockade, and their ground forces cannot penetrate deep into Pakistan. Pakistan can defend itself from Hindustan in a conventional war and then some. Even if Hindustan magically overwhelms Pakistan, nukes will fly and everyone loses.
We can easily smash your face even without Pakistan attacking. How do you think you can replenish your weapons when you don't even have the ability for mass production. Russia will watch, US will watch, NATO will watch. You think your country's pathetic industry capability can match with China's might and wealth?
Sure buddy, if that's what helps you sleep at night in Rawalpindi.
Before you and China easily smash India's face: first try and take on countries like Vietnam & Philippines that constantly defy China both diplomatically and militarily over disputed territory.
Also remember all of China trade, oil and other needs pass through the Indian ocean- any real war would ensure that the Chinese economic machinery comes to a sudden halt.
Give India a reason to throw fair trade out the window and exploit the trade deficit with China and see what happens.
Give Uncle Sam a reason to breath down China's neck, and hurl economic sanctions at China and then see what happens.
There will be no war and China is in the wrong here.

As your beloved Mr. Zafar Hilali would say- "wake up and smell the coffee".

Didn't know 10 frigates and 8 submarines don't count as a navy.
LOL. Read your own post over and over until you get the joke.
Sure buddy, if that's what helps you sleep at night in Rawalpindi.
Before you and China easily smash India's face: first try and take on countries like Vietnam & Philippines that constantly defy China both diplomatically and militarily over disputed territory.
Also remember all of China trade, oil and other needs pass through the Indian ocean- any real war would ensure that the Chinese economic machinery comes to a sudden halt.
Give India a reason to throw fair trade out the window and exploit the trade deficit with China and see what happens.
Give Uncle Sam a reason to breath down China's neck, and hurl economic sanctions at China and then see what happens.
There will be no war and China is in the wrong here.

As your beloved Mr. Zafar Hilali would say- "wake up and smell the coffee".

LOL. Read your own post over and over until you get the joke.

Indians you just wait, after next couple years mass arm race production, our navy and airforce will be at least 10 times your size, and we will take care all of you, India, Vietnam, Philippine. We will take care of you real good.
China waited 6 months in 1962 and many warnings before giving up and counter attacking the delusional Indians who thought that China was too weak to respond to India's aggression.
Lol! No, you did a surprise attack, with overwhelming numbers. That was your great strategy, Indian army was outnumbered and was concentrated at the western side. In short, Nehru never expected China to attack.
Now this strategy will not work.:enjoy:
I sure hope China don't wait 6 or 10 months and giving unnecessary warnings before action.
No point talking to war mongering and nationalistic brainwashed Indians, they will mistaken China to be weak, just like in 1962.
Nobody counts anyone as weak. Even if India wants to fight Nepal, they can't do that without causality. So, war mongering part is done by the Chinese.
Just hit them and hit them hard and there will be peace for another 100 years.
That's the thing about wars, once you surprised us with an attack, you think we won't be prepared next time. It's immature to think, you won't get a bloody nose when you mess with India.
Even if trade is affected, $50 billion trade surplus is not all profits. Considering 10% profit, its only $5 billion, not a huge amount for China to forgo considering national security and pride of the nation.
What's the war budget? In an event of war, there will be billions spend on it. So, go ahead and calculate. You need a piece of land for billions of dollars.
:lol: My logic is easy to understand but you Indian can never be logic.
Joker Times Logic. :lol: Empty threats. Now go back to your cave.
That's the thing about wars, once you surprised us with an attack, you think we won't be prepared next time. It's immature to think, you won't get a bloody nose when you mess with India.

Dont amuse me, even if you give us a bloody nose, we will level your entire country with just conventional rockets, missiles, bombs and wipe ur existence off the map, CAN YOU? and dont bs with nuclear cauz noone will go nuclear while us and russia watching.
Dont amuse me, even if you give us a bloody nose, we will level your entire country with just conventional rockets, missiles, bombs and wipe ur existence off the map, CAN YOU? and dont bs with nuclear cauz noone will go nuclear while us and russia watching.
Actually China got more to lose because China simply have more. Will it matter if the country is destroyed by conventional weapons or nuclear? Once the war gets out of hand no one cares who is watching. If US and Russia don't stop the war escalation, why do you think they will have any power to stop India from launching a all out nuclear attack on China once few major cities in India are destroyed? There is not going to be any India left so all bets are off.

About 100 nukes, each 200 KT will do it. Beijing, Teijin, Nanking, Shanghai, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Hunan etc will be nuked out of existance and with it Chinese dream of becoming the middle kingdom.
Good now deal this.

LOL nice missile you got there that doesn't even have MIRV capability. While Chinese missiles have MIRV carrying 10 warheads, which MEANS ONE MISSILE CAN DESTROY 10 CITIES IN INDIA. btw enlighten me how many your chest thumping Agni-V u got there? LOL
Actually China got more to lose because China simply have more. Will it matter if the country is destroyed by conventional weapons or nuclear? Once the war gets out of hand no one cares who is watching. If US and Russia don't stop the war escalation, why do you think they will have any power to stop India from launching a all out nuclear attack on China once few major cities in India are destroyed? There is not going to be any India left so all bets are off.

About 100 nukes, each 200 KT will do it. Beijing, Teijin, Nanking, Shanghai, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Hunan etc will be nuked out of existance and with it Chinese dream of becoming the middle kingdom.

The point is your so called Agni-V missile doesn't even have MIRV capability. So how r u going to destroy any city with China missile defense system? while our missile each carry 10 warheads can target 10 cities at the same time. Yeah I only see India getting wiped out of this world.
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